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Received Evaluations from TESC and COSC - looks like greek to me. Help please.
Academic Evaluation
Program: BA in Liberal Studies

S.H. S.H. Applied S.H. Comm Coll S.H to Overall TESC
Required to Degree Req Remaining S.H. Applied be Planned GPA Met GPA
120.00 111.00 9.00 34.00 9.00 YES

BA General Education (60 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 54.00
Complete all 4 subrequirements:
A: Intellectual Skills (Completed)
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) of Intellectual and
> Practical Skills coursework, to include:
> *English Composition I, 3SH with grade of C or better
> *English Composition II (Writing Intensive), 3SH with grade
> of C or better
> *Math, 3SH
> *Intellectual and Practical Skills Electives, 6SH
Semester Hours Completed: 15.00
ENC-101 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. ENC-101... English Composition I.... 3.00 CR ENC-101 *NE
ENC-102 (Writing Intensive) (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
4.. ENG114 Prof Research & Reporting 3.00 A ENC-102 *CC *TE
Math (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. MAT-121... College Algebra.......... 3.00 CR MAT-121 *NE
Intellectual and Practical Skills (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
4.. CIS110 Introduction to Computers 3.00 A CIS-107 *CC *TE
4.. COM231 Public Speaking.......... 3.00 A COM-209 *CC *TE

B: Responsibility (In Progress)
> Complete 9 semester hours (SH) in Personal and Social
> Responsibility coursework to include:
> *Diversity or Global Literacy, 3SH
> *Responsible Ethical Leadership, 3SH
> *Elective, 3SH
Semester Hours Completed: 3.00
Diversity or Global Literacy (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. SOC-101... Introduction to Sociology 3.00 CR SOC-101 *NE
Responsible Ethical Leadership (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Personal and Social Responsibility Elective (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes

C: Human Cultures (Completed)
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in Human Cultures and the
> Physical and Natural World to include:
> *Humanities, 3SH
> *Social Sciences, 3SH
> *Natural Sciences, 3SH
> Choose electives from Humanities, Social
> Sciences, Natural Sciences and Interdisciplinary course, 9SH
Semester Hours Completed: 18.00

Student: Ms. @ Staff: datatel Date: 01/14/14 Page: 3
Humanities (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PF110 Elementary Pf Conversatio 3.00 A- PER-120 *TE
Social Sciences (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. POS-110... American Government...... 3.00 CR POS-110 *NE
Natural Sciences (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. BIO-112... General Biology II....... 3.00 CR BIO-112 *NE
Interdisciplinary (Completed)

Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. BIO-111... General Biology I........ 3.00 CR BIO-111 *NE
4.. ART111 Art Appreciation......... 3.00 A ART-100 *CC *TE
4.. PSY150 General Psychology....... 3.00 A PSY-101 *CC *TE

D: General Ed Electives (Completed)
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in General Education
> Electives.
Semester Hours Completed: 18.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
4.. HIS112 World Civil II........... 3.00 A HIS-102 *CC *TE
1.. PF102 Elementary Persian Farsi 5.00 B+ PER-102 *TE
1.. PF101 Elementary Persian Farsi 5.00 B PER-101 *TE
4.. GEL120 Physical Geology......... 4.00 A GEO-151 *CC *TE
1.. PF150 Persian Farsi Area Studie 1.00 A PER-199 *TE
BA Liberal Studies (30 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 30.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.114 / 2.000
Complete both subrequirements:
A: Upper Level (15 SH) (Completed)
> Complete 15 semester hours of 300 and 400 level Liberal
> Arts and Sciences coursework. At least TWO or more
> different areas must be included within the entire
> Concentration to provide breadth of knowledge in the
> Liberal Studies Area.
Semester Hours Completed: 15.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PF310 Advanced Pf Conversation. 3.00 B+ PER-327 *TE
2.. ANTH11 Deal With Diversity...... 3.00 B SOC-322 *CC *TE
1.. PF302 Advanced Persian Farci II 4.00 C+ PER-302 *TE
1.. PF301 Advanced Persian Farsi I. 4.00 B+ PER-301 *TE
1.. PF350 Persian Farsi Area Studie 1.00 B PER-399 *TE

