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Passing biology using instacert only?
I know that there is a sticky regarding passing exams using only instacert, and I have read this thread. However, I did not see any posts indicating that someone used instacert exclusively to pass biology.

I am very frustrated because I have used resources used on this site: The Standard Deviants CD, REA AP, and reviewed some of the flashcards on instacert. I also am using the publishing company The College Network, but the material was so in-depth I found it impossible to follow. I have taken both the Petersons Practice exam (number 1), and the REA practice exam and have scored very poorly after about 2 months of studying. I was wondering if I focused my efforts completely on instacert from now on if I will have more success absorbing all of this information. I know part of my problem is that I am memorizing, without really understanding how to apply the information.

I don't know where to turn from here. I have already spent so much time studying and keep reading that people are passing biology after studying for a short period of time. What am I doing wrong?
I passed Biology CLEP on Nov. 20th, 2010 using INSTANTCERT only with just 11 days of studying. I only passed with a 51, so it was bare minimum from the 50 required score. It can be done. I studied 8 hours each day using Instant Cert flashcards only taking breaks as I needed to.

It is grueling but Instant Cert is the best online interactive program out here.
aadamus Wrote:I don't know where to turn from here. I have already spent so much time studying and keep reading that people are passing biology after studying for a short period of time. What am I doing wrong?

I want to encourage you Smile You are not doing anything "wrong". Trust me. There are SO MANY different variables that go into why some people on this forum study faster than others. Some people might already have a background in this area, maybe they have numerous exams under their belt and have a study "system" down pat, maybe they were recently in high school and had this material, maybe they work in the field and know a lot about it, maybe they have photographic memory.... the list goes on. I am one of those students that takes longer and does not do well with rote memorization-- and I am ok with that. My head spins when I read how fast some people study. Maybe you are a student that takes longer-- and THAT IS OK.

This exam is very broad it seems to me. I think if you hang in there the material will start to sink in. Maybe sticking with one source would help to get the main facts in place. Then supplement with other stuff towards the end. You will have to figure out what works for you I guess. But I just want to encourage you that this is not some kind of race..... go at the pace that is good for YOU. All that matters is that you finish. Hang in there Smile
ShotoJuku Wrote:
"A Pass is a Pass"
"Slow and Steady - Wins the Race"
[B][I]“Sometimes The Easy Way Is Not Always The Best Way”

"Passing a Petersons = Conquering a CLEP -or- Defeating a DSST"
"The 5 R's of Study: Repetition - Re-Enforces - Recognition - Recall - Retention"[/B][/I]
"Always be Ready to Release Your Mind & Incorporate the Advice of Others into Your Plans."
"Studying is much like Boiling Water, if it is not Heated Constantly it will Once Again Become Cold Water."
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
I passed it with 67 and I studies for like 3 weeks with 10 days intensive studying. I used a lot of sources for this test.
CLEP College Algeba 76
CLEP Marketing 61
CLEP Intro to Macro 72
CLEP Intro to Business Law 57

American Government next
I am taking biology as well. Try the Thinkwell on-line biology class and then supplement the material using the Instacert flasscards. The Thinkwell class is one of the most amazing classes that I have taken -- the instructor provides excellent demonstrations that make the material much easier to understand and remember. Also, you can download their notes and use these notes as you watch the video of the professor.

I also found the Sparksnotes Guide to AP Biology to be very helpful. Between the Thinkwell on-line class, AP Biology, and Instacert, I think that I will pass bioology next week. After taking several CLEP classes and passing each one the first time, I can tell you that the biology is by far the hardest class that I have taken. You are expected to understand a huge amount of material. Good luck!
I passed it today with a 52! I only used instant cert and skimmed through the online bio book

An On-Line Biology Book

and took notes. I didn't really start studying till a couple days ago then I just crammed when I realized I was taking it in about 4 days @_@ It was horrid...just don't make that mistake like I did, stretch your study time out a couple weeks lol. Big Grin yaaaay I passed!
vmcglynn Wrote:I passed it today with a 52! I only used instant cert and skimmed through the online bio book

An On-Line Biology Book

and took notes. I didn't really start studying till a couple days ago then I just crammed when I realized I was taking it in about 4 days @_@ It was horrid...just don't make that mistake like I did, stretch your study time out a couple weeks lol. Big Grin yaaaay I passed!

How did you study exactly. Did you go through each section over and over until you crammed all into your head or did you go from section to section, and went over them again a few times? Can you please give me your strategy? I'm having a hard time cramming in the info for the DNA section of the IC flashcards.

What should I pay attention to more?

Thanks for your help...

English Composition w/Essay - 52
Humanities - 61
Spanish - 78
Biology - 50
Sociology - 51
Psychology - 61
Human Growth & Development: 52
Educational Psychology: 60
Information Systems & Computer Applications: 53


Major: Nursing (RN)

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all - the Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything through prayer and supplication present your requests to God. And the peace of God which trespasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Phillipians 4 NIV)
you are not doing any wrong, everyone has a different type of study habit. For me, i can not rely on IC exclusively, simply becasue I like to study from the book more
I would suggest using straighterline. I just went through their biology course in a week and had no issues passing. It does take longer but the risk is limited.
Chad Lomax

Cleps Passed

American History I 56
American Government 52


College Algebra 85
Biology with Lab 78
Bus. Statistics 70 That was close
Microeconomics 78
Macroeconomics 82

Next up

Humanity Cleps

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