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Least painful English Composition for TESC??
CollegeKid Wrote:Does anyone have advice for the least painful route to fulfill the TESC English Comp requirement for GenEd? I know the cheapest/quickest is probably the 6 credit CLEP that wipes it out in one test. But I'm looking for an option that doesn't require writing under pressure. I've heard Straighterline is a possibility. Any other options for the non-writer? Thanks!

I think English 101 and English 102 are important enough to take as classes. My oldest did SL for developmental first, but then I opted not to have him use them for Eng101/102 because I wasn't really in love with how they "help" you develop. For instance, you don't have 1 mentor, you have a bank of graders. He literally got told opposite suggestions during a paper he had to write. The first one told him to do X, so he changed it, when that draft was turned in, the second guy told him to do Y which was EXACTLY what he had. Seriously. This was a mess. So, I sent him to our community college for English 101 and 102. Having one consistent instructor was so much better for him. He had a bit of writing anxiety anyway, and the thing about classroom work, is that you usually have a bit of time. In our home, he was in high school doing it as dual enrollment, so I could have offered him some help- but instead I was 100% hands off, and in my opinion, those 2 classes really changed how he viewed writing and has more confidence, which will be important later when non-English classes assign papers and such. Just a thought.

Messages In This Thread
Least painful English Composition for TESC?? - by cookderosa - 02-11-2015, 10:19 AM

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