10-30-2020, 02:07 AM
(10-30-2020, 01:43 AM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Capella is on the quarter system, I think CUNY is as well. Have you taken any Sophia.org courses when they were free or when they had the 149/year offering? You can take courses free for the winter term at Strayer, they're a sister university of Capella. When you're taking a course or two, you should be able to do the $20 challenge exams at Strayer. They're mainly Liberal Arts and Business Administration courses, but still, many of them are upper level. Link: https://www.strayer.edu/tuition-and-fina...edit/exams
Thanks for the info. I already have sophia account. I'm interested in Strayer... do they give letter grades for the $20 exams?? without letter grades on transcript, it's extremely difficult to transfer credits. Most of universities don't accept credits without letter grades.