Your Location: California, USA
Your Age: 18, turning 19 in about a month
What kind of degree do you want?: TESU BA in CS. I might go into federal law enforcement, and CS looks like a good career field in general too.
Current Regional Accredited Credits:
College of San Mateo Total Credits: 4
PHYS 210 General Physics I, 4, A
City College of San Francisco Total Credits: 9
ADMJ 53 Legal Aspects of Evidence, 3, A
ADMJ 54 Principles & Procedures of the Justice System, 3, A
ADMJ 57 Introduction to Administration of Justice, 3, A
(however, for a TESU BA in CS, I'm not too sure how applicable the credits from ADMJ 53 and 54 are)
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:
AP Credits: 12-17
Calculus AB, 3-4, A+ (exam score = 5)
English Language and Composition, 3-6, A (exam score = 5)
Chemistry, 3-4, A (exam score = 4)
Statistics, 3, B (exam score = 5)
CLEP Credits: 6
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature, 3, 74
American Government, 3, 68
Any certifications or military experience? N/A (but I hope to get training in the Air National Guard as military police, which may earn me 17-26 more credits according to some people online)
Budget: I have $6k in savings. I'd like to keep it around $10k, but I'm willing to pay more for easier/faster credits (e.g. taking Sophia courses rather than CLEP courses paid for by Modern States).
Commitments: I don't really have any commitments. I graduated high school last year. I don't have a job. I also discontinued my traditional schooling to speed up my degree after discovering that degree hacking is a thing and that it's legit. I live with and help out my parents who support me. I have a brother too. He's gonna be graduating high school next year as well. I'm also trying to learn how to drive; I got my learner's permit 8 months ago.
Dedicated time to study: I'll spend 5 days per week, 8 hours per day working on this. That's about 40 hours per week. I'm willing to spend more time (e.g. 1-3 more hours per day, even an extra day) if it'd make that much of a difference (e.g. finishing a month earlier).
Timeline: I'd like to finish the courses needed for this degree asap. I plan on finishing before May 2024, which is about 14 months from now. I also hope to enlist in and finish training in the National Guard before then. The training would take about 5 months (since basic training + tech school = at least 20.5 weeks away from home). I expect to finish the degree by March 2024. Finishing it even earlier would be awesome too, but I don't know how possible it is.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: I'll apply for federal financial aid. My parents will support me too. Plus, if I follow through with my plans with the military, then I'll get more tuition assistance and reduced fees through that too.
Other than my current degree plan which follows after this paragraph, I'm not too sure what other relevant info I should provide. I'll update this post if anything comes to mind. It's small, but the only thing coming to mind right now is to mention that I'd like to finish by May next year since my brother would be graduating that month, and it'd be fun to say that I, too, am a part of the Class of 2024 haha. Who knows, maybe I'll even become a sub for a few months at our high school for the lolz. I hope I can finish this before my 20th birthday too; it'd be cool to one day say that I accomplished all this while I was still a teenager.
Here's my current degree plan (more details here in this Google Spreadsheet):
I. GENERAL ED (45 credits)
A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (15 Credits)
— [AP] English Language and Composition
— [AP] English Language and Composition
— [SDC] COM120: Presentation Skills in the Workplace
— [AP] Statistics
— [TESU] Critical Information Literacy (SOS-110-OL)
B. Civic and Global Leadership (9 Credits)
— [TECEP] Marriage and the Family (SOC-210-TE)
— [TECEP] Environmental Ethics (ETH-210-TE)
— [TECEP] Introduction to Comparative Politics (POS-282-TE)
C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (15 Credits)
— [TECEP] Introduction to Political Science (ANT-101-TE)
— [Sophia] American History I
— [TECEP] Technical Writing (ENG-201-TE)
— [CCSF] Intro to Administration of Justice
— [CLEP] Introductory Psychology
D. Scientific Knowledge (6 Credits)
— [CSM] General Physics I
— [AP] Chemistry
II. AREA OF STUDY (45 credits)
A. Required Courses (18 Credits)
— [SDC] CS109: Introduction to Programming
— [SDC] CS201: Data Structures & Algorithms
— [AP] Calculus AB
— [SDC] MAT108: Discrete Mathematics
— [SDC] CS105: Intro to Operating Systems
— [SDC] CS306: Computer Architecture
B. Computer Science Electives (18 Credits)
— [SDC] CS103: Computer Concepts & Applications
— [Sophia] Introduction to Information Technology
