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German CLEP review
Hi - I am Johanna, and new here. So much to learn . . .

What is a good review for the German CLEP?

Also, where would I find an exam for a language other than French, Spanish and German (ie. Dutch)?
Thanks, I am learning lots from reading your posts.
Actually I am Dutch and have yet to find an exam that will give you credit for speaking it! I recently passed German and French CLEP's with my VWO diploma and no studying ahead of time. I scored in the 70's with both exams, way more than required for the 12 credit you get for each exam. On a level of difficulty, I would grade it at "klas" 2 or "klas" 3 VWO, mainly because of the difficulty understanding some of the words as the quality of material is very poor.

Good luck on your quest!

BS Business - Excelsior College Summa Cum Laude
Started with 25 credits in March 2006. Tested out with CLEP, Dantes and Tecep.
ChristaKB Wrote:Actually I am Dutch and have yet to find an exam that will give you credit for speaking it!
Maybe you can look into the NYU Foreign Language Proficiency exams. You'd have to check if your school accepts them, and what type of credit they would grant if they do. I know Excelsior College offers some form of credit for them, as they have this exam type listed in their credit by examination guide.

Here are the links to the two Dutch exams: 12-point exam and 16-point exam.

These links don't give test centers, so you may have to call the number provided. I know for a fact a nearby university, Nova Southeastern University, proctors them.

On a side note, thanks to Christa I decided to take the plunge and take the French exam. I don't need the full 12 credits, as all my remaining credits are requirements. So, the lower score and 6 credits will do fine for me, but it's great that I don't have to study for it (at this point I either know it or I don't). Smile

I hope this is helpful.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]96 credits completed (93 by exam)
BS in General Business, Excelsior College (33 credits remaining)
Next exams: DSST Statistics, DSST Business Law 2
Recently taken: DSST Drug/Alcohol (61), CLEP French (63), ECE Gerontology (B Sad), DSST MIS (65), DSST Counseling (54), DSST Ethics (63)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
ChristaKB Wrote:Actually I am Dutch and have yet to find an exam that will give you credit for speaking it! I recently passed German and French CLEP's with my VWO diploma and no studying ahead of time. I scored in the 70's with both exams, way more than required for the 12 credit you get for each exam. On a level of difficulty, I would grade it at "klas" 2 or "klas" 3 VWO, mainly because of the difficulty understanding some of the words as the quality of material is very poor.

Good luck on your quest!

Thank you for your insights - how long ago did you take your VWO classes? Mine are long enough ago that I am hesitant (have been out of school for 25 years). Nice to meet someone from Holland - here in the Midwest I don't know a soul that speaks my mother tongue!
anar579 Wrote:On a side note, thanks to Christa I decided to take the plunge and take the French exam. I don't need the full 12 credits, as all my remaining credits are requirements. So, the lower score and 6 credits will do fine for me, but it's great that I don't have to study for it (at this point I either know it or I don't). Smile
HI Ana-
when are you taking the french test? let us know.
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
yutzyj Wrote:HI Ana-
when are you taking the french test? let us know.
Hi Dawn,
I'm taking it on Monday 7/17. I'll post how my results. Smile
[COLOR="DarkRed"]96 credits completed (93 by exam)
BS in General Business, Excelsior College (33 credits remaining)
Next exams: DSST Statistics, DSST Business Law 2
Recently taken: DSST Drug/Alcohol (61), CLEP French (63), ECE Gerontology (B Sad), DSST MIS (65), DSST Counseling (54), DSST Ethics (63)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Deutsche Welle has some material at this page that presents a good review. Includes audio clips. Click on "Beginner" and work your way through.

Exeter University in the UK includes a page that may be useful.

deutsch-als-fremdsprache has some good resources and links.

For those interested in going beyond the CLEP, the Goethe Institut offers German-language proficiency testing in the USA, including at many universities. I took one of the exams a few years ago.

There is a website similar to InstantCert in which you fill in the blanks and click submit. Can't find it right now. I used that website to review for the Goethe Institut exam. Also listened to various German radio stations over the internet. And spoke often with German friends on the phone.

I sure wish the internet existed when taking my German CLEP test over 20 years ago. Back then, while stationed in Germany, all I had was a Wörtebuch, a grammar book and the local pub. Big Grin

All jokes aside, immersion is best. But one can learn German reading and listening on their own.
The "Deutche Welle" link is not working. Any chance you could fix it? Thx for the help ~

The link works fine for me: Try this one:,2142,2547,00.html

If that fails, try , click on "German courses" in the left column.
Awesome - worked like a charm. Thanks!

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