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Teaching In NJ
In NJ to be certified to teach you need a minimum of 2.75 gpa for degrees earned after 2004. If TESC doesnt give GPA's for clep,dsst, etc....Does anyone know how this situation can be resolved if you are testing out?
Maybe take one class with TESC? If you only take one class and get an "A", well, there's your 4.0 GPA haha.
BA, Thomas Edison State College
MS, Grand Canyon University
Does anyone know if the new policy with Tesc gives Pass or Fail for ECE exams or do they still give letter grades?
bat21 Wrote:Does anyone know if the new policy with Tesc gives Pass or Fail for ECE exams or do they still give letter grades?

Mmmmmm I don't think they gave letter grades for any tests ever. Are you sure?
jayr74 Wrote:In NJ to be certified to teach you need a minimum of 2.75 gpa for degrees earned after 2004. If TESC doesnt give GPA's for clep,dsst, etc....Does anyone know how this situation can be resolved if you are testing out?

You must contact your state dept of education and find out exactly how many graded credits you need. There might not be a rule, and in that case, 1 class would do it. On the other hand, I would bet that there IS A RULE with X number of graded credits required. For grad school apps, I noticed many specified a number. Simply explain, (be vague) that you plan to test out of many of your gen ed courses using CLEPs, and you are worried that you have enough graded credits since you will have many pass/fail credits. Is there a legal policy on the minimum necessary?
sorry, I can't get in to edit my posting- I wanted to add, that you want to be sure you ask for the LEGAL POLICY because you don't want some yahoo's opinion about how many CLEPs you should take! When they give you an answer, ask how you can get a copy of the policy (email, fax, snail mail, etc) for your reference. Don't take anyone's word for it- they don't have any notion of flexibility when it comes to state teaching requirements. Better to find out now!

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