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English Composition Test Out or take the class?
My curiosity is piqued and I am now searching for advice for the required course from Excelsior College for English Composition (ENGX*111) should I take the exam or attend the actual course? This is the only one that I am concerned about testing out on.

I had taken my first and only CLEP Test in 1996 and that was the English Composition Exam. Excelsior is telling me that this previously taken and passed CLEP Exam does not meet the requirements for my degree in Liberal Studies.

Any opinions on the difficulty of the DSST English Composition Exam? Do you need to know poets, or other details at that level?

Thanks for any input,

I don't believe the DSST exam qualifies for the Excelsior WER either. I took the ECE and scored a B, which I think was very fair. Writing against the clock is very difficult for me, but I'm still glad I took the exam rather than a course. The exam is basically three essays in three hours, although there is some additional content as well. If you are enrolled at Excelsior, use their "MyAccess!" web tutorials. It's excellent practice for the English Comp exam.

This will work..... LSU Independent and Distance Learning
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Gary's advise is right on. The Written English requirement is only 3 credits, ENGX 101 College Writing (410) EXAM 3/ L. Your other credits from CLEP's English Comp will give you 3 additional credits. The exam is 3 essays in 3 hours. It is recommended to make them 500 words or more. I am not any good at typing (I'm slow). I got a B. "My Access" lets you refine your skills. I can't tell you how valuable "My Access" is. It is the same exact program that grades the exam. "My Access" costs $30 for 90 days
. You can register and pay for "My Access" from Excelsior's website. For one of your essays you will need to know how to use Modern Language Association (MLA) style of citation (Look up on Google). I used 3 paragraphs, opening, body, conclusion. Don't use words that you don't know how to spell, although it didn't seem to grade harshly if you only have a few mistakes. Longer sentences that are properly punctuated are considered more complex sentences. They help raise your score. I hate essays the most.......well..... almost as bad as taking classes. :-)
63 Prin Macro68 Prin Mktg, 66 Prin Mgmt, 52 Prin Micro,
506 Soc Sci and Hist, 659 Col Math, 431 Eng Comp,
63 Prin of Acc, [SIZE=1]55 Fresh Comp, 58 Humanit,
66 Info Sys and Comp App, 600 Nat Sci, 60 West Civ I,
58 West Civ II, 54 Intro Bus Law, 66 Ana & Int Lit
62 Mgmt Info Sys, 54 Mon & Bank, 65 Ethics in Amer
51 Prin Statistics, 47 Princ Fin (46 to pass)Smile,
65 Princ of Sup, 71 Bus Math, 72 Intro Bus

C Org Beh, C Human Res Mgmt, B College Writing, B Labor Relations, P Info Lit, A Business Strategy

57 Ops Mgmt (50 to pass), 70 Industrial Psych (60 to pass)
I actually took English comp and it really helped me out a lot with my writing in future classes. I think this is one course that is worth taking.
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009
Taking the advice about the MyAccess at MyEC I have invested the $30 and wrote my first persuasive essay with a first score of 5.1 out of 6. There are a few technical suggestions on my writing that I should have remembered.

Thanks for the advice and I believe that with a week or so writing essays and having them evaluated through MyAccess I will be ready to test out with the ECE.

Once again thanks for the advice, and anyone else needing this exam for Excelsior College, the MyAccess study process appears to be a good level setter.


does the english clep with essay fulfill the written english requirement at excelsior
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009
originalbigjim Wrote:Does the english clep with essay fulfill the written english requirement at Excelsior

It hasn't. :mad:
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
originalbigjim Wrote:I actually took English comp and it really helped me out a lot with my writing in future classes. I think this is one course that is worth taking.

This is why I'm taking the class and not doing the test.
BA Social Sciences TESC 2009

Humanities 64 | Intro Sociology 74 | Intro Psychology 74 | College Mathematics 60 | H.G. & Dev. 66
A&I Literature 65 | Educational Psychology 71 | American Government 67 | US History I 67 | US History II 72
Social Sciences & History 65 | English Comp 63
Civil War 61 | Substance Abuse 463 | Intro Computing 465 | Technical Writing 66 | Anthropology 66 | Prin. of Supervision 62
Enviro & Humanity 68 | Org Behavior 67 | Astronomy 60 | Ethics 467
World Population A | Research Methods in Psychology A | Adulthood & Aging A | Gerontology A | UExcel Political Science B

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Read My Story[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"] Tested out of 120 credits in 11 months. Started with [COLOR="Blue"]0[/COLOR] credits on April 20, 2008 - Finished on March 18th 2009
[SIZE="3"][COLOR="#800080"][COLOR="#4B0082"]If you've been helped by someone on this forum then help someone on this forum.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR]

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