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Production/Operations Management and Business Policy advice for Excelsior

I’m working towards a Business Degree from TESC. How do I know what I can substitute for the upper level courses? From what I have read from other posts it looks like I could take the courses from other schools, but how do I know if TESC will accept then if I’m not yet a student? I’m trying to take all my tests before enrolling in TESC, that is why I’m asking. Thank you,
I just got exam 2 emailed to me and noticed this note so it looks like the 7th edition is okay.

If you are using the 7th edition of the text

If you are using the 6th edition of the text, do the following:
Judy -
AS - Computer Science - Andover college
BS - Mgmt Information Systems -June 08
MS - Info Systems Mgmt - Start Aug 08 - UMBC
Hey all,

Just got my grade for the CSU OM-311 course and it’s an A.

I first need to give a special thanks to Snazz (thanks Snazz) who helped me decipher what the Professor expected in this course (which was the hardest part of it).

Like everyone else who has taken it, my course consisted of 18 assignments, 4 tests and took about a month to do. This course was challenging to me because when I first got it I was lost as to what the Professor wanted (he was away when I started the course so I bugged Snazz). The one suggestion I can make is (from snazz) make the answers easy for the Professor to read by, for example, putting everything in one continuous word doc (received my grades back much quicker and was easier to send).
Another benefit of the course for me was that it helped me learn to use MS excel and word in ways that I hadn't known before (probably basic stuff for most people).
As said in previous postings the CD that comes with the book will save you a tremendous amount of time because it does all of the calculations for you (statistics mostly).
I did get a lot out of this course and would highly recommend it.
Now I am studying for the Bus Pol TECEP and am happy that I decided to do the OM course first (not that Bus Pol seems harder, just that I have run into a lot of OM topics studying it). In other words the OM course is making studying Bus Pol easier (for me anyway).

I recently started this class and again the professor is gone yet again

Can someone answer a question?

im just starting to do some of the required problems


UCL of mean = 3.728
LCL of mean = 2.236

UCL of range = 2.327
LCL of range = 0

what is it about this data that tells me the process is in control? What is it i need to see?

Thank you
Excelsior Business Degree finished 6/5/08
Principles Of Management Clep: 72
Principles of Macro-Economics Clep: 58
Business Law Clep: 68
Organizational Behavior ECE: B
Principles Of Accounting Clep : 52
Human Resource Management ECE: C
Ethics ECE: A
Operations Management (Pueblo): A
Info Systems & Computer App Clep: 63
Drug and Alcohol Abuse DSST: A
Principles Of Finance DSST: A
Business Policy TECEP: PASS
brownstien Wrote:what is it about this data that tells me the process is in control? What is it i need to see?

Hi Brownstien,

If your data falls WITHIN the upper and lower control limits, then the process is in control. If you see data points that fall outside those limits, then there is a need to make adjustments to the process to get it in control (ie, within the control limits).

Hope that helps,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
Along with Snazzlefrags info you may want to use the OM software that came with the book and let excel plot the points on a graph for you, it is easier to see the points that are out of the range that way. The POM and OM software that came on the CD does make the course much easier. I emailed my final exam on Friday night and just have to wait until the professor is back from the holiday to see how I did.
Judy -
AS - Computer Science - Andover college
BS - Mgmt Information Systems -June 08
MS - Info Systems Mgmt - Start Aug 08 - UMBC
Please tell me Productions/Operations Management is MGMT 311: Operations and Quality Management. I just signed up for this class thinking it is the same class everyone is talking about. I ordered the book and it has the same ISBN number listed in required books but the book I ordered says 2005 and the schools website states 2006. Does this happen often? I SURE HOPE I'M TAKING THE RIGHT COURSE as well. Thanks.
Note: I'm very poor w/Excel, will that make this a difficult course for me?
Can anyone out there please tell me if Productions/Operations Management is MGMT 311: Operations and Quality Management. I just signed up for this class thinking it is the same class everyone is talking about and now I'm hoping this course hasn't changed. I ordered the book and it has the same ISBN number listed in required books but the book I ordered says 2005 and the schools website states 2006. Does this happen often? I SURE HOPE I'M TAKING THE RIGHT COURSE as well. Thanks.
Note: I'm very poor w/Excel, will that make this a difficult course for me? Also, I'm not going for a Business Degree, does it make sense to take this course? I figured based on all the posts, this course seemed to make sense. Thanks for any inputs.
Gary Wrote:Can anyone out there please tell me if Productions/Operations Management is MGMT 311: Operations and Quality Management. I just signed up for this class thinking it is the same class everyone is talking about and now I'm hoping this course hasn't changed. I ordered the book and it has the same ISBN number listed in required books but the book I ordered says 2005 and the schools website states 2006. Does this happen often? I SURE HOPE I'M TAKING THE RIGHT COURSE as well. Thanks.
Note: I'm very poor w/Excel, will that make this a difficult course for me? Also, I'm not going for a Business Degree, does it make sense to take this course? I figured based on all the posts, this course seemed to make sense. Thanks for any inputs.


Yes! MGMT 311 is the correct course to fulfill the Operations Management requirement at Excelsior, and it is the course that has been discussed on this board for a while now. But that information isn't really significant to you if you aren't a business major.

I would advise you to double check this kind of thing BEFORE you register for something next time. It doesn't make sense to ask very important questions AFTER you have paid your money.

Also, it sounds like you rushed into this course, in general, without knowing what it is, why you would need to take it, or even whether it is the same course you intended it to be. Slow down, think things through, do your research, THEN act!

The course is quite fun, and not too difficult. You will need to be able to do the BASICS with Excel. But it isn't difficult to figure out the software. You basically just select the desired module from a list of available items, and then type in your given data, copy the results, and paste them into your answer sheet ready to be mailed to the professor.

For what it's worth,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
I understand what your saying. I was looking for a few relatively easy courses and that seemed to fit the bill. I plan on completing Ecology and probably Bioethics. I am also going to take a second Chemistry course with quite possibly a Soil Science (APUS) as well. Since I'm looking to fill a few UL electives and it seemed like everyone raved about it, I jumped in. I'm home on disability right now until at least early/mid January and I don't want to waste time. But your right, I don't want to jump in, realize it's over my head and jump out, then I'm just losing more time. Do you have any recommendations as far as 1 or 2 easy courses. Anything, whether it's World Population or Ethics, etc. I have 90 + credits (only 1 CLEP-History) so I am really looking forward to an easy 3 or 6 credits. Thanks.

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