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HELP..Newbie looking for Liberal Arts for Teaching Help!!!
Hi Everyone,

I've become very frustrated with colleges here in California! I'm 46 and am trying to get a Liberal Arts degree foe elementary school teaching as quickly as I can to try and support my father's rising medical expenses so time has become urgent for me. I returned to school in 2015 and have been working full time and trying to take classes as much as I can. I thought I was on the right path with 90 units completed only to have my local CSU tell me that I have to complete their pathway to not have to take the CSET when I'm done with all my college work. So come to find out I still have to do 30 more Gen Ed units plus 50 Upper level work and the 36 credential units. So I'm looking at another 116 units which would take me at least 4-5 years ugghhh. I stumbled upon information about Clep and DSST's etc. If any of the so called big 3 colleges would be an option to help me speed things up, that would be awesome. If I could test out of as much as possible that would be amazing. I'm just not sure where to start, should I call one of the big 3?? Is one better than another for Liberal Arts?? How can I find out how many of my 90 units will count towards my finishing degree and what I still need to take etc??? I see that some of you on here make a list of what classes to take for their does one go about doing that??? AANNNYYY Help whatsoever is much appreciated!!! In the meantime I will try to dig through this forum for info...Thank You In Advance!!!
Post your credits here, and we can tell you the best route. One thing to keep in mind in CA: you do not need a degree in Education to become a teacher; you can get a degree in just about anything, and then student teach for a year while prepping for the CSET.

Also, the CSU's are pretty transparent in their requirements for a degree; from the CC's on up, there is tons of info out there for what you need to do to get a teaching credential. Now, if you came from another state and didn't know that there were certain "pathways" that you needed, then you definitely need to look at another school or another path.

But first, list everything and let's see where you stand. AND, make sure you list in this order:

School #1 (RA or NA, 2-yr or 4-yr, semester or quarter system)
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL

School #2 (RA or NA, 2-yr or 4-yr, semester or quarter system)
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL

School #3 (RA or NA, 2-yr or 4-yr, semester or quarter system)
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL

You don't have to put the school name, but the other info is needed. Please only put the necessary info: we don't need extra details like GPA - try to make this as succinct as possible while giving as much info as is needed.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
(03-11-2019, 04:50 PM)tls7291 Wrote: ... I thought I was on the right path with 90 units completed only to have my local CSU tell me that I have to complete their pathway to not have to take the CSET when I'm done with all my college work. ...

Assuming for the moment that you still want to graduate from your CSU...

If you decide to take the CSET, can't you go ahead and finish using the degree plan you have? My daughter just got done taking the CSET and that seems much easier than taking a bunch of extra courses.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
(03-11-2019, 05:12 PM)davewill Wrote:
(03-11-2019, 04:50 PM)tls7291 Wrote: ... I thought I was on the right path with 90 units completed only to have my local CSU tell me that I have to complete their pathway to not have to take the CSET when I'm done with all my college work. ...

Assuming for the moment that you still want to graduate from your CSU...

If you decide to take the CSET, can't you go ahead and finish using the degree plan you have?  My daughter just got done taking the CSET and that seems much easier than taking a bunch of extra courses.

That was my thought as well.  What's the point of taking 4 years of extra coursework just to get out of taking a test?
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
(03-11-2019, 05:00 PM)dfrecore Wrote: Post your credits here, and we can tell you the best route.  One thing to keep in mind in CA: you do not need a degree in Education to become a teacher; you can get a degree in just about anything, and then student teach for a year while prepping for the CSET.

Also, the CSU's are pretty transparent in their requirements for a degree; from the CC's on up, there is tons of info out there for what you need to do to get a teaching credential.  Now, if you came from another state and didn't know that there were certain "pathways" that you needed, then you definitely need to look at another school or another path.

But first, list everything and let's see where you stand.  AND, make sure you list in this order:

School #1 (RA or NA, 2-yr or 4-yr, semester or quarter system)
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL

School #2 (RA or NA, 2-yr or 4-yr, semester or quarter system)
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL

School #3 (RA or NA, 2-yr or 4-yr, semester or quarter system)
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL
Course #, course name, number of credits, grade if less than a C, and if the course is UL

You don't have to put the school name, but the other info is needed.  Please only put the necessary info: we don't need extra details like GPA - try to make this as succinct as possible while giving as much info as is needed.
Ok awesome...thank you so much...hopefully I don't mess this goes:

I'm not sure if the Juco is RA or NA, I looked it up but it only says that they are accredited by Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges.