B: Liberal Stud (15 SH) (Completed)
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) of Liberal Arts and Sciences
> coursework. A maximum of 6 credits can be at the 100 level.
Semester Hours Completed: 15.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PF340 Persian Farsi Area Cultur 1.00 A PER-399 *TE
1.. PF320 Comprehensive Military To 2.00 B PER-399 *TE
1.. PF210 Intermediate Conversation 3.00 A- PER-220 *TE
3.. PSY-211... Developmental Psychology. 3.00 CR PSY-211 *NE
3.. LIT-206... American Literature II... 3.00 CR LIT-206 *NE
3.. LIT-205... American Literature I.... 3.00 CR LIT-205 *NE
Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)

Student: Ms. @ Staff: datatel Date: 01/14/14 Page: 4
> Complete course LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone for 3
> semester hours (SH).
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ LIB-495___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed
BA Free Electives (27 SH)
> Complete 27 semester hours of Free Electives.
Semester Hours Completed: 27.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. FLAN91 Flan Work Exp............ 3.00 A COP-199 *CC *TE
4.. REL211 Intro to Old Testament... 3.00 A REL-259 *CC *TE
3.. LAW-201... Business Law............. 3.00 CR LAW-201 *NE
3.. MAN-301... Principles of Management. 3.00 CR MAN-301 *NE
1.. PF201 Intermediate Persian Farc 4.00 B+ PER-201 *TE
1.. PF202 Intermediate Persian Fars 4.00 B PER-202 *TE
1.. PF240 Persian Farsi Culture II. 1.00 A PER-299 *TE

1.. PF140 Intro to Persian Farsi Cu 1.00 A PER-199 *TE
2.. PFIT50 Ind Fitness Program...... 2.00 A PEA-199 *CC *TE
4.. ACA120 Career Assessment........ 1.00 A FEL-199 *CC *TE
1.. PF220 Intro to Military Topics 2.00 B PER-299 *TE
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------

3 HEA-195 First Aid 1.00 CR HEA-195 *NE
3 MSC-161 Outdoor/Survival Skills 1.00 CR MSC-161 *NE
3 MSC-131 Marksmanship 1.00 CR MSC-131 *NE
3 PEA-199 Spec. Stud. in Selected T 1.00 CR PEA-199 *NE
3 ENC-102 English Composition II 3.00 CR ENC-102 *RI*NE*DUP
1 PF250 Persian Farsi Area Studie 1.00 A- PER-299 *TE
(Credits in parentheses are anticipated earned)
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19
That evaluation ended with:

Student Remarks:
01/08/14 You have received your academic evaluation which is an assessment of
your transfer credit. The academic evaluation is a to
ol which will
enable you to make a decision regarding enrollment at Thomas Edison
State College. If you have any questions regardin
g your academic
evaluation, please call toll free number 1-888-442-8372.

01/08/14 Please note that students who are part of the tuition plans listed
below must complete an academic residency requirement in
order to
graduate from Thomas Edison State College:

Military Degree Completion Plan
Navy College Partnership Program
EArmy U Progr
Per Credit Tuition Plan

These students must earn twelve (12) semester hours of Thomas Edison
State College credit toward an asso
ciate degree and twenty-four (24)
semester hours of Thomas Edison State College credit toward a
baccalaureate degree. These credits
must be applied toward the
student's degree requirements. Thomas Edison State College credit
includes: Guided Study/Online/Blended
/e-Pack courses, TECEP exams
and/or Portfolio Assessment.

For more information regarding available tuition plans please go to
the f
ollowing link:
Thomas Edison State College: Selecting the Right Tuition Plan.


*CC Community College Credit
*DUP Duplicates other credits
*NE Non-course Equivalency
*RI Ruled Ineligible for this program
*TE Transfer Equivalency
*U Used! - has already been used elsewhere
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19
Sooooooooooo is TESC saying I need two courses and a capstone? That's it? Am I missing something?
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19
soliloquy Wrote:Sooooooooooo is TESC saying I need two courses and a capstone? That's it? Am I missing something?

