06-11-2008, 11:20 PM
gus Wrote:Perhaps you can list the credits evaluated by ECE, forum members here may be able to make educated guesses as to how they fall into a business degree at one of the 3 colleges. That's definitely just guessing and by no means reliable but it can give you some confidence and help you decide if you want to have the credits evaluated at EC/TESC/COSC, or at least get a rough picture until the evaluations are completed.
Hello everyone
Here is my ECE evaluation. Please let me know how this looks for transfer to one of the big three. Your kind reviews and patience in viewing my case is much appreciated
1. US Eqvuivalence : High school diploma
2. Completion of two years of undergraduate work.
GPA 4.00
- English Composition 6.00 A
- Moral philosophy 6.00 A
- Economics 1 6.00 A
- Political science 6.00 A
- Optional subject 1 6.00 A
- Natural Science 6.00 A
- British History 6.00 A
- Economics 2 6.00 A
- Political Science 2 6.00 A
- optional subject 2 6.00 A
Any input on how any college would interpret this would be appreciated. Also Baker college is giving me credits towards my bachelor instead of applying these 60 credits towards an Associate. Does that make sense.
Just to recap Bakers is giving me 50 experential credits towards an Associate. They want me to do 40 more to complete the AS. These 60 credits have been applied towards the BBA.
Here is the breakup
So 220-90=130
130-60= 70
So they want me to complete 70 quater hours with them at $185/ hour.
Just over $12,000.
I want to explore my options of getting a Bachelors FAST and furioushilarious . I can also consider other majors.
I have recently cleared my FRESHMAN COMP CLEP which was a requirement with baker.
Next on my agenda were Intro psychology and macroeconomics, but I don't want to take exams that may not be needed by the other colleges
Please advise. Thanks