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Robin Dive Bombing House & Carpenter Bees
Oh, the joys of home ownership. There is a Robin who keeps bumping into my house. At first, I couldn't figure out what it was, so I went out and sat in my car. There's this Robin who lands on my house, on my light fixture, and then, just for fun, bumps up against my house. Most of the time on/near curtained windows. My neighbors must think I'm crazy (well, I am, but that's another story) 'cause I just kept popping out of my car waiving a newspaper and saying, "shoo." As if that isn't enough nature, I have two ?colonies? ?families? ?invading forces? of carpenter bees in two posts of my back stoop. Any ideas (preferably, nature friendly*) to get rid of them? *Yes, I see the irony of writing "nature friendly" when I am anything but nature friendly. At this point, I'm thinking the government should bring back our troops from Afghanistan and start using those weapons on these critters. I don't want to kill the Robin, I just want it to go somewhere else. I don't mind killing the bees, I just don't want to use something that's going to wreck my health, or do any more damage to the environment than it absolutely has to. Sheesh. The stupid Robin has just hit the window near my computer a few times. Too stupid for words.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
The robin is in love with his/her reflection - some folks hang inflated balloons in front of the window - I used to hang a super-reflective hawk-shaped mylar cutout in front of mine - that scares the bejeebers out of them - They stop eventually - However, it is very likely this robin will return each year and do the same thing - Crazy, mixed kid - I've always called them the Narcissus birds - They make a mess that's for sure - Be thankful they haven't fallen in love with your car sideview mirror - EwYuck!!! What a mess...
As for the Carpenter bees - there is a great article on handling them at - You don't have to use pesticides - a vacuum cleaner and hole filler (caulk) will do the trick.
Good luck - Isn't Spring great?!!
I had Carpenter Bees in my last house. It took alot to actually get rid of them.
I hated to use kryptonite to get rid of them. Hence, I finally had to succumb to the kryptonite.
Hate to do it, but so much damage was already done I did not have many options at that point.
They just did not want to leave my home.

I think Storygirl is right about the reflection aspect of your visiting Robin.
I did have a Cardinal that met an un-timely death by crashing into my home repeatedly.
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."~ Henry David

BA Humanities - TESC
AAS Construction and Facilities Support - TESC
AA Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Management - MCC

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