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ENEB Master Thread
I found more info about titulo propio in the Nordic countries (Sweden and Norway). Basically, in terms of academics admissions, you are far worse off than in North America:

- The ECTS of a titulo propio, if the credits transfer, will be transferred in to Nordic schools at face value (same amount Spain dictated), due to the Bologna Process.
- Titulo Propio are considered like polytechnical school or vocational school certificates in the Nordics. Within the Nordic system, vocational school credits are seen as separate from both high school and university credits, and they can't transfer into one of those other levels. Titulo propio do not give you the right to get student loans/grants (Lånekassen, Centrala studiestödsnämnden, etc). A finished titulo propio cannot be used in lieu of a high school diploma, Bachelor's degree, or Master's degree for school admissions - but they may be used to fulfill a separate entrance requirement (prerequisite) regarding proof of related knowledge in the subject.
- All documents must have either notarization by the state/country, or a stamped and signed version of the document issued by the school's academic registrar, degree department or other relevant department (something unsigned, signed by a random professor, or just signed by the rector doesn't count). Notarized documents can be copies but stamped and signed copies must be original.

Norway will use the official list from the Spanish Ministry of Education to see if your diploma is accredited or not. For Universidad Isabel I, the list only contains Graduado and Máster Universitario degrees:

- Despite all of this, as posted earlier in this thread, all degrees and diplomas from a European country including Spain can be used in the Nordics for employment, without the need for a Foreign Credit Evaluation or even a translation, as long as the career does not require a license.

Main Sources:
Finished: 2 AAs, 1 BA, 2 trade schools, 3 ENEB MAs, JLPT N1.
In Progress: 1 WGU MA, 2 Mastercurssos, 3 more ENEB MAs, teacher license.
(01-02-2024, 04:53 PM)Voldigoad Wrote:
(01-02-2024, 02:33 AM)Xin Wrote:
(01-02-2024, 01:57 AM)bjcheung77 Wrote:
Xin Wrote:I think it means offering full scholarships for the course, tuition free, 10 are the remaining scholarship places, eneb offers various types of scholarships and installments for tuition, which doesn't seem like strange marketing, and two is the actual existence of free places

You can email them if you want to get the general idea of what that means for ENEB.  The picture indicates the scholarship dollar amount already, it's not free or a full scholarship.  Everyone is going to look at all the info presented differently, to be on the safe side, it's best to get the info directly from them...  My thought remains what I mentioned earlier, they're too much of a 'money grabber' to offer anything free, they're offering diplomas, exams, etc for extra costs, they're not in the right sense to offer anything free at all, it's all marketing and strategy on their end...
In fact, the overall price is now closer to that of similar programs in Spain, and in general, Isabel's own titles cost between 500 and 600 euros at other partner centers, which is just about the total price of eneb's current courses and diplomas. Perhaps this price is justified, there are many platforms in Spain that offer similar programs, and the only services you can buy for 500 euros are things similar to eneb, PDF training materials, and if you want something better you need to pay for additional online courses and instructor-led tutorials, and I have to make it clear that there are many universities in Spain that have fees for physical diplomas, such as the ones below ContentMáster Universitario en Dirección Comercial y Marketing | UDIMA --- 商业管理与市场营销硕士学位 |乌迪玛Tarifas vigentes para el curso 2023-24.

Expedición de título de Máster (*)
225,00 €
Certificado Académico Personal
35,00 €
Duplicado de título oficial de Máster
225,00 €
Duplicados de Certificaciones
35,00 €
Legalización mediante autorización expresa a la UDIMA
125,00 €
Legalización por cuenta del alumno
Consultar (**)
Programa de las asignaturas sellados
35,00 €
Carné de estudiante
sin coste

Cursos, Máster y Expertos online baremables y puntuables en bolsa | Formación Alcalá España (
Bienvenido a FARO Business School, Cursos para administrativos (

You need to pay at least 500 euros for the co-op program to get a free digital diploma accredited by the university.If you buy a course run by the university itself or an official course, you'll pay even more!。

