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Passed Spanish with no Spanish background in less than a wk
Today Aug 10... score: 51!! Thank you GOD!!

Hi everyone, been lurking on here past 2 weeks because I found out I had to take the CLEP Spanish for a prog I'm getting into to satisfy the Spanish requirement. I have never taken spanish so obviously a huge problem, and I didnt even know what the CLEP Spanish was all about!!

Google brought me to this forum, and I checked all the threads for Spanish, and found out that Peterson's tests was somewhat of a good start. I spent a week kinda going through online stuff. My only advantage was that French is my 2nd language, and I'm quite fluent because I lived in a french speaking country for the formative yrs of my childhood. My sis who took spanish told me they are similar so I was really hoping that would help me.

A week ago, I took the 1st test cold, and got a 48%. That was even an exaggerated score cos I kept repeating the audio part and didnt finish. I realized that i could do decent on the reading comprehension because I read it like french, and could get the gist of the paragraph to answer questions. I then spent a few days going thru spanish online recordings like rocketspanish and youtube stuff. I picked up my sister's REA's handbook of Spanish grammar, style and writing read it for maybe 2hrs and got tired of it. I mean I dont like english or french grammar and I speak those fluently so u can imagine how frustrated I was with spanish's own!Big Grin

I reviewed the 1st test, and then took the 2nd one, i got a 55% (think listening was 7/18 and 13/30) but still cheated with the audio part, and having to replay some part, and I wasnt finishing. I would continue afterwards and get many right but they couldnt count towards the score. I realized that the Spanish test is really basic, just know the basic things like how to ask for directions, time, age, place, where u are/going, people's relationships and ur basically good to go, so I started focusing on getting my ears tuned to being able to understand those types of questions. I also realized that I couldnt replay the audio and needed to be able to finish, that was crucial to doing well.

Yesterday night I took the 3rd exam in bits (never had time to sit thru all the exams at 1 go so always took them in bits), and this time around i was able to do much better on the listening part (15/18 and 17/30 (24/30 total after time was up)). I took the reading part at about 4am (this is now day of my exam), saw my score was 64%. The posts on here can get one scared esp when people say they got 20 points lower on the real deal but i figured I had done what i could and prayed and expected God to help me at least get a pass (though I really need 61 to be solid for the prog). I also quickly reviewed exam 3.

My exam location was an 1.5hrs away, its the closest walkin one (didnt want to have to set an appt). I got there and found out the listening wasnt as bad as everyone had been saying on here. I expected it to be super fast but felt it was comparable to Peterson's practice. I think I did average there. The key is not to pay attn to every word but to try and get the gist of the convo, and to write down any group of things they list/relationships/food/places and stuff. The reading/grammar part was hard for me, and at the end of that, I was praying that i'd at least do ok. I was happy when I saw the 51 score.

I'd like to encourage anyone with a good background in french to spend some time reviewing Spanish one and try it. I'm guessing Italian might be the same, i dunno but def teaching myself a crash course of spanish in days really helped because of my french fluency. If I was going in cold, I dont think I would have been able to pass. Also anyone that has a decent knowledge of spanish then this exam is a piece of cake, if I could do it in a few days with no knowledge of spanish (formal spanish lessons/living in a spanish speaking country), then you can.
Phewwww oh and my prayers also helped, woke up early to pray about it too!hilarious

If I didnt already have college credits on my transcript from AP French, would have taken this too, where was CLEP when I was in hs ages ago???
It's amazing what the power of prayer and hard work combined can do.


P00057870 Wrote:It's amazing what the power of prayer and hard work combined can do.



I think for me its more of the prayer than hard workBig Grin At least now I can keep learning to learn the language and not to pass an exam, now thats no fun
Felicidades!!! <- I had to google that Wink
Total Credits Earned: 162 - (with Forum Admin's permission)

That is outstanding! Well done.
[SIZE="6"]~~ Alissa~~[/SIZE]
[size="4"]"Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right." - - Henry Ford[/size]
BS Liberal Studies, Excelsior College May 2009
Current website favorite:
Buen trabajo!(I don't know if that expression translates well or not) Kind of makes me wish I had room in my degree plan for it, what with my Rosetta Stone program gathering proverbial dust.
[SIZE="1"]BS General Business, March 2010

CLEP College Algebra 51
CLEP Natural Sciences 63
CLEP Social Sciences and History 59
CLEP A&I Lit. 74
CLEP Intro to Sociology 67
CLEP Info Systems and Computer App. 58
CLEP Intro to Psychology 66
CLEP Intro to Business Law 64
CLEP Principles of Management 73
CLEP Principles of Marketing 63
CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics 61
CLEP Principles of Microeconomics 62
DSST Fundamentals of Counseling 49
DSST Principles of Supervision 61
DSST Substance Abuse 441 (Pass)
DSST Business Law II 67
DSST Management Information Systems 436
DSST Principles of Statistics 466
DSST Principles of Finance 435
DSST Civil War and Reconstruction 57
DSST Criminal Justice 431
ECE English Comp C :mad:
ECE World Population A
ECE Ethics, Theory and Practice A
ECE Organizational Behavior A
ECE Human Resource Management B
EC Business Policy B
Straighterline Accounting I B
Straighterline Accounting II B
CSU Pueblo Ops Management A
that means "good; i work"
whatever... i don't know off the top of my head how to say good work... maybe: "bueno trabajando" (?) or "good-oh worko" (!)
Google is a good idea...
me = Cool
cr: 63
Congratulations! What a crazy story. That is a good point. That knowing French or Spanish already would help to learn the other one.

You said you really needed a 61 for the program. What happens now?

For other readers - Teacher Professional Development and Teacher Resources by Annenberg Media also has free online videos for Spanish, French, and German.
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
jwilson08 Wrote:that means "good; i work"
whatever... i don't know off the top of my head how to say good work... maybe: "bueno trabajando" (?) or "good-oh worko" (!)
Google is a good idea...

Nope its buen trabajo for good work.
[SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="4"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]"Oh, get a job? Just get a job? Why don't I strap on my job helmet, and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies!" Its always sunny in Philadelphia.

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]tesc credit banked
FEMA IS courses- alot

Aleks completed-many of them

Cleps:Spanish 67

Associates in psychology UOP
TESC BA in psychology[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]

attempting currently
Masters in counseling
Oye, amigo. Buen trabajo, y espero que tu aprobaras mucho mas clepos!hilarious

Yo tengo que tomar el CLEP Espanol en el futuro cercano, tambien. Gracias para nos diciendo tu experiencia!
[SIZE="1"]Introductory Sociology 70
Biology 64
Principles of Management 69
Principles of Marketing 61
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 75 (w/ passing on essay)
English Composition w/ essay 65
American Government 61
Western Civilization I 72 (w/ passing on college essay)
Western Civilization II 63
Intro to Criminal Justice 446
U.S. History I 78 (w/ passing on college essay)
U.S. History II 71 (w/ passing on college essay)
Introductory Business Law 73
Principles of Public Speaking 71 (w/ passing on speech)
Spanish 74
College Mathematics 59 [/SIZE]

How good are you? Take the good person test. . .

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