X #911 Wrote:CLEP : The College Level Examination Program (Kaplan CLEP)
[ only have a partial IBSN # of 0743262581. Edition 2005 ]
Is this a great study guide to supplement with IC?
Does anyone know what subjects does this go over?
Is it even worth purchasing? A duplicate of Collegeboards??
I'm not familiar with the Kaplan Study Guide. However, looking at the description on Amazon, this guide covers the 5 general exams. These are English Comp, Mathematics, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Science and History. According to the description, this guide contains two full-length practice tests on each subject. The College Board's study guide only contains a single, shorter practice test for each of the 35 CLEP subjects.
For the 3 general exams that I took, I used
REA's CLEP General Exams The Best Test Prep for the CLEP General Exams (their title not mine.

). I also used the COMEX books for Humanities and the History and Social Science exams. The REA book includes a CD that has 2 computer based exams for each subject and the book has an additional exam along with the 2 on the CD. There is an explanations section for the exams that explains each answer and in some cases provides additional information.
The first test that I took, I had not found InstantCert yet. So I used nothing but the REA book and the COMEX book. I studied by taking the REA exams over and over until I knew the answers to all of the questions without looking at the multiple choices. In other words, I used them like "fill in the blank" instead of multiple choice. I also made sure that I knew the explanations thoroughly. After all of that, I then took the test in the College Board's study guide. If I answered correctly more than 75% of the questions in the College Board sample test, then I knew I was ready.
My recommendation is that you get a study guide that provides explanations and at least a couple of sample tests. Study it for a week or two and then take the sample test in the College Board book. Also study here at IC to fill in additional information. If you do well on that (60% or higher), then sit the exam. You'll be glad you did.