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Holy Schmoly, I think I'm Done
barcotta Wrote:Yeh--I took the 40. Details, details... By the way, can you tell us more about the IAAP CAP exam? I didn't do extensive research, but I've just poked around this site and the internet and the Excelsior and TESC sites for about ten minutes and haven't found much. I found nothing but your signature on this site, simple searches at EC and TESC produced nothing, and I found out that those acronyms stand for International Association of Administrative Professionals, Certified Administrative Professional exam--which looks like it's given all over the country twice a year.'d you find out about this thing? How'd you prepare? How much was it? How hard was it? I'm always amazed that after three years of following all of this, new stuff pops up all the time. I mean, there's NOTHING on this forum about it that I can find . A two-day four part exam for 29 credits is a BIG DEAL. It looks even better considering that you passed and much of the subject matter appears to be quite manageable for anyone who has worked in an office. Details, please!

I will post a new thread asap. The short story is that there are 2 certifications from IAAP (International Association of Administrative Professionals), the CPS (Certified Professional Secretary) which is 3 of the 4 exams and CAP (Certified Administrative Professional). They have a website (google: IAAP) that has info on the certifications and also has the ACE recommendations for each exam. On the application they require administrative experience that has to be verified by an HR person or employer. Other than that I do not remember all the costs but I believe it was under $400 for the whole thing.
The study materials for this cost @$200 and are pretty much only available from one publisher which they also have links to. On the website there is good info for the exams including sample questions and study bibliographies.
I took it basically cold (I have tons of admin and managerial experience) and did really well. I didn't think I did as well as it turned out and there is ZERO info available (as you found for yourself) regarding scoring, etc). I didn't think it was particularly hard but it was all "choose the best answer" which means there was more than one "right" answer. I tried to think politcally correctly and bureaucratically and that seemed to work.

For a potential 29 credits for $400-$600 bucks, I think it's a gift from the heavens. My original plan was the Psych GRE and this certification which would have supplied 59 credits for under $500 in two exams! I would have been a superstar! LOL Lo, that didn't happen (Psych GRE was a bear that ate me for lunch). Still, for 29 ACE approved upper and lower credits, this cant be beat.
started Excelsior 11/08
BA Lib Studies from TESC completed 10/09:
Transferred in 42 from B&M school.
9 credits from ISM Purchasing certification.
CLEP Humanities 11/08 (64)
CLEP A&I Lit. 11/08 (70)
CLEP Soc. Sci. & History 12/08 (65)
CLEP Natl Science 1/09 (51) :p
Penn Foster Info Lit 2/09
Psych GRE 4/09 Score 540, 26th %, 0 credits :mad:
IAAP CAP certification exam (2 days, 750 questions)5/09 PASSED all 4 exams, 29 credits! Big Grin
11 FEMAs
CLEP English Comp w/ easay (62)
ALEKS Intro to Statistics (8/09)
CLEP English Literature (69)
Hi Mongoose,

I was wondering what schools accepts the IAAP credits? I went to the website and saw that they are ACE approved and the recommended credit distribution but was just wondering what school you are going to apply them to?

This is a remarkable find. Thanks for the info.

Best wishes,
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Purple"]Thomas Edison State College BSBA - 6/10
Excelsior College BS Liberal Arts - 9/10

Amberton MBA - 12/13 [/COLOR]
TESC definitely, EC probably. I guess it's up to the individual school and their policy on ACE recommendations. EC became difficult for me as they always seemed to find a way to decline credits (duplications, deviations from ACE, etc), where TESC seemed to make room for the credits. Don't want to digress into an EC vs TESC debate. They're both great!
started Excelsior 11/08
BA Lib Studies from TESC completed 10/09:
Transferred in 42 from B&M school.
9 credits from ISM Purchasing certification.
CLEP Humanities 11/08 (64)
CLEP A&I Lit. 11/08 (70)
CLEP Soc. Sci. & History 12/08 (65)
CLEP Natl Science 1/09 (51) :p
Penn Foster Info Lit 2/09
Psych GRE 4/09 Score 540, 26th %, 0 credits :mad:
IAAP CAP certification exam (2 days, 750 questions)5/09 PASSED all 4 exams, 29 credits! Big Grin
11 FEMAs
CLEP English Comp w/ easay (62)
ALEKS Intro to Statistics (8/09)
CLEP English Literature (69)
Nice! I know how hard that is to do. I did 80 in 10 months. Congratulations!!!!! Big Grin Enjoy the studying break! Wink

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin
[SIZE="7"]hilarious [/SIZE]CONGRATS and GOOD JOB!!!
CCAF-AS Logistics Management
CCAF-AS Bio-Environmental Science
Cerro Coso Community College-AS Administration of Justice
Excelsior College-BS Criminal Justice-2008
TESC-BA Liberal Studies-2009
2 Different Bachelor Degrees completed in under 2 years!

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