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Has anyone taken Straighterline Managerial Accounting (Cost Accounting for TESC)?
Has anyone taken Straighterline Managerial Accounting (that counts as Cost Accounting at TESC, not the Accounting 1 or 2)?

I have the 8th edition of the textbook which is supposed to be similar to the current one but with different examples. I have a week left on my Straighterline 4 week membership. I finished Business Communications in a couple of days, but I am scared to start the Managerial Accounting.

If you have taken this, how was it compared to the other Straighterline courses?

Thanks for any input. I have searched the threads and haven't found anyone who has posted about what this particular course was like.
I posted this on the other Straighterline Accounting 1 & 2 thread, but am reposting this here to make it easier to find for people who are interested in taking this course.

I PASSED!!!!! Managerial Accounting (Cost Accounting for TESC!) It was HARD for me, but it is doable, and even more doable if you have taken accounting recently (I hadn't taken accounting in 20 years!) The math on the tests was easy, but you had to know where to plug the numbers in. And if you aren't so great at plugging the numbers into the correct spots, you can still pass/nearly pass with the terms and concepts. I would say about 30% of the test problems were actual accounting entry type/math problems (which always gave me the most trouble).

I didn't do any of the assignments, or listen to but one of the lectures. I listened to the very first lecture and it had nothing at all to do with what was on the test, so that was the last time I did that.

The tests took 1 hour 15 minutes each (for the 4, 4 chapter tests) 2 hours for the midterm, and 3 hours for the final. It took me every bit of time to finish. And the scrolling back and forth is so slow that it takes a lot of the time.

I did the 4, 4 chapter tests first, then the midterm, then the final. The final is weighted higher, but it only covers half the book, like the midterm does. I started on Friday and finished a few minutes ago.

I got the 8th edition, international version, of Hilton's Managerial Accounting off Amazon and it was perfect. YOU CAN NOT DO THIS WITHOUT THE BOOK. DON'T EVEN TRY! The terms and concepts were all from the book, almost verbatim, though they were hard to find when each test covered a few hundred pages. The book was $4 shipped, used, when I got mine.

I am beyond thrilled to be done with this, but I would recommend it to anyone who is okay decent at accounting, for sure. Accounting is not my strong suit, but I passed. So if I can, most people could.
That's great to hear because this is my next course to take through Straighterline. I'm just waiting for the book to arrive, which should be sometime this week. Smile
BA in History, TESC, Graduated September 2010
MA in History, American Public University, currently pursuing
Virginia teaching license, currently pursuing

Check out Degree Forum Wiki for more information on putting together your own degree plan!

My BA History degree plan.
This is one of my last three...just started yesterday and it is VERY difficult for me. Perhaps it is the textbook and how it is written but I got 67% on my first test so I am freaking out a bit. The other straighterlines were not nearly this difficult - nor were the 10 CLEP and DSST's I have taken. Is there a stufy guide that might help?

Any ideas?
I spent the ENTIRE time of Managerial/Cost Accounting teetering on the brink of passing. I am glad it was not just me. You really had to actually "know" what you were doing with the tests, for sure. When I got my 71 or 72 as a final grade, I was THRILLED.

Still, for a class I was able to complete in a couple of days (I had already paid for a month, I was just cramming this onto the month of the class I had completed), I am happy with it.
I have sailed through everything else and this class is giving me fits! I have taken Intro to Criminal Justice (total cake walk just tedious) and a slew of CLEP and DSST's...NONE of them have caused me more than 8-10 hours of studying.

I took the first test for granted and now spent today trudging through chapters 5-7...I think I should have 3 classes left (waiting on my final evaluation of my transcript) and am determined to get this off my plate this week. Then I have DSST Principles of Finance (which scares me to death after reading the feedback) and my Business Strategy Capstone.

Someone posted about an amazing study guide but I have not had anyone answer my inquires about it!

Good Luck!
Joyous2012 Wrote:Then I have DSST Principles of Finance (which scares me to death after reading the feedback) and my Business Strategy Capstone.

Someone posted about an amazing study guide but I have not had anyone answer my inquires about it!

Good Luck!

If you are going through TESC, there is a Penn Foster Class (Financial Management, I think is the name?) that transfers in as the Principles of Finance that you need. I did it and was really glad I did it that way. The PF classes are about $210, including books, through their Military Advisor/Jobsource department.
This Straighterline managerial Accounting class is BRUTAL! I did poorly on the first test... my fault I jumped in too soon. I outlined and read the very next 4 chapters. I wrote notes on every paragraph ( with writers cramp) ...wrote the equations down separately and studied... DID WORSE THAN the first test. ANY suggestions out there? My email is I will take ANY advice!
Started Dec 2012 ~ BSBA Human Resource and Org Management TESC

YAY!!!! OCT 24th = DONE!!!!!!

Straighterline Courses: American History I 83%, American History II 79% Accounting I 81%, Accounting II 83%, Macro 77 %, Micro 84%,World Religions 83%, Business Law 74%, Business Ethics 78%, Organizational Behavior 78%, Intro to business 85%, Business Communications 86%
Clep: Principles of management 64, Intro to marketing 53,
DSST: Bus in Society 442 / Principles of Supervison 453 / Money and Banking 55
Penn Foster: HR management 96%, Compensation Management 88%, Emp Benefits 89%, training concepts 96%, Strategic Management 90%, Principles of Finance 82%
ALEKS: Intro To Statistics 72%, Pre-Calc 70%
TESC : Org Theory DONE~ 89%
TEEX Cybersecurity for everyone ~ Business Elective ~ 85%
Have you studied using the online resources? I found them very helpful especially with the way questions are worded. Try going over this: Multiple Choice Quiz. Also I always would copy the questions I got wrong (time permitting) so I could study them and figure out how to do them before taking the midterm. Hope this helps!
Associate: Pikes Peak Community College - Associate of General Studies 2012
Bachelors: Thomas Edison State College - BSBA (General Management) 2013 ~ Arnold Fletcher Award Recipient
Link to Degree Plan
MBA: Patten University - Master of Business Administration - Information Technology 2017

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