There are also some new developments, as the type of diploma has changed since October 19, 2023, and the university's own title became MFP (Spain:Máster de Formación Permanente) after the new law went into effect. Take note of the change in the type of diploma, and one more thing is that if you enroll in the Dual Masters now you will only get a 72 credit Isabel diploma, if it is a triple masters you will get a 90 credit global mba diploma issued by Isabel. Because according to the partnership agreement between eneb and Isabel
ECTS credits for each of the training programs are as follows:

MBA + Master’s Degree: 72 ECTS
Master’s Degree: 60 ECTS
Postgraduate Course: 12 ECTS
Higher Education Course: 2 ECTS

The agreement signed between ENEB and the University Isabel I specifies that the maximum number of ECTS credits a student can obtain in a year is 90 ECTS.

Changes in the number of diploma credits and types of diplomas may have an impact on the assessment results, and I think it's time to gather more information to update our Wikipedia page!

Thanks for the update! In how far has the type of Diploma changed in regards to MPF? Do you have an example?

yes,you can see them Yes, there are no announcements, but what is certain is that Isabel changed the content of the diplomas issued after October 19, the law was indeed issued in 2021, however, the law came into force on October 19 of this year, which is why in October of this year many universities collaborated to take down their master's degree programs, and the current training programs that have been taken off the shelves from the new shelves are labeled as MFP Diplomas, and you can find out about the changes in the names of the courses and the degrees on the official websites of the universities of Spain and the collaborating centers, in the case of the University of UCAM, for example, the degrees awarded will be indicated as MFP Diplomas

(01-02-2024, 07:40 PM)nykorn Wrote: I'm not so sure that the credits per Master's degree have changed recently, was it specifically written anywhere? Here is an old PDF with an old breakdown of the number of ECTS credits awarded per section (module) of a diploma:

In case that link goes down in the future here it is, translated and alphabetized:

Accounting / Contabilidad - 5 Credits
Advertising / Publicidad - 6 Credits
Business Strategy / Estrategia Empresarial - 6 Credits
Business Strategy (I & II) / Estrategia Empresarial (I y II) - 9 Credits
Coaching / Coaching - 5 Credits
Commerce / Comercio - 6 Credits
Commercial Taxation / Fiscalidad Mercantil - 2 Credits
Community Manager / Community Manager - 6 Credits
Corporate Financial Management / Dirección Financiera Corporativa - 6 Credits
Corporate Social Responsibility / Responsabilidad Social Corporativa - 6 Credits
Corporate Tax / Impuesto de Sociedades - 2 Credits
E-Commerce / E-Commerce - 6 Credits
Human Resources Labor Advisory / Asesoría Laboral en Recursos Humanos - 6 Credits
Human Resources Management / Gestión de los Recursos Humanos - 3 Credits
Marketing / Marketing - 6 Credits
Negotiation Techniques / Técnicas de Negociaciûn - 6 Credits
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) / PNL - 5 Credits
Occupational Risks / Riesgos Laborales - 6 Credits
Personnel Management & Managerial Skills / Gestión de Personal y Habilidades Directivas - 3 Credits
Personnel Selection / Selección de Personal - 5 Credits
Supply Chain Management / Supply Chain Management - 2 Credits
Training & E-Learning / Formación y E-Learning - 4 Credits
Web Positioning SEM, SEO & Social Media / Posicionamiento Web SEM, SEO y Social Media - 3 Credits

Here is an example of their MBA + Master's in Revenue Management & Hospitality taught in Spanish, where the March 2023 certificate says these two together are worth 72 ECTS. English for Business is worth 60 ECTS, and the continuing education diploma in Project Management is worth 12 ECTS:

PDF about the Hague Apostille & Notarization with example, and a 2015-2016 diploma + transcript with credit values that match the above list:

If you use Wayback Machine and go all the way back to 2015, their individual Master's were still worth 60 ECTS:

However some of their combo packages were worth 81 credits:

They changed the marketing tactic when they created their English website in 2019, and declared the same study packages worth, for example, 180 ECTS, but there was no mention of that you are getting 3 separate diplomas which "add up" to 180 ECTS instead of one big 180 ECTS diploma. This is only clarified in the informational PDFs such as the one above, which so far I have only found in Spanish.

