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ENEB Master Thread
I am also wondering how this could possibly evaluate to a bachelor's degree. Spain, like the rest of the EU, subscribes to the "Bolgona Process" for education. There is the bachelor's equivalent, which takes about 3 years, then there are degrees after that which are equivalent to masters and take 1-2 years or 60-120 ECTS.

Is there any way to appeal the decision? I mean, $300 for a bachelor's isn't bad at all but the evaluation doesn't seem right at all.
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180 ECTS credits = Three-year degree in Europe
60 ECTS credits = Three-year degree in the U.S.
If you want a second opinion, which would cost you of course, I recommend trying SpanTran. They are super responsive. It would be very interesting to see how they evaluate this credential.
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I think, all things considered, this is a great result. Not for nothing, this is the opinion of 1 evaluator. There are many other recognized evaluators. We now know that at least 1 recognizes this as a legitimate, regionally accredited degree. Now, people just need to find the evaluator or type of evaluation that will say this is equivalent to a graduate certificate or degree.

I purchased the joint MBA and masters in human resources. I had prioritized other things above this degree program, but just logged back in and took a couple of quizzes. I would have zero issues listing “Masters in Human Resources, U. Isabel I....evaluated by ECE as bachelor’s degree in Human Resources” on my resume.  That said, I will submit my diploma to another evaluator or two to try to get that better result, when the time comes. As I see it, I have $300 in this. If I spend $700 on transcripts or evaluations and don’t get a better outcome, I have spent $1,000 on the equivalent of an American bachelors in H R. I would be perfectly happy with that, especially as I already have a BA in history from an RA B&M University.
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How can 1 evaluator’s decision so vastly differ from another? Because if one is going to evaluate it as the equivalent of a US Bachelor’s degree, and another is going to evaluate it as a Master’s degree, that creates a lot of confusion!
TESU BALS-Psych. + ASNSM(Math) 

TEEX(6): Cybersec. 101/201/301
The Institutes(2): Ethics
Sophia(2): Ess. Of Managing Conflict, Dev. Effective Teams
NFA(1): Comm. Safety Edu.
GED(10): NAS-131, SOC-273, MAT-121, HUM-101 (1) Intro to Psych., Soc. Psych.-1, Growth & Dev. Psych., Personality Psych., History & Systems of Psych., Org. Theory, Library Science, Comm. at Workplace, Intro to World Religion, I/O Psych., Ethics in Soc. Sc., Org. Comm., Eng. 104, Eng. 105, History of Vietnam war, Sp. Ed. History & Law, Diff. Ed., Classroom Mgmt., Foundations of Ed., Abnormal Psych., Rsch. methods in Psych., College Math, Intro. to Geometry., Calculus (6).
Saylor (15): Intro. to Mol. & Cellular Bio., Comp. Politics, Corporate Comm., Env. Ethics, Principles of Comm. 
TESU (1): Cornerstone, Lib. 495 Capstone.
CSM (3): Quant. reasoning. 
Aleks (6): Trigonometry, Intro to Statistics. 

MS-Psychology; Walden University 
GPA: 4/4
(08-12-2020, 07:37 AM)Dee12 Wrote: I just received the ECE evaluation of my Master in Project Management from Universidad Isabel I. It was recognized as "Bachelor degree, major area of study: Project Management". I chose the validation for employment service ($85) so I didn't have to send a transcript or any original, ECE used the "Código Seguro de Verificación (CSV)" in my UI1 diploma to validate it.

Now, I was hoping to list this degree as a master in my resume, but it was validated as a bachelor's degree. How would you list it?

(08-12-2020, 10:09 AM)Supermind Wrote: How can 1 evaluator’s decision so vastly differ from another? Because if one is going to evaluate it as the equivalent of a US Bachelor’s degree, and another is going to evaluate it as a Master’s degree, that creates a lot of confusion!

Yeah, but think of it this way: there are a number of different evaluation companies. If they all agreed a certain degree is equivalent, that would be great. But, if they all agreed it wasn't, you would be screwed. So each having differing opinions can work out in your favor since you can get a second (or third and so on) opinion.
(08-12-2020, 10:09 AM)Supermind Wrote: How can 1 evaluator’s decision so vastly differ from another? Because if one is going to evaluate it as the equivalent of a US Bachelor’s degree, and another is going to evaluate it as a Master’s degree, that creates a lot of confusion!

