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Developing Study Skills
Any advise for study would be helpful. I used the following methods in high school:

Make outlines and flash cards for research papers. Make the outlines into full sentences then add more sentences to make the paper.

Take notes from textbook and make flash cards of the important stuff. Review flash cards often.

Some people use Mnemonics but I don't use them often.

I'm going to study some psychology and sociology.
that depends you personally and what you are studying for, each person has a different learning style. Find out what your learning style is and work towards incorporating that into how you learn. I learn by doing, more than by books so I try to focus on the practical steps of the subject, this isn't always easy to find practical ways to include in study material. There is evidence that people retain more of what they see, than hear so I also try and incorporate watching video into how I study. I'll walk on the treadmill and watch a history video for example. Sometimes using real books you can touch and turn the pages on can help more than learning stuff off a screen as it engages more parts of the senses. In many cases it boils down to exposure, some people can retain information by seeing it once I'm not one of those people I need to repeat the flashcards and the information over and over. That is why I like the instantcert flashcards and some of the ones that can be purchased on the regular market as the summarize what is important instead of what I think is important.
Don't forget that gaining college credit by taking exams is one of the reason's we're here. That's mainly possible through the flashcards made available by the owner of this forum : InstantCert Plus of course your hard work in learning and reviewing
Current Credits

Irish Education

FETAC Level 6 Adv Cert in Admin

Spreadsheets 5 U.S credits A ,Word Processing 2.5 U.S credits A
Business Management 5.0 U.S credits A Web Authoring 2.5 U.S credits A Communications 5.0 U.S credits A Manual and Computerized Bookkeeping 2.5 U.S Credits A

ECDL (European Computer Drivers License) ICS SKILLS 5 credits

Strayer University Marketing 100 (paid for by Starbucks) A 4.5 quarter hours
CLEP U.S History I 74, U.S History II 69, Western Civ II 61, Western Civ I 64, HG&D 60, Humanities 60, biz law 67,Am Gov 57.
DSST: Biz ethics & s 450, Art WW 424
EC CCS 120 A , EC ENG 101 A, EC BUS 312 H.R A , EC ENG 102 A,
B&M ACC 151 B, B&M ACC 152 (starting) Nat Scies,

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