01-27-2018, 07:40 PM
jsd you are correct, and you Marcus Aurelius are also correct. So you both are correct. It does not harm to know what is available if what is desired is not available for even though they might not be viable options at the current time, they might be viable options at a future time.
It will be sometime before I finish a BS anyway. Many things can happen during that time. For example, a fully distance program might become available or I might be able to travel occasionally, or aliens might invade earth so none of this will matter. :
The future is in motion, everything is possible.
Two other options will be to find a program in Europe (travelling inside EU is cheaper and easier) or as I mentioned previously, get a few degrees (e.g BS in Psychology, a BS in Business Administration, etc.) have them recognized and apply to the Greek Law School.
A viable third option might be to enrol in a Law School abroad, do some classes and then enrol in the Greek Law School as a transfer student.
There are many ways to reach the same goal.
I plan as I go and for now, the first step seems to be a BS in Psychology.
It will be sometime before I finish a BS anyway. Many things can happen during that time. For example, a fully distance program might become available or I might be able to travel occasionally, or aliens might invade earth so none of this will matter. :

Two other options will be to find a program in Europe (travelling inside EU is cheaper and easier) or as I mentioned previously, get a few degrees (e.g BS in Psychology, a BS in Business Administration, etc.) have them recognized and apply to the Greek Law School.
A viable third option might be to enrol in a Law School abroad, do some classes and then enrol in the Greek Law School as a transfer student.
There are many ways to reach the same goal.

I plan as I go and for now, the first step seems to be a BS in Psychology.