Here is my recommendation for a
TESC BSBA Marketing degree plan. Note, it is not the cheapest route (Saylor courses cheaper) but I think it's a good, solid plan as it takes advantage of the following: exams listed in the
specific exam feedback section of IC, course/subject overlap, and it meets TESCs 24CR residency requirement. I've included more than enough TECEPs and 1 course recommendation if a GPA is desired.
OVERLAP: [ENG201, ENG216, COM300] - [COS101, CIS107] - [PHI287, PHI384, BUS302] - [MAT102/103, MAT105, MAT115, MAT121, MAT129] - [MAR301, COM210, MAR321, MAR323, MAR351, MAR411; MAN301, MAR322].
For faster results, I would take the MAT102/103 CLEP & MAT105 TECEP after completing the Aleks courses. You wouldn't even need to study, both exams are general math.
Hope this helps!
Intellectual and Practical Skills (15sh):
ENC101 English Composition I – TECEP
ENC102 English Composition II – TECEP
MAT121 College Algebra – ALEKS
COM300 Business Communications – STRAIGHTERLINE
MAT115 intermediate Algebra – ALEKS
Home Cultures & the Physical/Natural World (18sh):
ECO111 Macroeconomics – STRAIGHTERLINE
ECO112 Microeconomics – STRAIGHTERLINE
STA201 Statistics – ALEKS
LIT291/292 Analyzing & Interpreting Literature- CLEP (6CR EXAM)
ENG201 Technical Writing – DSST
Personal & Social Responsibility (9sh):
SOC101 Introductio
n to Sociology - CLEP
PHI287 Ethics in America - DSST
PSY270 Psychology of Women TECEP -OR- SOC210 Marriage & the Family TECEP
General Education Electives (18sh):
ENG216 Business and Technical Writing - PENN FOSTER
PHI384 Business Ethics - STRAIGHTERLINE
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology – CLEP
MAT102/103 College Mathematics - CLEP (6CR EXAM)
MAT105 Applied Liberal Arts Math - TECEP[INDENT]
ALT Option: MAT129 Precalculus or Trigonometry - ALEKS\
(If seeking TESC GPA, SUBSTITUTE one of the above with SOS110 Living in the Information Age – TESC)
Business Core: (27sh)
ACC101 Financial Accounting – STRAIGHTERLINE
ACC102 Managerial Accounting – STRAIGHTERLINE
LAW201 Business Law – CLEP
CIS107 Computer Concepts & Applications – TECEP
FIN301 Financial Management - PENN FOSTER
MAN301 Principles of Management – CLEP
MAR301 Principles of Marketing – CLEP
BUS302 Business Ethics and Society - DSST
BUS421 Strategic Management – PENN FOSTER OR TECEP (with Business Experience)
MARKETING Specialization (18sh):
COM210 Public Relations Thought & Practice - TECEP
MAR321 Marketing Communications - TECEP
MAR322 Sales Management - TECEP
MAR323 Advertising - TECEP
MAR351 Consumer Behavior - Penn Foster
MAR411 Marketing Research (required; STA201 prereq) - Penn Foster
Business Electives: (9sh)
CIS299 Cybersecurity for Everyone/Non-Technical CYB101 (2CR) – TEEX
CIS344 Cybersecurity for IT Professionals/Technical CYB201 (2CR) – TEEX
MAN299 Cybersecurity for Business Professionals/Business Managers CYB301 (2CR) – TEEX
MAN201 Principles of Supervision (3CR) – DSST
Free Electives: (6cr)
BUS101 Intro to Business – DSST
COS101 Intro to Computing - DSST
Thomas Edison State College: All TECEPÂ Tests
CLEP - College-Level Exam Program