06-26-2009, 11:42 PM
Linda, just so you know we all go through it, I'm fighting the urge to drop Bus Stats, and I'm as close to being done as you can get. My wife hates this ALEK's program and how much time has been spent on it (over 100 hrs). I've broken a couple of promises I made to my daughters as far as playing w/them, they have been robbed of my time over the last 6 weeks, not to mention the 2 yrs of going for my BSL. And if I had a dog, he/she wouldn't like me right now. It made me review my plans and alter them. After talking to the director of the MBA program at Wilmington University, I realized life is too short to get worked up over classes that just don't fit me. Like you, "I have a dream" BUT I will alter it to fit. Sometimes, big eyes focus on too much, when that happens, it's time to put the blinders on. So, you are not alone.