Check out these 2 videos regarding college costs and student debt. Both of them really highlight the high costs of college and the potential disaster of a student loan debt crisis. It certainly illustrates what everyone on this forum already knows - there is a better, cheaper way to get educated.
College Debt Crisis from CNBC
Price of Admission: America̢۪s College Debt Crisis - CNBC
College Conspiracy from NIA (National Inflation Association) - this one has a pretty biased slant but its fascinating none the less.
College Conspiracy (by NIA, 2011) - YouTube
College Debt Crisis from CNBC
Price of Admission: America̢۪s College Debt Crisis - CNBC
College Conspiracy from NIA (National Inflation Association) - this one has a pretty biased slant but its fascinating none the less.
College Conspiracy (by NIA, 2011) - YouTube
MBA - Western Governors 2019
BSBA - TESC 2014
CLEP/DSST: Principles of Management 69 | Human Resource Management 64 | Introduction to Computing 466 | Principles of Marketing 67 | Organizational Behavior 61 | Management Information Systems 466 | Principles of Supervision 437 | Introduction to Business 434 | Business Ethics and Society 431 | Introductory Business Law 56 | Macroeconomics 54 | American Government 59 | Money & Banking 52 | English Composition
Straighterline: Accounting I (89%) | Accounting II (75%) | Financial Accounting (82.5%) | Managerial Accounting (86.7%) | Business Communications (84%) | Microeconomics (87%) | Religions of the World (88.5%) | Organizational Behavior (93%)
Penn Foster: Finance (89%) | Strategic Business Management (97%)
ALEKS: College Algebra (78%)
BSBA - TESC 2014
CLEP/DSST: Principles of Management 69 | Human Resource Management 64 | Introduction to Computing 466 | Principles of Marketing 67 | Organizational Behavior 61 | Management Information Systems 466 | Principles of Supervision 437 | Introduction to Business 434 | Business Ethics and Society 431 | Introductory Business Law 56 | Macroeconomics 54 | American Government 59 | Money & Banking 52 | English Composition
Straighterline: Accounting I (89%) | Accounting II (75%) | Financial Accounting (82.5%) | Managerial Accounting (86.7%) | Business Communications (84%) | Microeconomics (87%) | Religions of the World (88.5%) | Organizational Behavior (93%)
Penn Foster: Finance (89%) | Strategic Business Management (97%)
ALEKS: College Algebra (78%)