07-05-2024, 12:52 PM
I was previously going to attend UMPI but I didn't get the help I needed to feel like that was the right fit for me. (my previous post was in UMPI thread) So I have applied to WGU and looking to start there soon to finish this bachelors finally, then move to Masters. I was told from WGU that because I have my Associates Degree from my local Junior College that I dont need any pre-req's.
What I need help with is figuring out which degree will let me finish FASTEST according to the credits I already have. I'm leaning towards either Marketing, Human Resources, or Business Management. I have career knowledge in each of these fields, so any of the 3 would suffice.
Also, what can I take at Study.com to knock out some classes before enrolling?
Your Location: Chicago, United States
Your Age: well over the age of 21 lol
What kind of degree do you want?: Business Admin - leadership & mgmt
Current Regional Accredited Credits: Associate of General Studies from my local junior college
Total 86 credits
SPCH 101 - Principles of Speech 3 Credits - A
PSYC 101 - General Psych 3 cr - A
BLAW 101 - Business Law I 3 cr - B
MATH 101 - Business Math 3 cr - A
ENG 101 - Rhetoric 3 cr - A
CIS 122 - Computer Info Systems 4 cr - B
CIS 126 - MS Office 3 cr - A
CIS 116 - Intro to Internet 1 cr - A
CIS 117 - Intro to Multimedia 1 cr - A
SPAN 101 - Elem. Spanish I 4 cr - A
CIS 145 - Fundamentals of N 2 cr - A
ECON 107 - Consumer Economics 3 cr - A
GEOG 111 - Phys Geog/Weather Climate 4 cr - C
CIS 164 - Intro to Windows 1 cr - A
CIS 216 - WWW HOmepage 1 cr - A
CIS 152 - Database Mgmt 3 cr - A
CIS 218 - Intro to eCommerce 2 cr - B
CIS 220 - Web Design Using HTML 1 cr - A
CIS 275 - PC Troubleshooting 4 cr - B
CIS 150 - Business Graphics 3 cr - A
SOC 101 - Intro to Sociology 3 cr - B
MATH 098 - Intermediate ALgebra 4 cr - B
ENG 102 - Rhetoric 3 cr - B
ART 109 - Intro to Visual Arts 3 cr - A
PSYC 208 - Social Psych 3 cr - B
ENG 190 - Intro to Film Study 3 cr - A
SOC 240 - Comparitive Religions 3 cr - B
BUS 101 - Intro to Business 3 cr - B
MATH 127 - Math for General Education 3 cr - A
BIO 144 - Into to Human Biology 3 cr - C
PSYC 210 - Child/Adolescent Development 3 cr - B
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:
Business 107 - Org Beh
Pol Sci 102 - Amer Govt
Hist 308 - Vietnam War
Business 113 - Bus Comm
Psychology 106 - Abnormal Psych
Finance 102 - Pers Fin
SOPH-0021 BUS1200 - Developing Effective Teams
ALEK-0003 MAT 109 - Coll Algebra (cant get this to transfer over for some reason though :/ )
Any certifications or military experience? ITIL and Six Sigma
Budget: Whatever....I will consider spending more for easy and fast.
Commitments: I currently work full time and can work on my studies part time or in the evenings/weekends.
Dedicated time to study: I can study as much as is needed during my off days as long as my schedule is free. I can also study a bit at work during down time. I can commit to 10 hrs a week, possibly more.
Timeline: Finishing the courses required for the degree as fast as possible would be ideal so I cane move to a masters.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: No assistance
What I need help with is figuring out which degree will let me finish FASTEST according to the credits I already have. I'm leaning towards either Marketing, Human Resources, or Business Management. I have career knowledge in each of these fields, so any of the 3 would suffice.
Also, what can I take at Study.com to knock out some classes before enrolling?
Your Location: Chicago, United States
Your Age: well over the age of 21 lol
What kind of degree do you want?: Business Admin - leadership & mgmt
Current Regional Accredited Credits: Associate of General Studies from my local junior college
Total 86 credits
SPCH 101 - Principles of Speech 3 Credits - A
PSYC 101 - General Psych 3 cr - A
BLAW 101 - Business Law I 3 cr - B
MATH 101 - Business Math 3 cr - A
ENG 101 - Rhetoric 3 cr - A
CIS 122 - Computer Info Systems 4 cr - B
CIS 126 - MS Office 3 cr - A
CIS 116 - Intro to Internet 1 cr - A
CIS 117 - Intro to Multimedia 1 cr - A
SPAN 101 - Elem. Spanish I 4 cr - A
CIS 145 - Fundamentals of N 2 cr - A
ECON 107 - Consumer Economics 3 cr - A
GEOG 111 - Phys Geog/Weather Climate 4 cr - C
CIS 164 - Intro to Windows 1 cr - A
CIS 216 - WWW HOmepage 1 cr - A
CIS 152 - Database Mgmt 3 cr - A
CIS 218 - Intro to eCommerce 2 cr - B
CIS 220 - Web Design Using HTML 1 cr - A
CIS 275 - PC Troubleshooting 4 cr - B
CIS 150 - Business Graphics 3 cr - A
SOC 101 - Intro to Sociology 3 cr - B
MATH 098 - Intermediate ALgebra 4 cr - B
ENG 102 - Rhetoric 3 cr - B
ART 109 - Intro to Visual Arts 3 cr - A
PSYC 208 - Social Psych 3 cr - B
ENG 190 - Intro to Film Study 3 cr - A
SOC 240 - Comparitive Religions 3 cr - B
BUS 101 - Intro to Business 3 cr - B
MATH 127 - Math for General Education 3 cr - A
BIO 144 - Into to Human Biology 3 cr - C
PSYC 210 - Child/Adolescent Development 3 cr - B
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:
Business 107 - Org Beh
Pol Sci 102 - Amer Govt
Hist 308 - Vietnam War
Business 113 - Bus Comm
Psychology 106 - Abnormal Psych
Finance 102 - Pers Fin
SOPH-0021 BUS1200 - Developing Effective Teams
ALEK-0003 MAT 109 - Coll Algebra (cant get this to transfer over for some reason though :/ )
Any certifications or military experience? ITIL and Six Sigma
Budget: Whatever....I will consider spending more for easy and fast.
Commitments: I currently work full time and can work on my studies part time or in the evenings/weekends.
Dedicated time to study: I can study as much as is needed during my off days as long as my schedule is free. I can also study a bit at work during down time. I can commit to 10 hrs a week, possibly more.
Timeline: Finishing the courses required for the degree as fast as possible would be ideal so I cane move to a masters.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: No assistance