— [DAVAR] CIS315: Management Information Systems
— [TESU] Software Engineering (CIS-351-OL)
— [SDC] CS303: Database Management
— [SDC] CS302: Systems Analysis & Design
C. Natural Sciences, Math, and Computer Science Electives (6 Credits)
— [TECEP] Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics (MAT-105-TE)
— [TECEP] College Algebra (MAT-121-TE)
D. Capstone (3 Credits)
— [TESU] Liberal Arts Capstone (LIB-495-OL)
III. ELECTIVES (30 credits)
— [CLEP] Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
— [CLEP] American Government
— [CLEP] Spanish Language: Levels 1 and 2
— [CLEP] Introductory Sociology
— [Sophia] U.S. History II
— [Sophia] Precalculus
— [Sophia] Intro to Business
— [Sophia] Financial Accounting
— [Sophia] Human Biology
During my preparation/planning, I found this other thread re: the same degree. However, it was started over 2 years ago, and my understanding is that some things have changed ever since then. My understanding could be wrong though; I don't know. Are there any recommendations in this thread that I should follow? For example, I'd like to take Art History I + II, Intro to Ethics, etc through Sophia since I hear that they're quick and easy, but from skimming the course catalog, it looks like there are no equivalent classes in TESU (at least not anymore), so I don't know if they'll actually transfer.
Are there any classes that I have in my current plan that I should swap out for easier/quicker classes? If so, what may those be? Should I switch around any classes to fulfill different classes? etc? Any miscellaneous words of advice too (hehe)?
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
PS: In my preparation for making this post, I kept on running into posts that mentioned the "Medical Terminology TECEP" and had no idea of its significance until two seconds ago. What's the next thing I should do? Should I indeed apply and register for the Med Term TECEP asap in order to figure out where my credits go?
Your Age: 18, turning 19 in about a month
What kind of degree do you want?: TESU BA in CS. I might go into federal law enforcement, and CS looks like a good career field in general too.
Current Regional Accredited Credits:
College of San Mateo Total Credits: 4
PHYS 210 General Physics I, 4, A
City College of San Francisco Total Credits: 9
ADMJ 53 Legal Aspects of Evidence, 3, A
ADMJ 54 Principles & Procedures of the Justice System, 3, A
ADMJ 57 Introduction to Administration of Justice, 3, A
(however, for a TESU BA in CS, I'm not too sure how applicable the credits from ADMJ 53 and 54 are)
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:
AP Credits: 12-17
Calculus AB, 3-4, A+ (exam score = 5)
English Language and Composition, 3-6, A (exam score = 5)
Chemistry, 3-4, A (exam score = 4)
Statistics, 3, B (exam score = 5)
CLEP Credits: 6
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature, 3, 74
American Government, 3, 68
Any certifications or military experience? N/A (but I hope to get training in the Air National Guard as military police, which may earn me 17-26 more credits according to some people online)
Budget: I have $6k in savings. I'd like to keep it around $10k, but I'm willing to pay more for easier/faster credits (e.g. taking Sophia courses rather than CLEP courses paid for by Modern States).
Commitments: I don't really have any commitments. I graduated high school last year. I don't have a job. I also discontinued my traditional schooling to speed up my degree after discovering that degree hacking is a thing and that it's legit. I live with and help out my parents who support me. I have a brother too. He's gonna be graduating high school next year as well. I'm also trying to learn how to drive; I got my learner's permit 8 months ago.
Dedicated time to study: I'll spend 5 days per week, 8 hours per day working on this. That's about 40 hours per week. I'm willing to spend more time (e.g. 1-3 more hours per day, even an extra day) if it'd make that much of a difference (e.g. finishing a month earlier).
Timeline: I'd like to finish the courses needed for this degree asap. I plan on finishing before May 2024, which is about 14 months from now. I also hope to enlist in and finish training in the National Guard before then. The training would take about 5 months (since basic training + tech school = at least 20.5 weeks away from home). I expect to finish the degree by March 2024. Finishing it even earlier would be awesome too, but I don't know how possible it is.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: I'll apply for federal financial aid. My parents will support me too. Plus, if I follow through with my plans with the military, then I'll get more tuition assistance and reduced fees through that too.
