09-19-2023, 11:16 AM
(09-18-2023, 07:08 PM)dfrecore Wrote:(09-14-2023, 08:44 PM)bruh Wrote: As for a specific action plan for these last few months (like the sequence/times I plan on finishing each remaining course/exam, it's just this rough list (not a spreadsheet :p):I didn't include it in the bullet list above, but I also plan on getting an InstantCert subscription to practice for the TECEPs/CLEPs (hence why they span from 10/14 - 11/14).
- 9/22 - [SDC] CS302: Systems Analysis & Design
- 10/2 - [SDC] CS303: Database Management
- 10/13 - [SDC] CS306: Computer Architecture
- 10/16 - [CLEP] Principles of Management
- 10/23 - [TECEP] Operations Management (OPM-3010-TE)
- 10/28 - [TECEP] Public Relations Thought & Practice (COM-2100-TE)
- 10/30 - [TECEP] Computer Concepts & Applications (CIS-1070-TE)
- 11/1 - [TECEP] Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics (MAT-1050-TE)
- 11/4 - [CLEP] College Mathematics
- 11/6 - [TECEP] College Algebra (MAT-1210-TE)
- 11/9 - [CLEP] College Algebra
- 11/14 - [CLEP] Precalculus
I'd plan this a bit differently (and leave off either of the College Algebra exams, since they are the same - both come in as MAT-1210).
Do all business courses together (and the CLEP is the easiest)
[CLEP] Principles of Management
[TECEP] Public Relations Thought & Practice (COM-2100-TE)
[TECEP] Operations Management (OPM-3010-TE)
Do all math courses together, and think of doing these first, since they're the easiest as a whole if you're good at math
[TECEP] Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics (MAT-1050-TE)
[CLEP] College Mathematics
[TECEP] or [CLEP] College Algebra
[CLEP] Precalculus
Do all computer courses together - take SDC's BUS 104: Information Systems and Computer Applications and BUS 109: Intro to Computing first, to study for the TECEP (don't waste your time taking the finals for credit, just take them up to that point - and they will fill in some of the remaining courses you need to take)
[TECEP] Computer Concepts & Applications (CIS-1070-TE)
[SDC] CS302: Systems Analysis & Design
[SDC] CS303: Database Management
[SDC] CS306: Computer Architecture
Got it. If I may ask, why the swap between Public Relations Thought & Practice and Operations Management? I assume that it's because OPM-3010 builds on COM-2100..? If so, I'll make sure to go through with that.
And ahh alright, yeah I was just thinking of doing the CLEP for College Algebra in case I fail the TECEP. Thank you, I'll make sure to drop the CLEP if needed. I know that SDC, CLEP, and Sophia display your test score immediately, but I don't personally know for TECEPs. From what I've read from others though, it sounds like people do see their score instantly too, so that's cool. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Also, the reason why I'm planning on doing the math courses first than the business ones is because my 15cr term begins in November, and I have an Intermediate Algebra class (MAT-1150-OL) during then. I anticipate that juggling my business course exams + my 15cr term courses wouldn't be very smooth. It may be bumpy trying to do my math course exams at the same time too, but perhaps it'll be a little smoother since I'll be studying math more in-depth anyway in Intermediate Algebra (and math also comes a lot more naturally to me).
Plus, it'll give me the remainder of October (after I finish SDC stuff) to focus only on the business stuff, which I'm not especially proficient at. I did Sophia's Intro to Business and SDC's Management Info Systems, but it sounds like the Operations Management TECEP is going to be a different level of difficult, oof. I hope I'll do alright.
I didn't know about those either, those helpful SDC courses for the CIS-1070 TECEP + how they even build on my last 3 SDC courses. Thanks for the heads-up.

Currently going for ...
— TESU BA in Computer Science (expected June 2024)
— TESU ASNSM in Mathematics (expected June 2024)
— TESU Certificate in Computer Information Systems (expected June 2024)
Completed ...
— N/A (except for K-12 :p)
— The majority of my academic plan, which can be found here
Let's ...
— flipping go!!! (last updated 04/13/2023)
— TESU BA in Computer Science (expected June 2024)
— TESU ASNSM in Mathematics (expected June 2024)
— TESU Certificate in Computer Information Systems (expected June 2024)
Completed ...
— N/A (except for K-12 :p)
— The majority of my academic plan, which can be found here
Let's ...
— flipping go!!! (last updated 04/13/2023)