08-10-2006, 08:33 PM
snazzlefrag Wrote:Holy CRAP!
I start pulling my hair out if I don't get my score in three weeks.
Remind me Lee, are you the one who is stationed in England and so only gets results when they are shipped en masse back to your base?
Poor Lee!
But HEY....you PASSED! Congratulations! A passing score makes the wait worthwhile.
Yeah, that's me. I'm not alone though, all of the military stationed overseas have to go through the same thing. I called Dantes and the lady told me she was looking at my score but was unable to tell me what it was as I was not the Base's Education Office. That'll get the old blood pressure going.....
The 44 day mark was ONLY because Excelsior sent me an e-mail stating they received another transcript in from Dantes. When I went to My EC, I saw no score so I called them and they told me. I still have not received anything from Dantes or the Education Office on the pass.
I think we should have a "Who's score took the longest to get back contest" followed by "who has the highest blood pressure Contest" hilarious