05-13-2008, 12:20 AM
[COLOR="Blue"]Hello all,
First time poster here. I have taken a bunch of cleps with great success but this is my first time using Instantcert. My question is, can I pass History I just by having the Instacert flash cards down cold? I have been studying them and can go through them and answer them all to a 100% level. I am not looking for any score more than the minimum to pass. In fact 51% would be fine for my purposes. Naturally I can study other sources if necassary but I just want to get this one done. I appreciate all responses.
First time poster here. I have taken a bunch of cleps with great success but this is my first time using Instantcert. My question is, can I pass History I just by having the Instacert flash cards down cold? I have been studying them and can go through them and answer them all to a 100% level. I am not looking for any score more than the minimum to pass. In fact 51% would be fine for my purposes. Naturally I can study other sources if necassary but I just want to get this one done. I appreciate all responses.