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Little Nervous after trying to study
for Ethics in America. I feel that there is so much information that is redundent(natural law and such) and I am really busting my tail studying as much as I can and doing some more indept searching on certain subjects that are talked about on the IC website, but are not in great depth. I feel that I was doing fine until the scenerios and now I am quite frankly ready to give up. I feel that I know my "stuff" but when it comes to the scenerios I want to cry. Then I looked at the fact sheet about the test and want to bawl. I was so confused when it came to the scenerios.

So, I need some insight here. I know that I have read on here that there are a lot of scenerio questions, but I feel like I am in some awful trouble. Are they Yes(a) and No(b) questions on the test or are there multiple choice?(I know I do not want to know the answer to this). Honestly, what kind of scenerios should I really be concentrating on, a lot of names or certain principles that those people have made? Can anyone remember what they saw on their test and is there an easy way to understand how they are worded? Is there a essay? If so, what was that like? I was thinking of taking the test this Wednesday, but I am giving up on that. I am shooting for next Wednesday now. That is, if I don't give up.

50fingersntoes Wrote:for Ethics in America. I feel that there is so much information that is redundent(natural law and such) and I am really busting my tail studying as much as I can and doing some more indept searching on certain subjects that are talked about on the IC website, but are not in great depth. I feel that I was doing fine until the scenerios and now I am quite frankly ready to give up. I feel that I know my "stuff" but when it comes to the scenerios I want to cry. Then I looked at the fact sheet about the test and want to bawl. I was so confused when it came to the scenerios.

So, I need some insight here. I know that I have read on here that there are a lot of scenerio questions, but I feel like I am in some awful trouble. Are they Yes(a) and No(b) questions on the test or are there multiple choice?(I know I do not want to know the answer to this). Honestly, what kind of scenerios should I really be concentrating on, a lot of names or certain principles that those people have made? Can anyone remember what they saw on their test and is there an easy way to understand how they are worded? Is there a essay? If so, what was that like? I was thinking of taking the test this Wednesday, but I am giving up on that. I am shooting for next Wednesday now. That is, if I don't give up.



Take a few deep breaths, okay? You're going to do just fine!

The exam is split into two sections. The first section involves multiple choice questions. All of these questions will be relatively easy to you, if you have studied instantcert sufficiently. They are just basic recall of facts and terms. There is nothing too tricky in this first section and you will probably complete it quite quickly.

For example (not actual questions):

- Hobbes believed which of the following?
- Which of the following people was a Rule Utilitarian?
- Which Greek philosopher believed that "Virtue is knowledge"?

The second section involves scenarios. The majority of the questions in this section will be YES or NO questions. They will present a scenario to you and then ask you two or three questions about each scenario.

For example (not actual questions):

- If Nurse Bowers is a Utilitarian, would she be more likely than not to go ahead with the surgery?
- Would a Utilitarian and an Existentialist be likely to agree on the right course of action?
- Would a Hobbesian agree with Dr. Green's decision not to proceed with the surgery?

Half the time, you can choose the right answer by knowing the facts and terms that helped you in the first section (ie, What is utilitarianism? What is existentialism? What do Hobbesians believe?)

The other half of the scenario questions boil down to what you think the right decision should be. Just go with your gut on these. Most people have enough of an internal ethical compass that they shouldn't have much difficulty choosing the most correct answer.

For example (not actual questions):

- A friend swears you to secrecy before telling you that he has just murdered his wife. Is it ethical to report him to the police?
- A paying client tells his lawyer that he killed someone. Does attorney-client privilege permit the lawyer to report his client to the police?
- While counseling John, a member of the church, in his office, Rev. Brown realises that John is actively planning to commit suicide the following weekend. Is Rev. Brown legally bound to keep this information private?

The scenario questions are obviously more time consuming than the multiple choice questions. But try not to get overwhelmed. Just work your way through them, and answer as many as you possibly can. Don't be afraid to guess on the rest.

As you leave the test center, you will most likely be a little uncertain about how well you did. Providing you know all the terms and theories presented in Instantcert, you will be pleasantly surprised when your score report arrives.

I hope I have helped to calm your fears a little bit.

Best of luck to you,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
50, I felt like I failed the exam when I left and I got a 70 or a 73 on it. Just keep studying instantcert until you get the basic concepts of ethics and 'who' had 'what' philosophy. The DSST official test-preparation guide is also very good to study. It is $20 or you can get if for free on line. Someone posted the site on IC in the past. Do a search for it. Don't start bawling. It is not that bad. Take more time and study if you think you need to. Set your own pace. You'll get better at this as you go along. You may want to study a bit more on your first few exams.
Douglasville, Georgia
Finished my degree 6-15-06
56 previous college credits (from 1987)
9 Dantes (Statistics, Ethics, World Religions)
9 CLEP (Socialogy, Prin of Management, American Gov.)
67 credits for my A&P license (Airframe and Powerplant)
TESC - BSAST- Aviation Maintenance Technology[/COLOR]
I took the ethics in America with only using IC...I studied for about a week and felt uncomfortable too...but I passed. If you use IC you will be fine...good luck.Smile
I was taking World Religions at the same time as Ethics, so I wasn't studying as hard for it as I should have been... But I took the test anyway after a day or two of study and got a 76--my highest score on any test. I found it extremely intuitive.
I'm an engineer. Go figure.

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