School #1, juco on semester schedule

Psych 130 ,    Personal Adjustment,                         3 credits, Gen Ed
Philo 115,      Religious Comparisons & Inquiry,        3 credits, Gen Ed
Psych 101,    General Psychology,                           3 credits, Gen Ed
Socio 150,     Ethnicity & Culture in America,            3 credits, Gen, Ed
SpCom 102,  Intro to  Human Comm.,                     3 credits, Gen Ed
PE 109,        Performance Through Mental Training, 3 credits, Gen Ed
Anthro 101,  Physical Anthropology,                        3 credits, Gen Ed
Polsc 110,    International Relations,                       3 credits, Gen Ed
Music 110,   Music Appreciation,                             3 credits, Gen Ed
Hea 110,      Healthful Living,                                 3 credits, Gen Ed
Pe 108,        Care & Prev of Athletic Inj. ,                3 credits, Gen Ed
Human 101, Intro to Humanities,                            3 credits, Gen Ed
Hist 101,      History of US to 1877,                         3 credits, Gen Ed
Engl. 101,    Comp. & Reading,                               3 credits, Gen Ed
Hea 101,      Emerg. Response / CPR,                      3 credits, Gen Ed
Csci 201,     General Computer literacy,                    3 credits, Gen Ed
Busad 230,  Personal Finance,                                 3 credits, Gen Ed
PE 121 ,      Coaching Effectiveness,                        3 credits, Gen Ed
PE 100,       Into to Physical Ed.,                             3 credits, Gen Ed
Hist 106,     World Civ to 16th Cent.,                       3 credits, Gen Ed
Engl. 169,   Children's Literature,                            3 credits, Gen Ed
Philo 105,   Crit. Reason & Analytic Writing,             3 credits, Gen Ed
Art 160,      Appreciation of Art,                              3 credits, Gen Ed
Psych 110,  Human Sexualities,                              3 credits, Gen Ed
Hist. 129,    History of California,                            3 credits, Gen Ed

School #2 juco on semester schedule

Lbst 10,    Intro to Education,                                3 credits, Gen Ed
Math 62,   Algebra for Liberal Arts,                         5 Credits, Gen Ed

currently enrolled in Math 105, Basic Structures of Math, 3 credits, Gen Ed

I was under the impression that you had to get a multiple subject credential to teach k-8th, at least in California? 
I'm all ears, if you guys have any suggestions for me thanks so much!
If you want to teach may I suggest WGU.
(03-11-2019, 06:45 PM)natshar Wrote: If you want to teach may I suggest WGU.

sorry I'm totally new to all this , what is WGU? I'm assuming it's an online college? If so why WGU, is it geared towards people that want to teach?

Thank You!
(03-11-2019, 06:51 PM)tls7291 Wrote:
(03-11-2019, 06:45 PM)natshar Wrote: If you want to teach may I suggest WGU.

sorry I'm totally new to all this , what is WGU? I'm assuming it's an online college? If so why WGU, is it geared towards people that want to teach?

Thank You!

WGU is Western Governors University. You can transfer in up to 90 credits and then finish the rest in one six month term. They are affordable and well respected among teachers.
(03-11-2019, 06:55 PM)natshar Wrote:
(03-11-2019, 06:51 PM)tls7291 Wrote:
(03-11-2019, 06:45 PM)natshar Wrote: If you want to teach may I suggest WGU.

sorry I'm totally new to all this , what is WGU? I'm assuming it's an online college? If so why WGU, is it geared towards people that want to teach?

Thank You!

WGU is Western Governors University. You can transfer in up to 90 credits and then finish the rest in one six month term. They are affordable and well respected among teachers.

oh great...thank you so much!!! 
(03-11-2019, 07:04 PM)tls7291 Wrote:
(03-11-2019, 06:55 PM)natshar Wrote:
(03-11-2019, 06:51 PM)tls7291 Wrote:
(03-11-2019, 06:45 PM)natshar Wrote: If you want to teach may I suggest WGU.

sorry I'm totally new to all this , what is WGU? I'm assuming it's an online college? If so why WGU, is it geared towards people that want to teach?

Thank You!

WGU is Western Governors University. You can transfer in up to 90 credits and then finish the rest in one six month term. They are affordable and well respected among teachers.

oh great...thank you so much!!! 
Hi again,

I'm liking the WGU route, do you think I should send my transcripts or talk to admissions to see where my 90 units stand ? Also can you elaborate on the 6 month term? Do you mean that it allows you to finish your degree in 6 months as long as you have 90 acceptable credits?

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