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IC Study Format
I've noticed a few comments on the board about how students study for exams using IC, and I was wondering if more people could contribute their personal experience. It might be interesting to see different ways students utilize IC and perhaps it could help current and future students incorporate their IC study habits as well.

For Example:

gcalvin Wrote:My problem with the IC flashcards is that too often I find there are too many cards per set. I would be a whole lot happier with them if I could split them up into sets of no more than 20. I get frustrated and annoyed trying to work through sets of 40 or 60 or more flashcards. It just feels like they're going to go on forever. I know it doesn't make much sense, but I'm sure I could do three sets of twenty much more quickly and happily than one set of sixty. Still, I don't mean to complain -- for the money, it's a terrific value.

Basket Weaver Wrote:I had the same issue with the longer sections as well. Whenever I had one longer than 40 questions I split it in half and treated it like another section. I usually went through each section once, just to read it, then I started it over and tried to answer the question in my mind...I do not like typing so this was easier for me:o . When I could go through a section and not miss a single question and knew the explanations....I would then move on to the next section.

One more tidbit of advice if I may. As I finished a section of a subject, I would go back to the beginning and go through them all again


This will really drill the information into your head; repetition is key. Is this a bit overkill? Sure is, but it worked perfectly for CLEPs, Dantes, and the 8 ECE tests I passed.... IC was my primary source of study and I tested out of my degree. Good luck!
Here is my study process for IC Principles of Management.

Quote:319 Questions
7 parts

A1. Complete Part 1 in order, reading all questions and answers.
A2. Complete Part 1 at random, reading all questions and answers.
A3. Repeat Step A2 until I get at least 90% correct

B1. Complete Part 2 in order, reading all questions and answers.
B2. Complete Part 2 at random, reading all questions and answers.
B3. Repeat Step B2 until I get at least 90% correct
B4. Take Part 1 at random, record score

C1. Complete Part 3 in order, reading all questions and answers.
C2. Complete Part 3 at random, reading all questions and answers.
C3. Repeat Step C2 until I get at least 90% correct
C4. Take Part 2 at random, record score

D1. Complete Part 4 in order, reading all questions and answers.
D2. Complete Part 4 at random, reading all questions and answers.
D3. Repeat Step D2 until I get at least 90% correct
D4. Take Part 3 at random, record score

E1. Complete Part 5 in order, reading all questions and answers.
E2. Complete Part 5 at random, reading all questions and answers.
E3. Repeat Step E2 until I get at least 90% correct
E4. Take Part 4 at random, record score

F1. Complete Part 6 in order, reading all questions and answers.
F2. Complete Part 6 at random, reading all questions and answers.
F3. Repeat Step F2 until I get at least 90% correct
F4. Take Part 5 at random, record score

G1. Complete Part 7 in order, reading all questions and answers.
G2. Complete Part 7 at random, reading all questions and answers.
G3. Repeat Step G2 until I get at least 90% correct
G4. Take Part 6 at random, record score
G5. Take Part 7 at random, record score

H1. Complete Part 1-7 sequencially, with the random option, until I get at least 90% correct on each.
H2. Complete Part 1-7 randomly, with the random option, until I get at least 90% correct on each.

The reason why I do them in order the first time is because it is given in a natural progression, which is a little easier for my initial retainment.

With this process, I'm taking each part at least 4 times. I would say my average is closer to 6 times for 95% and above.

--disclaimer-- this is not a recommendation to anyone, just an insight on my personal approach --disclaimer--
Nice topic. It will be interesting to see how everyone does this.

For myself - If it's something easy (Management, History, Org Beh) and relies primarily on memorization, then I'll go through the cards just reading them. I hit each section in order once. I've got a decent memory for the written word, and that's usually enough.

If it's something off the wall that requires alot of memorization (Adulthood and aging for example... How many different types of aging can you have?) Then I'll go through them twice usually just reading, and mentally answering as I go. I'll usually be good after the second time, but sometimes it takes requires a third read-through.

If it's something seriously hard for me.. Business Law springs to mind.. Then I'll follow much the same as Gary and Basket. Read through them all once, then read through the individual section, and then mix them up and try to answer them. The ones I miss, I'll pay attention to and review after I'm done. I usually do this until I can get through 95% of the cards mentally. Thankfully I've only run into two or three like this (Soviet Union, Business Law, MIS)
Total Credits Earned: 162 - (with Forum Admin's permission)

Quote:Originally Posted by Basket Weaver
I had the same issue with the longer sections as well. Whenever I had one longer than 40 questions I split it in half and treated it like another section. I usually went through each section once, just to read it, then I started it over and tried to answer the question in my mind...I do not like typing so this was easier for me . When I could go through a section and not miss a single question and knew the explanations....I would then move on to the next section.

One more tidbit of advice if I may. As I finished a section of a subject, I would go back to the beginning and go through them all again


This will really drill the information into your head; repetition is key. Is this a bit overkill? Sure is, but it worked perfectly for CLEPs, Dantes, and the 8 ECE tests I passed.... IC was my primary source of study and I tested out of my degree. Good luck!

BMWGuinness brought up a good point in his post....when I go back through the sections I have already completed, I ALWAYS do them in the random mode. You will learn to memorize the answer, this happens at the subconscious level even though you try not to; the random mode will truly test the absorption level of the material and bypass the memorization a great degree.

Great post and conversation...this is sure to help many people. Lee
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
Chebasaz Wrote:Nice topic. It will be interesting to see how everyone does this.

For myself - If it's something easy (Management, History, Org Beh) and relies primarily on memorization, then I'll go through the cards just reading them. I hit each section in order once. I've got a decent memory for the written word, and that's usually enough.

If it's something off the wall that requires alot of memorization (Adulthood and aging for example... How many different types of aging can you have?) Then I'll go through them twice usually just reading, and mentally answering as I go. I'll usually be good after the second time, but sometimes it takes requires a third read-through.

If it's something seriously hard for me.. Business Law springs to mind.. Then I'll follow much the same as Gary and Basket. Read through them all once, then read through the individual section, and then mix them up and try to answer them. The ones I miss, I'll pay attention to and review after I'm done. I usually do this until I can get through 95% of the cards mentally. Thankfully I've only run into two or three like this (Soviet Union, Business Law, MIS)

I do the same type of thing. Although if there is a free study guide, I will use that and glance at the IC cards. Usually I will take a free test if available, find where I am weak, go through the IC cards once or twice, look up some terms on Wikipedia, glance at the specific test IC board info, and then test again. I review the test answers. Back several weeks ago, I found some military site that had all of the Clep exam fact sheets with test questions for all of the cleps. That has been helpful as well.

I am nervous about the ECE upper levels, so I will probably spend more time on IC cards. I have not used the random function yet, but will do so on the upper levels.

Except for my nemesis math exam, I have been able to get A's on all of my exams by this m/o.

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