07-17-2007, 08:38 PM
Matymus Wrote:Biology, for example....not once was the theory of evolution ever taught as such...a theory. In every aspect, it was taught as certified, empirical fact. Nor was the biblical view ever presented and the student given the option to choose for themselves which view seemed more valid. That's only one example.
I totally agree with this statement. A lot of people talk about being open-minded and teaching our kids to be so. Then why don't we teach both Evolution and Creation in the public schools?
I believe in Creation. But, I have actually studied Evolutional THEORY. And fairly extensively too. Each person has the right to choose which one they believe in. It isn't up to the government to decide what is right or wrong. Especially since is is only a theory and not actual fact by any means. Teach them both, side by side, and let the the people decide for themselves which to believe in.
That is (in my opinion) why homeschooling can be MUCH better than the public schools. You actually have the opportunity to learn BOTH sides of ANY argument. You don't have that choice in public school. You are told that the government says this is right and this is wrong. You need to believe it also.
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