(04-12-2021, 07:21 PM)vanglorious Wrote: I've been putting this course off for several months because it's not needed until the beginning of June. I've viewed the project portion before and after skipping through the chapters don't feel like the assignment has been designed for CS 306 Computer Architecture since the information needed to complete it is not taught via the course material.
I've read more than a few complaints about this detail via this forum and since, I know that Study.com employees have been active here, I wonder why it hasn't been updated to reflect course knowledge. Nevertheless, I want to complete the assignment before I start a new subscription month as I need to complete 3 exams and don't want to run out of time.
Could anyone offer notes or tips?
Here are some sources to help you get going. Remember that you can resubmit the assignment for a better grade.
Phase One:
This site has an instruction set that might give you some ideas for instructions to suggest in your project.
Go to "Step 14: Microprogramming" for an explanation of what some opcodes do. Other parts of the article could be useful for the rest of your project.
Phase Two:
I don't think it matters which opcode you assign to which operation. Do make sure that your ALU matches your opcode table. Include in your opcode table the 9 instructions the instructions suggest in Phase One and the 5 you suggested.
On page 134 is a diagram labeled "Fig. 3 A Simple ALU Schematic Diagram on Logisim". I used this method for my ALU. Don't forget to cite your sources.
Ichsan, Mochammad Hannats Hanafi & Kurniawan, Wijaya. (2017). Design and implementation 8 bit CPU architecture on Logisim for undergraduate learning support. 132-137. 10.1109/SIET.2017.8304123.
Or you could use Study.com's method in Chapter 5 Lesson 10 "Building an ALU Using Logisim".
This page also details how to build 4 bit Adder/Subtractor, 4 bit AND, and 4 bit OR circuits. These can be expanded to 8 bit circuits for this project. Study.com is especially easy to cite because they have a handy "Cite this lesson" button under the lesson transcript.
Phase Four:
This page has some examples of assembly language statements, such as INC, MOV, and ADD:
INC COUNT ; Increment the memory variable COUNT
MOV TOTAL, 48 ; Transfer the value 48 in the
; memory variable TOTAL
ADD AH, BH ; Add the content of the
; BH register into the AH register
AND MASK1, 128 ; Perform AND operation on the
; variable MASK1 and 128
ADD MARKS, 10 ; Add 10 to the variable MARKS
MOV AL, 10 ; Transfer the value 10 to the AL register