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How does TESC work?
I have been reading on TESC's website and I'm a little lost. If I want to clep out of the majority of my degree, do I sign up now or wait? If I plan on getting student loans, will this take care of the enrollment fees or will I have to pay that up front? I'm really confused about all this. I have just started an adult program here in TN that is going to cost me about $15,000 for 42 credits. The rest I have to clep, do Fema's, and portfolios. Please give me your feedback on what's the best route to go. Also at TESC I would major in organizational leadership.

If u r gonna shell out 15K for 42 credits, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell u.

I started Jan 1, with 0 credits. I took 15 credits at a local CC for a residency requirement. I've taken 3 big CLEPs (18 credits). Add 25 FEMA's, some 25 PLA credits for Firefighting Certs and u get a grand total of 83 Credits for the low low price of about 2,500 including books, study materials, testing fees etc.

So, I would advise you to seriously reconsider that "Adult" program. If not, I've got some swamp land in Florida u might be interested in.
[U][U]A pass is a pass![/U][/U]

CLEP Passed
Social Science & History (6)
English Comp w/Essay (6)
A & I Literature (6)
Biology (6)
Natural Science (6)
Intro to Psychology (3)
Intro to Sociology (3)
Intro to Educational Psychology (3)
Human Growth & Development (3)
American Government (3)

DSST Passed
Drug & Alcohol Abuse (3)
Organizational Behavior (3)
Intro to Computing (3)
Technical Writing (3)
Astronomy (3)
Counseling (3)

Research Methods in Psychology (3)
Cultural Diversity (3)

FEMA (25)
NFA (3)

***Admitted to Wayne State University Law School
newtoclep Wrote:Please give me your feedback on what's the best route to go.

Wait for it......................[SIZE="7"]EC!!!![/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
I'm thinking the same thing DetroitSki. When I originally signed up for this private school(Bethel College), I didn't know that it was possible to completly clep out of a degree. I found this site when I was searching for study tools for the cleps that I need to take for the accelerated adult program at Bethel. The good thing is that I have only attended one class.
I like TESC because the degree that I'm looking at with them (Organizational Leadership) doesn't require precalculus and has 27 free electives that I could use Fema credits for. Bethel charges $65 per Fema credit transferred so I could save a lot of money. I appreciate the feedback guys. I'm just a little confused as to go about this whole process. Should I sign up for 6hrs so that I can get financial aid and use the excess to pay for CLEPS? Where do I go from here?
ShotoJuku Wrote:Wait for it......................[SIZE="7"]EC!!!![/SIZE]

What are the advantages of EC over TESC?
My advice...

Read every post on this site. Take the time and read them ALL! Go in chronological order. The information you gather will open your eyes to an entirely new reality.

Take the initiative. It's worth it.
[U][U]A pass is a pass![/U][/U]

CLEP Passed
Social Science & History (6)
English Comp w/Essay (6)
A & I Literature (6)
Biology (6)
Natural Science (6)
Intro to Psychology (3)
Intro to Sociology (3)
Intro to Educational Psychology (3)
Human Growth & Development (3)
American Government (3)

DSST Passed
Drug & Alcohol Abuse (3)
Organizational Behavior (3)
Intro to Computing (3)
Technical Writing (3)
Astronomy (3)
Counseling (3)

Research Methods in Psychology (3)
Cultural Diversity (3)

FEMA (25)
NFA (3)

***Admitted to Wayne State University Law School
newtoclep Wrote:I have been reading on TESC's website and I'm a little lost. If I want to clep out of the majority of my degree, do I sign up now or wait? If I plan on getting student loans, will this take care of the enrollment fees or will I have to pay that up front? I'm really confused about all this. I have just started an adult program here in TN that is going to cost me about $15,000 for 42 credits. The rest I have to clep, do Fema's, and portfolios. Please give me your feedback on what's the best route to go. Also at TESC I would major in organizational leadership.

So, your doing 42 credits locally for $15,000 and then testing out of/transfer in your remaining 78 credits at TESC? If that's so, I would gently suggest you spend some time on the board, browse around, read the archives....and then revisit the idea of spending SO MUCH MONEY on an undergrad degree. Unless it's Ivy League, it ain't Ivy League. Wouldn't you rather spend $15,000 on an MBA? Three years from today you could have your MBA and minimal student loan debt.

If you were 18, I wouldn't say this, but your an adult. There are some pros and cons you should consider. Your time is limited, your financial responsibilities are greater, the return on this investment is limited in how many years you have left to work, but you are smarter than an average 18 year old. You are motivated, and people here will help you. That recipe is just the right mix of pros and cons = undergrad degree at warp speed and focus on the MBA.
cookderosa Wrote:>>

So, your doing 42 credits locally for $15,000 and then testing out of/transfer in your remaining 78 credits at TESC? If that's so, I would gently suggest you spend some time on the board, browse around, read the archives....and then revisit the idea of spending SO MUCH MONEY on an undergrad degree. Unless it's Ivy League, it ain't Ivy League. Wouldn't you rather spend $15,000 on an MBA? Three years from today you could have your MBA and minimal student loan debt.

If you were 18, I wouldn't say this, but your an adult. There are some pros and cons you should consider. Your time is limited, your financial responsibilities are greater, the return on this investment is limited in how many years you have left to work, but you are smarter than an average 18 year old. You are motivated, and people here will help you. That recipe is just the right mix of pros and cons = undergrad degree at warp speed and focus on the MBA.

No, Jennifer until I found this site I was going to do the 42 credits locally and then the rest through Clep, Dantes, Portfolio, and Fema. I already have 30 credits to start with. This site has now enlightned me. I really like TESC but I need the cost per credit broken down for tuition reimbursement purposes so now I'm leaning a little more toward EC. The only thing is I would like to enroll part time in whatever college that I choose that way I can use loans to pay for cleps and to get tuition reimbursement and I hear EC's online classes are expensive.
DetroitSki Wrote:If u r gonna shell out 15K for 42 credits, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell u.

University of Phoenix must sell a lot of bridges then. Big Grin

Sorry...I couldn't help myself.
[COLOR="Blue"]Excelsior College
102 credits complete
20 UL Credits to go (7 tests)
BS Liberal Studies
Area of Focus:Computer Information Science

[COLOR="Red"]Next test:
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (August 6th)[/COLOR]

You could take 25 DSST tests or 27 CLEP tests for the price of 1 UoP class.
DetroitSki Wrote:My advice...

Read every post on this site. Take the time and read them ALL! Go in chronological order. The information you gather will open your eyes to an entirely new reality.

Take the initiative. It's worth it.

This is the best advice I've seen in a LONG time.
[COLOR="Blue"]Excelsior College
102 credits complete
20 UL Credits to go (7 tests)
BS Liberal Studies
Area of Focus:Computer Information Science

[COLOR="Red"]Next test:
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (August 6th)[/COLOR]

You could take 25 DSST tests or 27 CLEP tests for the price of 1 UoP class.

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