This is an article I wrote at WNMU detailing how cost effective a Bachelors can be. At the time I wrote this Florida Gateway was a SL partner...they aren't anymore. I would substitute New Mexico Junior College and CLEP or I might just go straight to the Big 3 passing the Associates level all together today.
It's a long read...power to ya if you get all the way through!
The $6000 BS, how to save a fortune while earning your college degree
Student loan debt can be a crippling financial blow. In September of 2011 the US Department of Education released a report indicating that student loan default rates are continuing to rise Default Rates Rise for Federal Student Loans | U.S. Department of Education. The report sites economic hard times as the reason for more than 300,000 student loan defaults for the period of October 2008 to September 2009. This is a particularly dire situation when you consider that many of these borrowers are young people who are just starting out their lives, or older students who have returned to school seeking to improve their training and education to better provide for themselves and their families. The article makes no mention of how many students might be current, yet struggling, with severe debt burdens. The number of student borrowers who are in financial trouble is really unknown. The purpose of this story is not to debate public policy, nor place blame, but to demonstrate an efficient alternative to taking on mountains of debt in the pursuit of a college degree. It is possible in many cases to reduce your overall undergraduate educational costs through standardized testing and alternative means of acquiring college credit.
The College Board is perhaps best known as the governing body of the SAT and AP exams, but they do a lot more than that. One example is the College Level Examination Program commonly called CLEP. These exams are designed to allow a student to take a single assessment test to demonstrate proficiency in a subject. Passing a CLEP typically means that a college will award 3 semester hours of credit in that topic. College Board has offered this program for more than 40 years and the program has seen the award of many thousands of hours of college credit.
“CLEP exams test mastery of college-level material acquired in a variety of ways, through general academic instructions, significant independent study or extracurricular work. CLEP exam-takers include adults just entering or returning to school, military service members and traditional college students”….College Board, CLEP - College Level Examination Program (CLEP) -Save Time. Save Money. Take CLEP | College Board CLEP Site
CLEP exams cost $77.00 plus any exam fee charged by the administering institution. The exams are of a general nature, around 100 questions, and typically have a time limit of 90 minutes. The exams are typically given at one of over 1700 colleges or universities around the world who act as designated testing centers. More than 2900 colleges participate in the program, though it is always up to the school exactly what they will award credit for and how many hours of credit will be awarded. My own daughter utilized the program to help her graduate with an Associate’s degree from the local Community College while she was a high school senior.
Starting in her junior year of high school she would schedule a CLEP exam that corresponded to whatever she was studying. In this manner she took the CLEP exams for American Government (3 credits), Analyzing and Interpreting literature (6 credits), Psychology (3 credits), and Sociology (3 credits). At this point she had amassed 15 college credits. Upon hearing that the Principles of Management and Principles of Marketing CLEP exams where relatively easy she studied for each for a few weeks then passed them both for an additional 6 credits bringing her total to 21 credits by the summer before her senior year of high school. In her senior year she took and passed College Math (6 credits), American Literature (6 credits), and Biology (6 credits). These 39 credits, combined with dual enrollment classes, mean that she will finish the first two years of a four year degree for around $1500. This is significantly less than it might cost for just a couple of courses at the University level and it was done without a single penny of debt. Here is the main page of the College Board CLEP program for students: CLEP - College Level Examination Program (CLEP) -Save Time. Save Money. Take CLEP | College Board CLEP Site. With 33 standardized general education topics there is a great deal of credit available.
It's a long read...power to ya if you get all the way through!

The $6000 BS, how to save a fortune while earning your college degree
Student loan debt can be a crippling financial blow. In September of 2011 the US Department of Education released a report indicating that student loan default rates are continuing to rise Default Rates Rise for Federal Student Loans | U.S. Department of Education. The report sites economic hard times as the reason for more than 300,000 student loan defaults for the period of October 2008 to September 2009. This is a particularly dire situation when you consider that many of these borrowers are young people who are just starting out their lives, or older students who have returned to school seeking to improve their training and education to better provide for themselves and their families. The article makes no mention of how many students might be current, yet struggling, with severe debt burdens. The number of student borrowers who are in financial trouble is really unknown. The purpose of this story is not to debate public policy, nor place blame, but to demonstrate an efficient alternative to taking on mountains of debt in the pursuit of a college degree. It is possible in many cases to reduce your overall undergraduate educational costs through standardized testing and alternative means of acquiring college credit.
The College Board is perhaps best known as the governing body of the SAT and AP exams, but they do a lot more than that. One example is the College Level Examination Program commonly called CLEP. These exams are designed to allow a student to take a single assessment test to demonstrate proficiency in a subject. Passing a CLEP typically means that a college will award 3 semester hours of credit in that topic. College Board has offered this program for more than 40 years and the program has seen the award of many thousands of hours of college credit.
“CLEP exams test mastery of college-level material acquired in a variety of ways, through general academic instructions, significant independent study or extracurricular work. CLEP exam-takers include adults just entering or returning to school, military service members and traditional college students”….College Board, CLEP - College Level Examination Program (CLEP) -Save Time. Save Money. Take CLEP | College Board CLEP Site
CLEP exams cost $77.00 plus any exam fee charged by the administering institution. The exams are of a general nature, around 100 questions, and typically have a time limit of 90 minutes. The exams are typically given at one of over 1700 colleges or universities around the world who act as designated testing centers. More than 2900 colleges participate in the program, though it is always up to the school exactly what they will award credit for and how many hours of credit will be awarded. My own daughter utilized the program to help her graduate with an Associate’s degree from the local Community College while she was a high school senior.
Starting in her junior year of high school she would schedule a CLEP exam that corresponded to whatever she was studying. In this manner she took the CLEP exams for American Government (3 credits), Analyzing and Interpreting literature (6 credits), Psychology (3 credits), and Sociology (3 credits). At this point she had amassed 15 college credits. Upon hearing that the Principles of Management and Principles of Marketing CLEP exams where relatively easy she studied for each for a few weeks then passed them both for an additional 6 credits bringing her total to 21 credits by the summer before her senior year of high school. In her senior year she took and passed College Math (6 credits), American Literature (6 credits), and Biology (6 credits). These 39 credits, combined with dual enrollment classes, mean that she will finish the first two years of a four year degree for around $1500. This is significantly less than it might cost for just a couple of courses at the University level and it was done without a single penny of debt. Here is the main page of the College Board CLEP program for students: CLEP - College Level Examination Program (CLEP) -Save Time. Save Money. Take CLEP | College Board CLEP Site. With 33 standardized general education topics there is a great deal of credit available.
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010
I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this). Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.
Thread; COSC AS using FEMA
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010
I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this). Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.
Thread; COSC AS using FEMA