I find this a really funny and ironic post given that so much of this message board deals with alternate credits, credit evaluations, and their utilization in degree plans. To me, labeling a foreign master’s degree as equivalent to an American bachelor’s is FAR less confusing than treatment of Ace credits, transfer credits, and portfolio review by thousands of different American college and universities.
A degree is a final product that would likely show up on your resume. Confusions and disagreements in this regard are far more serious than differing views about ACE credits, transfer credits, or other intermediary details. The two cannot really be compared.
TESU BALS-Psych. + ASNSM(Math) 

TEEX(6): Cybersec. 101/201/301
The Institutes(2): Ethics
Sophia(2): Ess. Of Managing Conflict, Dev. Effective Teams
NFA(1): Comm. Safety Edu.
GED(10): NAS-131, SOC-273, MAT-121, HUM-101 (1) Intro to Psych., Soc. Psych.-1, Growth & Dev. Psych., Personality Psych., History & Systems of Psych., Org. Theory, Library Science, Comm. at Workplace, Intro to World Religion, I/O Psych., Ethics in Soc. Sc., Org. Comm., Eng. 104, Eng. 105, History of Vietnam war, Sp. Ed. History & Law, Diff. Ed., Classroom Mgmt., Foundations of Ed., Abnormal Psych., Rsch. methods in Psych., College Math, Intro. to Geometry., Calculus (6).
Saylor (15): Intro. to Mol. & Cellular Bio., Comp. Politics, Corporate Comm., Env. Ethics, Principles of Comm. 
TESU (1): Cornerstone, Lib. 495 Capstone.
CSM (3): Quant. reasoning. 
Aleks (6): Trigonometry, Intro to Statistics. 

MS-Psychology; Walden University 
GPA: 4/4
(08-12-2020, 10:51 AM)ESupermind Wrote: A degree is a final product that would likely show up on your resume. Confusions and disagreements in this regard are far more serious than differing views about ACE credits, transfer credits, or other intermediary details. The two cannot really be compared.
But this is what evaluators of foreign degrees do—they evaluate the degree and determine its American equivalent, if any.  As I see it, evaluators have 2 options: determine the most equivalent degree/courses/hours for comparison (what they do now) OR only labeling a degree as equivalent or not equivalent.  

Let’s consider one of the most important instances of foreign degrees being evaluated for American equivalent. Many Indian bachelor’s degrees (from high quality B&M universities, mind you) come back evaluated as 3 years of US undergrad study with no degree. Many Indian students earn a master’s degree and those 2 degrees COMBINED evaluate as a US, 4 year bachelor’s. Sure, it may be a little confusing the first time you see it, but you digest it and move on.  Is it your position that evaluators should say an Indian BA is equal to an American degree even if it’s really not equivalent?  If the work for these Indian master’s degrees is really more like senior undergrad work in the US, what should the evaluator do?  Give grad credit/degree for undergrad-level coursework?  Say that legitimate academic study doesn’t count because foreign standards are different than American standards?

It is very easy to be critical, but I would like to know what you propose as an alternative to the current system.
My disagreement is with many evaluators within the same country- the US- giving different accounts for the same degree credentials. I have no problems if all evaluators more or less agree upon the fact that 3-year degrees from India are not equivalent to a 4-year US degree. Or a Bachelor’s + Master’s from India still only amounts to a Bachelor’s in the US. The problem is when one of them says that it is the equivalent of a US degree. Worse still, if one of them deems a foreign Master’s degree as only equivalent of a US Bachelor’s, while another says it is as good as a US Master’s. Whose decision should we follow then? Evaluator 1 or Evaluator 2? This is what I am having a hard time understanding.
TESU BALS-Psych. + ASNSM(Math) 

TEEX(6): Cybersec. 101/201/301
The Institutes(2): Ethics
Sophia(2): Ess. Of Managing Conflict, Dev. Effective Teams
NFA(1): Comm. Safety Edu.
GED(10): NAS-131, SOC-273, MAT-121, HUM-101 (1) Intro to Psych., Soc. Psych.-1, Growth & Dev. Psych., Personality Psych., History & Systems of Psych., Org. Theory, Library Science, Comm. at Workplace, Intro to World Religion, I/O Psych., Ethics in Soc. Sc., Org. Comm., Eng. 104, Eng. 105, History of Vietnam war, Sp. Ed. History & Law, Diff. Ed., Classroom Mgmt., Foundations of Ed., Abnormal Psych., Rsch. methods in Psych., College Math, Intro. to Geometry., Calculus (6).
Saylor (15): Intro. to Mol. & Cellular Bio., Comp. Politics, Corporate Comm., Env. Ethics, Principles of Comm. 
TESU (1): Cornerstone, Lib. 495 Capstone.
CSM (3): Quant. reasoning. 
Aleks (6): Trigonometry, Intro to Statistics. 

MS-Psychology; Walden University 
GPA: 4/4
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