I just finished the course today with an 'A'

and would take the privilege of being the first person to review it. Here is my take on CSU-Puebloâs ENG101:
Level of Difficulty: Moderate. It wasnât a cake for all the time and hard work it took to complete each and every assignment.
Time Taken to Complete: 5 weeks. 1 assignment a week. The problem is you canât proceed with the next assignment unless the instructor reviews the previous one.
Books: A WORLD OF IDEAS, Lee A. Jacobus, 7th Edition, ISBN 0-312-44582-2 & RULES FOR WRITERS, Diana Hacker, any edition may be used; no pages are given for the assignments. Procuring them wasnât at all a problem. I bought used ones from half.com at a reasonable price.
Instructor: Ms. Margaret Senatore will even point out a misplaced comma or hyphen. Be careful of what you write because she ainât ready to take crap. However, she could have been a little quicker reviewing the assignments.
The Assignments: Most of the assignments were philosophy oriented covering figures like Machiavelli, Rawls, Cierro, etc. Yep, thereâs one on Darwinâs theory of evolution and Keynesian economics too. So, for all you folks who can reckon with these names, the task gets easier. Since this is not a Sociology or Philosophy Class, the emphasis is on âWRITINGâ. Each assignment should have a 3-5 page Thesis along with the relevant Cluster Diagram and Key points outline.
Exams: No Exams, proctored or un-proctored. Thatâs the biggest up-side according to me.
Cost: $417 now! When I enrolled, it was $297 (best bang for the buck then).
Caveat: Go for it if you really want to learn English Composition and can afford the $417 price tag! Having to deal with no exams and working at oneâs own pace is bliss. On the other hand, cheaper alternatives like the EC exam and Penn Fosterâs writing course might work better for the majority.