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Organization of these forums
I was wondering if it's ever been discussed to break the forums up into specific areas for each of the major tests that people seem to take. I know it's probably not practical to create one for *every* CLEP and Dantes, much less ECE, but wonder if some key ones, or at least groupings (like History, Psychology, Science, Math, Business, General, etc) might help.

There are a lot of good threads already for many of these topics, and it might help to aggregate discussions better. Excelsior has this structure, but unfortunately for the most part their forums are ghost towns.

Optionally, if there were a field that could be added for test, that could be populated with a drop down for at least the tests covered by Instacert, and then this could be used to Sort/Filter tests, that would be almost as good.

Just wondering.

27 Credits to go, 3 Lower/24 Upper
33 Credits achieved via Test
82 Credits achieved via traditional classroom (16 can't be used)
Studying for Abnormal Psychology, and taking Graduate Research and Writing
In queue: Adulthood & Aging; Educational Psych; Organizational Behavior; Human Resource Management

Sounds like a great idea; unfortunately, I barely have time to keep up with the posts, much less do an overhaul of the forum structure. :eek: As far as I can tell, the Search function seems to work fairly well when trying to find subject-specific posts.

If our traffic/post rate goes up, I will be keeping your idea in mind.


When I search for "business math" (for the DSST test Business Mathmatics that Instacert has no cards for) they pull up the terms seperately. How do I get them to search only for the exact phrase for "business math"? I tried enclosing it in quotes but it didn't work.


Leah in Texas
CLEPs I passed: Accounting, Info Syst/Comp App, Mgmt, Marketing, Am Lit, Anlyz/Inter Lit, Eng Comp w/ Essay, Eng Lit, Humanities, US Hist I, US Hist II, Macroeco, Microeco, College Math, Nat. Sciences, College Algebra, Buis Law, Sociology
DSSTs I passed: Statistics, Finance, HR Mgmt, Org Behavior, Intro to Buis, Mgmt Info Sys, Buis Math, Prin Supervision, Money and Banking
Tests I failed:
Money and Banking, Pre-cal
College/Major: Thomas Edison, Buis Mgmt

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