Other than my current degree plan which follows after this paragraph, I'm not too sure what other relevant info I should provide. I'll update this post if anything comes to mind. It's small, but the only thing coming to mind right now is to mention that I'd like to finish by May next year since my brother would be graduating that month, and it'd be fun to say that I, too, am a part of the Class of 2024 haha. Who knows, maybe I'll even become a sub for a few months at our high school for the lolz. I hope I can finish this before my 20th birthday too; it'd be cool to one day say that I accomplished all this while I was still a teenager.
Here's my current degree plan (more details here in this Google Spreadsheet):
I. GENERAL ED (45 credits)
A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (15 Credits)
— [AP] English Language and Composition
— [AP] English Language and Composition
— [SDC] COM120: Presentation Skills in the Workplace
— [AP] Statistics
— [TESU] Critical Information Literacy (SOS-110-OL)
B. Civic and Global Leadership (9 Credits)
— [TECEP] Marriage and the Family (SOC-210-TE)
— [TECEP] Environmental Ethics (ETH-210-TE)
— [TECEP] Introduction to Comparative Politics (POS-282-TE)
C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (15 Credits)
— [TECEP] Introduction to Political Science (ANT-101-TE)
— [Sophia] American History I
— [TECEP] Technical Writing (ENG-201-TE)
— [CCSF] Intro to Administration of Justice
— [CLEP] Introductory Psychology
D. Scientific Knowledge (6 Credits)
— [CSM] General Physics I
— [AP] Chemistry
II. AREA OF STUDY (45 credits)
A. Required Courses (18 Credits)
— [SDC] CS109: Introduction to Programming
— [SDC] CS201: Data Structures & Algorithms
— [AP] Calculus AB
— [SDC] MAT108: Discrete Mathematics
— [SDC] CS105: Intro to Operating Systems
— [SDC] CS306: Computer Architecture
B. Computer Science Electives (18 Credits)
— [SDC] CS103: Computer Concepts & Applications
— [Sophia] Introduction to Information Technology
— [DAVAR] CIS315: Management Information Systems
— [TESU] Software Engineering (CIS-351-OL)
— [SDC] CS303: Database Management
— [SDC] CS302: Systems Analysis & Design
C. Natural Sciences, Math, and Computer Science Electives (6 Credits)
— [TECEP] Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics (MAT-105-TE)
— [TECEP] College Algebra (MAT-121-TE)
D. Capstone (3 Credits)
— [TESU] Liberal Arts Capstone (LIB-495-OL)
III. ELECTIVES (30 credits)
— [CLEP] Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
— [CLEP] American Government
— [CLEP] Spanish Language: Levels 1 and 2
— [CLEP] Introductory Sociology
— [Sophia] U.S. History II
— [Sophia] Precalculus
— [Sophia] Intro to Business
— [Sophia] Financial Accounting
— [Sophia] Human Biology
During my preparation/planning, I found this other thread re: the same degree. However, it was started over 2 years ago, and my understanding is that some things have changed ever since then. My understanding could be wrong though; I don't know. Are there any recommendations in this thread that I should follow? For example, I'd like to take Art History I + II, Intro to Ethics, etc through Sophia since I hear that they're quick and easy, but from skimming the course catalog, it looks like there are no equivalent classes in TESU (at least not anymore), so I don't know if they'll actually transfer.
Are there any classes that I have in my current plan that I should swap out for easier/quicker classes? If so, what may those be? Should I switch around any classes to fulfill different classes? etc? Any miscellaneous words of advice too (hehe)?
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
PS: In my preparation for making this post, I kept on running into posts that mentioned the "Medical Terminology TECEP" and had no idea of its significance until two seconds ago. What's the next thing I should do? Should I indeed apply and register for the Med Term TECEP asap in order to figure out where my credits go?
Currently going for ...
— TESU BA in Computer Science (expected June 2024)
— TESU ASNSM in Mathematics (expected June 2024)
— TESU Certificate in Computer Information Systems (expected June 2024)
Completed ...
— N/A (except for K-12 :p)
— The majority of my academic plan, which can be found here
Let's ...
— flipping go!!! (last updated 04/13/2023)
— TESU BA in Computer Science (expected June 2024)
— TESU ASNSM in Mathematics (expected June 2024)
— TESU Certificate in Computer Information Systems (expected June 2024)
Completed ...
— N/A (except for K-12 :p)
— The majority of my academic plan, which can be found here
Let's ...
— flipping go!!! (last updated 04/13/2023)