While looking for this info I found several examples of ENEB diplomas and transcripts across the years, where the individual Master's were all worth 60 credits. Here are a number of them in case anyone wants them:
yes,look at this Legal advice – ENEB
The Dual Masters Diploma is now 72 credits The Global MBA 3 Masters is 90 credits.

The single master's diploma is still 60 credits, the double master no longer receives 2 60-credit diplomas but is replaced by a 72-credit diploma, and the 3 master is 90 credits, and the textual content of the diplomas has changed, as you can see in the picture I sent you

Attached Files
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ENEB Discounts

MBA / Master
Dual   Master

[-] The following 1 user Likes Xin's post:
  • Voldigoad
When you write the papers, do you also have to quote from the PDFs provided in the course?

I´m just using some of the books that I found from the references pdf, plus any related book that I could get, plus any journal article.
(01-03-2024, 02:32 AM)MrPanda Wrote: When you write the papers, do you also have to quote from the PDFs provided in the course?

I´m just using some of the books that I found from the references pdf, plus any related book that I could get, plus any journal article.

No, I mostly quoted and referenced external materials.
[-] The following 1 user Likes RoboPanda's post:
  • MrPanda
(01-03-2024, 02:02 AM)Xin Wrote: yes,look at this Legal advice – ENEB
The Dual Masters Diploma is now 72 credits The Global MBA 3 Masters is 90 credits.

The single master's diploma is still 60 credits, the double master no longer receives 2 60-credit diplomas but is replaced by a 72-credit diploma, and the 3 master is 90 credits, and the textual content of the diplomas has changed, as you can see in the picture I sent you

I figured out the confusion between us. They have updated their Spanish website to reflect some of the new changes but nothing on the English website has been updated yet. Additionally the English legal page you linked to, as well as the Spanish legal page which I found here, are both out of date: "8.7. Change of Methodology to Test Type Exam... This methodology will only be available for students enrolled in training programs before July 1, 2023." (Out of date, as students who enrolled after July are taking exams)

All the English double program pages are currently like this:

Training programs / MBA + Master
At the end of your studies, you will earn four certifications issued by ENEB Business School and Universidad Isabel I:
– MBA – Master of Business Administration
– Master in Human Resources Management
– Diploma in Expertise in Coaching and NLP
– Spanish for Business Program

The Spanish double program pages are currently all like this:

Programas formativos / MBA + Máster
MBA – Máster en Administración y Dirección de Empresas + Máster en Gestión y Dirección de Equipos

Diploma de Especialización en Innovación y Gestión de Proyectos
Business English Program Certificate

This is rather annoying as I paid for 3 exams in November, and confirmed I was getting 3 diplomas in December. I should have only had to pay for 2 if the MBA + Master's are supposed to be combined.
Finished: 2 AAs, 1 BA, 2 trade schools, 3 ENEB MAs, JLPT N1.
In Progress: 1 WGU MA, 2 Mastercurssos, 3 more ENEB MAs, teacher license.
(01-03-2024, 02:41 PM)nykorn Wrote:
(01-03-2024, 02:02 AM)Xin Wrote: yes,look at this Legal advice – ENEB
The Dual Masters Diploma is now 72 credits The Global MBA 3 Masters is 90 credits.