Yeah, it looks like you just need nine credits. Fill in those gaps and you're done! That fine print you posted after the evaluation changes a few things though. If you are using their military plan or other plans mentioned then the residency requirement must be met use that agreement. If you were to pay for the enrollment as a traditional student (enrolled options is the plan that fits your situation) you'd bypass that and just take those nine credits to finish.
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
Ok, thanks! I'll have to go look at their tuition options in the morning. The website seems to be down.

It looks like from COSC eval I'd need:

Technology in Law
Global Understanding (World Religions DSST)
Interpersonal Business/Communications
Civil Procedure (might be taken from credential evaluation)
Constitutional Law

For BS (Paralegal Studies Concentration)

This is a lot to think about....
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19
soliloquy Wrote:It looks like from COSC eval I'd need: […]

Global Understanding (World Religions DSST)

I wouldn't be surprised if, after a short convincing explanation, they accepted your credits in Persian Farsi Area Studies to fulfill this requirement.

soliloquy Wrote:Interpersonal Business/Communications

Note UExcel ECEP (formerly ECE) tests in Interpersonal Communication and in Workplace Communication with Computers.
Thank you! I really don't know if it's better to go the "fast" route and just get the degree in liberal studies. I have a lot to think about. I've spent most of my time gaining information from COSC because I was leaning towards COSC for enrollment. It seemed like the best option BS with a concentration in Paralegal Studies. However, with TESC, I need only two classes and a capstone to complete a BA in Liberal Studies. That is not the degree that I prefer but it is less expensive (especially considering that I need a credential evaluation now and do not really know when it would be completed prior to scheduling my first classes so that I can have an idea of what my plan is). I already have a paralegal certificate from UGA and my professional certifications from NALA which I believe would keep me marketable in my field. Most paralegals aren't expected to have a BS with a concentration in paralegal studies. The status quo is generally a BA in anything plus a paralegal certificate or an Associates in Paralegal Technology or Paralegal Studies.

I haven't made a final decision yet. I'll be taking the next day or two to think about my options. I wasn't expecting TESC's evaluation to come back the way it did. In the interim, I'm still waiting for COSC to send me the application for the credential evaluation (they decided last week that they have to complete a new one rather than use the one in the system....that will cost me 300 roughly for the evaluation). I've asked for a rough estimate of how long a credential evaluation takes to no avail? My only other question might be....could I do both the BA program at TESC in Liberal Studies and the BS w/ Paralegal Studies concentration at COSC? I know I can only use Financial Aid at either COSC or TESC.

Also, I realize I need to make a decision very soon. I received an email from financial aid from COSC that states if I don't accept my award it will be revoked. I'm not sure exactly how much time I stated a cancellation date of January 31, 2014. I'm feeling the pressure a bit.
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19
If you go the TESC route you can easily knock out 2 S.L. courses over the weekend, Anthropology and Business Ethics, using coupon code BGS-310, both courses would cost you $150 plus an e-book from Chegg. Enroll and start the capstone Feb.1, and you could possibly have a diploma by June.
BA in Social Science-TESC
Arnold Fletcher Award

[h=1]“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” ~Thomas Edison[/h]
I'm with everyone else on this one. I love COSC, but you are VERY close to being finished at TESC, and finishing somewhere is better than not finishing at all.

As you said. After you graduate at TESC, you can always go back to COSC and finish their BS in Paralegal Studies. However, I really don't see the point, considering that you already have a Certificate from UGA (go Dawgs!) and the professional certification.

ironheadjack Wrote:If you go the TESC route you can easily knock out 2 S.L. courses over the weekend, Anthropology and Business Ethics, using coupon code BGS-310, both courses would cost you $150 plus an e-book from Chegg. Enroll and start the capstone Feb.1, and you could possibly have a diploma by June.

The OP indicated the desire to use financial aid. In order to receive financial aid, one has to be enrolled in at least 6 credits. Perhaps the OP could take one of the SL courses, and use financial aid and take the other two at TESC.
[COLOR="#0000FF"] B.S. - COSC (December, 2013) :hurray:
20-Community College Courses (2004-2006)
80-Semester Hours at Western Governors University (2010-2012)
15-Charter Oak State College (2013)
If I can do it, ANYONE can do it![/COLOR]
I guess it seems like my best option would be to go with TESC. I really hate to say that because I have heard such terrible things about their customer service.
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19

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