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There's always The Manga Guide to Statistics.

[Image: 51jMyfVvrqL.jpg]

They do Calculus and Linear Algebra, too!
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
i don't know if i'm horrified by this manga, or delighted.

i'm math-phobic (embarrassingly so), so i did "social science stats" at my local CC, and ended up getting an A+ despite bombing the final. I have no idea how it happened -- i did great on every exam and project up until the final, but i essentially left a lot of answers blank on the final and still got the A+.

That seems statistically impossible, but what do i know about stats? I quit the final :p

Anyway, my opinion with courses that you're not comfortable with is to go a traditional route. that's probably not a popular opinion around here, but i think one should know their weaknesses and tackle them head on. Speech and math courses seem to often fall into this category. Composition as well, i believe.
Northwestern California University School of Law
JD Law, 2027 (in progress, currently 2L)

Georgia Tech
MS Cybersecurity (Policy), 2021

Thomas Edison State University
BA Computer Science, 2023
BA Psychology, 2016
AS Business Administration, 2023
Certificate in Operations Management, 2023
Certificate in Computer Information Systems, 2023

Western Governors University
BS IT Security, 2018

Chaffey College
AA Sociology, 2015

Accumulated Credit: Undergrad: 258.50 | Graduate: 32

View all of my credit on my Omni Transcript!
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I had a hard time getting statistics. I tried aleks, and straighterline (intro not business) and ended up using sophia. I loved sophia's video based approach. They focus a bit more on research design than you would in a normal stats course, but I don't mind that. Honestly, I welcomed the research design areas because it broke up the stats part!

It's a bit pricier than our other options and I took it when they were offering a special, but I'd do it again even at full price because I was so frustrated with the other offerings.
Currently studying for: Still deciding.

2020 - Harvard Extension School - ALM IT Management 
2019 - Harvard Extension School - Graduate Certificate Data Science
2018 - Harvard Extension School - Graduate Certificate Cyber Security
2016 - WGU - MBA Mgmt & Strategy
2015 - Thomas Edison State College - BSBA Marketing & CIS
Ok,. I'll be getting that manga one just because.

The Udacity MOOC seems like what I'm looking for, I think I'll try that and a stats textbook for additional study.
Pursuing TESC BSBA CIS: ~100/120

CCAF Air & Space Operations Technology: April 2014

CLEP: Humanities, A&I Lit, SocSci & History, Intro Sociology, English Comp, Freshman College Comp, Principles of Management, History of the US I/II, Intro to Computing

DSST: InfoSys & Comp Apps, Intro to the Modern Middle East, Management Information Systems, Fundamentals of Cybersecurity, Human Resource Management, Principles of Supervision, Western Europe since 1945

AMU: Public Speaking, History of Explosive Ordnance Disposal, College Algebra

ALS (CCAF): Leadership/Management I, Managerial Communication I, Military Studies I

Sophia: Microeconomics

Straighterline: Accounting I/II

TECEP: English Comp I/II, Computer Concepts & Applications, Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics, Strategic Management (March 2017 Semester)

TESU OL: Python Programming (March 2017 Semester), Systems Analysis & Design I (March 2017 Semester)
I haven't used it just yet but I used their sister site for accounting and would recommend it 100%

Statistics​ - Home
Completed BSc in Business Administration (COSC) May 31st, 2017

( Psychology 101 / Psychology 102 / US History 1 / Principles of Management / Western Civilization II / Environmental Science 101 / Psychology 103 / US History 2 / Geology 101 / Earth Science / Psychology 107 / Political Science 102 / Sociology 101 / Principles of Marketing / Financial Accounting / Managerial Accounting / Principles of Finance
(Saylor) Business Law and Ethics
(DSST) Vietnam War / World Religions / Business Ethics and Society / Technical Writing / Management Information Systems
(CLEP) Microeconomics / Macroeconomics / English Literature / American Literature / College Composition
(UExcel) Human Resource Management / Research Methods in Psychology / World Population / Labor Relations / Psychology of Adulthood & Aging / Social Psychology / BioEthics / Organizational Behavior
(COSC) Conerstone / Capstone
(Straighterline) Intro to Communications / Biology Lab / Business Statistics
First post here. Been searching for UExcel Statistics exam specific feedback. I have two exam left for my general education and I'm starting full time in the Excelsior BSN program in January. I've been using and blowing out an exam a week for the last couple months with acceptable results. I've hit Statistics now and I'm a little concerned. I give myself 2 weeks for this one but I'd like some feed back on the exam itself. Has anyone taken it? What were your thoughts? Some of the exams seem to run fast and loose with the grading so I'm wondering how difficult it is to get a C grade. I went into the Weather and Climate exam poorly prepared and only truly knew about 10% of the material on the test. of the 5 areas they grade, I got 70% in one of them, 64% in another and 50% and BELOW in the other 3 areas and still passed with a C grade. Hoping it's the same thing for Statistics but don't have a clue what to expect.

I've built out my signature to show what I've done incase I can offer any advice to others that need it.


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