The single master's diploma is still 60 credits, the double master no longer receives 2 60-credit diplomas but is replaced by a 72-credit diploma, and the 3 master is 90 credits, and the textual content of the diplomas has changed, as you can see in the picture I sent you

I figured out the confusion between us. They have updated their Spanish website to reflect some of the new changes but nothing on the English website has been updated yet. Additionally the English legal page you linked to, as well as the Spanish legal page which I found here, are both out of date: "8.7. Change of Methodology to Test Type Exam... This methodology will only be available for students enrolled in training programs before July 1, 2023." (Out of date, as students who enrolled after July are taking exams)

All the English double program pages are currently like this:

Training programs / MBA + Master
At the end of your studies, you will earn four certifications issued by ENEB Business School and Universidad Isabel I:
– MBA – Master of Business Administration
– Master in Human Resources Management
– Diploma in Expertise in Coaching and NLP
– Spanish for Business Program

The Spanish double program pages are currently all like this:

Programas formativos / MBA + Máster
MBA – Máster en Administración y Dirección de Empresas + Máster en Gestión y Dirección de Equipos

Diploma de Especialización en Innovación y Gestión de Proyectos
Business English Program Certificate

This is rather annoying as I paid for 3 exams in November, and confirmed I was getting 3 diplomas in December. I should have only had to pay for 2 if the MBA + Master's are supposed to be combined.

At the end of your studies, you will earn 
ENEB diploma– MBA – Master of Business Administration
ENEB diplomaMaster in Human Resources Management
[i]Universidad Isabel I:[i]MBA+[i]Master in Human Resources Management diploma 72ECTS[/i][/i][/i]
ENEB Discounts

MBA / Master
Dual   Master

(01-02-2024, 09:52 PM)nykorn Wrote: I found more info about titulo propio in the Nordic countries (Sweden and Norway). Basically, in terms of academics admissions, you are far worse off than in North America:

- The ECTS of a titulo propio, if the credits transfer, will be transferred in to Nordic schools at face value (same amount Spain dictated), due to the Bologna Process.
- Titulo Propio are considered like polytechnical school or vocational school certificates in the Nordics. Within the Nordic system, vocational school credits are seen as separate from both high school and university credits, and they can't transfer into one of those other levels. Titulo propio do not give you the right to get student loans/grants (Lånekassen, Centrala studiestödsnämnden, etc). A finished titulo propio cannot be used in lieu of a high school diploma, Bachelor's degree, or Master's degree for school admissions - but they may be used to fulfill a separate entrance requirement (prerequisite) regarding proof of related knowledge in the subject.
- All documents must have either notarization by the state/country, or a stamped and signed version of the document issued by the school's academic registrar, degree department or other relevant department (something unsigned, signed by a random professor, or just signed by the rector doesn't count). Notarized documents can be copies but stamped and signed copies must be original.

Norway will use the official list from the Spanish Ministry of Education to see if your diploma is accredited or not. For Universidad Isabel I, the list only contains Graduado and Máster Universitario degrees:

- Despite all of this, as posted earlier in this thread, all degrees and diplomas from a European country including Spain can be used in the Nordics for employment, without the need for a Foreign Credit Evaluation or even a translation, as long as the career does not require a license.

Main Sources:
Can update on authentication now, WES canada denied authentication.Now that WES no longer accredits Isabel's accredited programs, the official degrees taught at Isabel are not affected.
ENEB Discounts

MBA / Master
Dual   Master

@Xin - I have no idea where you are quoting from or why you are quoting it in response to what I wrote. It looks like you are translating information from the Spanish page, which is a confirmation of the information I wrote in the message you quoted?

(01-04-2024, 01:33 AM)Xin Wrote: Can update on authentication now, WES canada denied authentication.Now that WES no longer accredits Isabel's accredited programs, the official degrees taught at Isabel are not affected.

Unfortunate news. I never planned on using mine for WES Canada, but I know some people will be affected. I guess the early bird gets the worm!
Finished: 2 AAs, 1 BA, 2 trade schools, 3 ENEB MAs, JLPT N1.
In Progress: 1 WGU MA, 2 Mastercurssos, 3 more ENEB MAs, teacher license.
I heard a piece of gossip. There was a Chinese tour guide in Greece last year. He lost his business because of COVID-19. That's when he graduated from ENEB. So he wrote an email to Ui1 about their relationship with ENEB. And he emailed WES to be sure to clarify the relationship between ENEB and Ui1.
Everbody, the school blew up , WES no longer accredits eneb programs
ENEB Discounts

MBA / Master
Dual   Master


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