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Sociology ! HELP ME !
Hey guys! I'm in a sticky situation! I think I failed Finance this semester, so I am taking the Sociology CLEP so that I can still graduate in May even if I fail Finance. I'm just now starting to study, and my test is next Thursday. I've heard this test is fairly easy, but I still think it's gonna be pretty tough to learn 50% of a class in a week. Any advice you can give me on what to study would be great. Also, how hard is it? Is studying the flashcards enough?
I just took this CLEP yesterday afternoon and received a 64.
I studied IC - went through all the question sets 3 times.
I took all 3 tests on Petersen's.
That's it. I will say that when I first started taking it, I thought I was going to fail because some of those questions where nothing about what I studied or at least they didn't seem to be!
Read the specific section on that test in IC too.
This should help and also check out the Specific Exam Feedback Section you can do it.

Sociology : SparkCharts

You can almost definitely learn enough to pass the Sociology CLEP with just a week of study. I studied for 1 day and got a 77. I did it the same week I did Biology (and gave Biology the lion's share of the 'study time') - when I realized I'd only given myself a bit less than a day for Soc, I almost canceled my appt., but instead just cranked the coffee maker, stayed up late and learned the REA Sociology book cover to cover. If you can pick up a copy of the REA guide and learn it (it's one of the thinner REA's, BTW) you'll pass with flying colors. Smile
- Lia
TESC, BA Psychology (Done, Graduation June 2009)
TESC, BSBA/Gen Mgmt. (In Progress)

CLEP: Freshman Col Comp 77| Info Systems & Apps 74| Intro to Psych 79| A. & I. Literature 79| Principles of Marketing 76| Human Growth & Dev. 74| Intro to Ed. Psych 74| Biology 74| Sociology 77| Natural Sciences 69| English Comp w/ Essay 59| Macroeconomics 70| Microeconomics 69
DSST: Mgmt. Info Systems 466| Environment & Humanity 71| Organizational Behavior 73| Astronomy 72| Technical Writing 65| General Anthropology 73| Human/Cultural Geography 70| Physical Geology 58| Fundamentals of Counseling 74| Ethics in America 467
ALEKS: Business Statistics| Intro to Statistics| Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
TECEP: Behavior Mod. Techniques| Psych of Personality| Experimental Psych| Social Psych| Psych of Women | Abnormal Psych
12 Asstd. FEMAs

Current/Up Next:
DSSTs Substance Abuse, Prin. of Supervision & Human Res. Mgmt.
ALEKS PreCalculus
+1 for the REA book. It took me one or two days to read through it one time and I was good to go. Good luck.
thank you guys so much! I really appreciate the quick replies... I feel much better now. Where could I get that REA book on such short notice? Anybody know? Also... how much will the flashcards be able to help me.. because right now instacert is all I'm using!
REA book with CD (practice tests) and then go through IC slides.
BA Social Sciences TESC 2009

Humanities 64 | Intro Sociology 74 | Intro Psychology 74 | College Mathematics 60 | H.G. & Dev. 66
A&I Literature 65 | Educational Psychology 71 | American Government 67 | US History I 67 | US History II 72
Social Sciences & History 65 | English Comp 63
Civil War 61 | Substance Abuse 463 | Intro Computing 465 | Technical Writing 66 | Anthropology 66 | Prin. of Supervision 62
Enviro & Humanity 68 | Org Behavior 67 | Astronomy 60 | Ethics 467
World Population A | Research Methods in Psychology A | Adulthood & Aging A | Gerontology A | UExcel Political Science B

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Read My Story[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"] Tested out of 120 credits in 11 months. Started with [COLOR="Blue"]0[/COLOR] credits on April 20, 2008 - Finished on March 18th 2009
[SIZE="3"][COLOR="#800080"][COLOR="#4B0082"]If you've been helped by someone on this forum then help someone on this forum.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR]
Standard Deviants video too.
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
I just took this exam and scored a 64 on it, with one week of studying. I only used IC for it. If I can do it anyone can. Big Grin

Intro to Psychology 53/50
Intro to Management 59/50
Intro to Sociology 62/50
Humanities 54/50

Intro to Computing 56/45
World Religions 405/400


Community College 9 sm hours Gen Elective

oops make that a 62Big Grin

Intro to Psychology 53/50
Intro to Management 59/50
Intro to Sociology 62/50
Humanities 54/50

Intro to Computing 56/45
World Religions 405/400


Community College 9 sm hours Gen Elective


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