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Goal: BA or BS in CS or IT
Yes, I looked up that link maybe 3 weeks ago, and it was already out of order.

I remember, it was an old-style website, that looked more like a form.
As there were changes announced for Finance 303: Financial Institutions & Markets (v.2) and Finance 306: Small Business Finance (v.2), regarding to additional quizzes and assignments, starting on February 15th, I sent those assignments before the 15th.

And as I later got that email from saying that I had to send all the assignments while having an active subscription... I had to send everything else that I had pending since 2021:

[Image: Captura-de-pantalla-2024-02-22-224414.jpg]

I took one exam this month (Business 315: Logistics), and I still have my 2nd (and last) exam pending: Computer Architecture.

I have 5 days to do it.

So during February I have passed Saylor´s Operations Management, and then I completed 8´s courses. With 1 more pending, in order to finally cancel my SDC subscription.

After that, I would only need to buy Linear Algebra in Coppersmith Consulting, and the CSM Learn course (as my edX equivalent course is only valid for the BS in Computer Science).

I also need to take 3 Davar courses that I already bought long time ago:

FIN 310 Multinational Business Finance
MAN 401 Advanced Strategic Management
MAN 330 International Management

Later I´ll probably complete some additional Coursera certificates:
Applied Data Science Specialization
IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate
and maybe
SAS Advanced Programmer Professional Certificate
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Ok, I have been studying SDC Computer Architecture the last few days, but I didn´t read the chapters related to circuits, I only checked the quizzes, I read most of the other topics at least once at some point.

There were lots of questions about binary to decimal conversion, at least 5.

So you can pass without having to know about flip-flops, gates, etc.

[Image: Screenshot-2024-02-25-at-01-34-03-Review...ecture.png]

I got 50 in the assignment that it´s about converting numbers from one base to another one, plus 99 in the quizzes, thefore I already have 230, and I already sent the "No assignment" file for the circuits assignment.

So I´m done with SDC, just waiting for them to mark things as completed.
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(02-25-2024, 01:38 AM)MrPanda Wrote: So I´m done with SDC, just waiting for them to mark things as completed.

Congratulations on all the progress! Are you still working on these at TESU? What do you have left?
Pierpont Community & Technical College 2022
Associate of Applied Science - Board of Governors - Area of Emphasis: Information Systems
Western Governors University 
Bachelor of Science - Cloud Computing
Charter Oak State College
Bachelor of Science - General Studies - Concentration: Information Systems Studies
Thomas Edison State University
Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science
Associate in Science in Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Mathematics
University of Maine at Presque Isle 
Bachelor of Applied Science - Minor: Project Management
Thank you Mr. Origami!

Yes, I´m working on:

BA in CS <- All done.
BA in Math <- Pending: Linear Algebra

For the BSBAs <- Pending: CSM Learn (as the edX BUS-210 Quantitative Skills for Business only works for the BSCS)

BSBA in OPM <- All done.
BSBA in HRM/OM  <- All done.
Cert. in Finance <- All done
Cert. in Org. Leadership <- All done.

and I also want to complete:

Cert. in CIS: For the Cert. in CIS, I need to add Saylor´s Intro to Programming: Python (as the edX Intro to Programming only works for the BSCS).

However, I´m not enrolled, I only had my credly badges evaluated once, as I have my Independent Learning Account (the edX partnership).

Also:, in case I need an additional upper level math.

My term in TESU should be:

Capstone for the BA
Capstone for the BSBA
Calculus III
+ 2 math courses if needed (easier courses if not).
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  • Jonathan Whatley
(02-25-2024, 09:51 AM)MrPanda Wrote: BA in CS
BA in Math
Cert. in Finance
Cert. in Org. Leadership
Cert. in CIS

Wow, that's a lot! Great work earning all the required courses!

A couple more questions:
  • Are you sure all of these are possible? I know TESU advisors can push back, and they're the gatekeepers.
  • Why not enroll now and lock in the catalog before anything else changes?
Pierpont Community & Technical College 2022
Associate of Applied Science - Board of Governors - Area of Emphasis: Information Systems
Western Governors University 
Bachelor of Science - Cloud Computing
Charter Oak State College
Bachelor of Science - General Studies - Concentration: Information Systems Studies
Thomas Edison State University
Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science
Associate in Science in Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Mathematics
University of Maine at Presque Isle 
Bachelor of Applied Science - Minor: Project Management
I think it should be possible, however, we will discover it. As I have lots of courses, there should be enough courses to avoid the excessive overlapping in the AOSs.

I haven´t applied yet, as I wanted to at least finish the required SDC courses for the BSCS. And because I´m not yet taking the TESU term, until maybe 2025.
Today, I got the Computer´s Architecture´s Credly badge. All done with

Right now I´m trying to finish with all my Davar Courses, so I send all my transcripts to TESU with their "1 free transcript" offer, as I don´t want to pay for that.

I´m studying for Davar´s MAN-401 Advanced Stategic Management, but don´t get fooled by the name. It´s not "Advanced" at all, it´s just the normal content you will in any management course, a bit of strategy, a bit of planning, a bit of marketing, Porter, SWOT.

In TESU, Davar´s MAN-401 Advanced Strategic Management transfer as BUS-480 Seminar in Business.

By the way, these are the badges that I have obtained during this year:

[Image: Captura-de-pantalla-2024-02-28-203025.jpg]
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Davar Academy took 30 hours to grade my MAN-401 Advanced Strategic Management exam:

[Image: Captura-de-pantalla-2024-03-02-132539.jpg]

There could have been a few multiple choice questions that I didn´t remember having seen in the slides, but the essay questions were all mentioned in the slides.

My next exam is going to be Davar´s MAN 330 International Management, that transfers to TESU as MAN-372 International Management.
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I have passed Davar´s MAN 330 International Management exam:

[Image: Screenshot-2024-03-11-at-15-23-40-Davar-...esults.png]

March 6th was when I took the exam, and March 11th was when the results were out.

I was thinking that I was taking the exam as a requisite for the Certificate in Finance, but it´s actually part of the BSBA´s Business Core:

[Image: Screenshot-2024-03-11-at-15-27-30-Sample...m-Wiki.png]

My next exam is going to be Davar´s FIN 310 Multinational Business Finance, that transfers to TESU as FIN-334 International Finance. This course works for TESU´s Certificate in Finance.
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  • Jonathan Whatley, origamishuttle

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