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I'm Probably Failing Tomorrow....
So tomorrow at 8:00am Mountain time, I will be taking the CLEP College Math exam. I decided to do this in an attempt to circumvent the 50 hours or so that it will take me to complete my ALEKS College Algebra.

I have been studying all week and what I've already done in ALEKS has helped, but I still don't think I have what it takes to pass. I have used IC and read through the specific feedback forum and also viewed quite a few You Tube video math lessons.

Any last minute advice? Also.. anyone that wants to send some positve vibes my way or pray that I don't totally fail miserably, that would be totally appreciated. I haven't done a ton of tests yet, but I'm TERRIFIED.
Regis University, ITESO, Global MBA with a focus in Emerging Markets 4.0 GPA, Dual-university degree (Spanish/English) 
ISSA Certified Nutritionist
COSC BS, Business Admin

My BS Credits:
Spanish 80 | Humanities 67 | A & I Lit 72 | Sub Abuse 452 | Bus Ethics 445 | Tech Writ 62 | Math 53 | HTYH 454 | Am. Govt 65 | Env & Humanity 64 | Marketing 65 | Micro 61| Mgmt 63| Org Behavior 65| MIS 446|Computing 432 | BL II 61 | M&B 50 | Finance 411 | Supervision 437| Intro Bus. 439| Law Enforcement 63|  SL: Accounting I B | Accounting II C+| Macro A | ECE: Labor Relations A | Capstone: A| FEMA PDS Cert 
Sending positive vibes your way now....
I always said if I think I may fail then I will fail. Always think positive
Set yourself goals, not limitations
:iagree: Always think positively!

What I like most about math is there are no trick questions. Take your time and trust yourself. Remember the answer is there in your choices and you can always work problems backward if necessary.

Good luck, we are all routing for you!!

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!
As im now 90+ hours into ALEKS statistics I feel your pain. I will be sending you good math vibes.

Best of luck I also agree take your time and think positive thoughts; when I took my Math praxis the second time I knew I wasn't going to blow this test away,but I knew I could do enough to pass. You need to be willing to give yourself that positive edge.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
The answers are in the test.All you have to do is pick the right one. If all else fails plug some numbers in or pick C if pressed for time. All you need is a pass and then it's overwith. So, keep positive and you will do well...
BSLS Excelsior College February 2009hilarious

Earned over 90 credits in 8 months through credit by exam. Areas of focus in Admin/Mgmt and Psychology.
Just go in with an open mind- there is no pressure on you unless you put in on yourself. You've put quite a bit of effort into preparing yourself, and I have a hunch that you will do just fine!
I know exactly how you feel. I have studied until I feel that I have studied out, but I get up and keep studying some more. Always know the answers are right ther in front of us. Funny that I shoudl say that sicne I nervous about taking my upcoming DSST. I pray that you will be fina and you will.
burbuja0512 Wrote:I'm Probably Failing Tomorrow
Then you probably will fail. OR, you can try saying "I probably will pass tomorrow" and you probably will pass. I can't help you study, but I can impart the wisdom that a defeatist attitude leads only to defeat.

If you have gotten this far, then I am sure you have the tools necessary for success. GO GET 'EM!!!!

If you find yourself nervous during the test, just think of this: [Image: banana.gif]

[Image: ccoDZ6X.png]

Unas de las cosas mas dificiles de aprender son las lenguas, y su cuenta del CLEP de español me muestra que usted lo puede. Es mas dificil algebra que una lengua? Dudo mucho.

[Image: ccoDZ6X.png]

MC's last post is dead-on. It is a lot tougher to learn a new language than it is to prepare for the College Math CLEP! Think positive and you'll be fine!

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