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CSU CBE Accountability
Hi all,

I am starting this thread to give feedback on my progress through my CSU CBE exam. I will be starting the CSU CBE Auditing next week. I plan on going thru the modules/material. I have also bought the recommended book. If i enjoy the process I plan on taking 2 more accounting courses to transfer to TESC towards a BSBA in Accounting.

Thank you! I am thinking of adding those courses to my list, as I am considering adding the Accounting Major to my HR Major. Only 6 courses needed, and I used to work in accounting, so i think it might be an easy thing to add on. Please keep us updated on how the courses are.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
Hi everyone,

I wanted to give an update on my progress. The CBS application fee for $25 was waived with a coupon. The enrollment advisors send coupons to my email each week. It took about 3 business day turnaround to get full access to all the modules/material. Currently, I am taking Auditing and the modules/study material provided are not too detailed. So i bought the recommended book, but the older edition for $5 on amazon. There is also a pretest that is provided. You can take it anytime and as many times as you like. There are also some quizes. From what I was told, I have up to 6 months to review/study then I can take the exam if I want. If I did fail, then I have up to 12 months to take the exam a second time for free. Exam cost is $250, so its not bad for only paying $250 for 3 credit hours.
Thank you for the update. Good luck with the course.
Associate in Arts - University of the State of New York / 1989
Undergraduate certificate in marketing, Ashworth College.

BSLS Excelsior college in progress. 6 classes to go
What is csu? and are those UL credits ?
SL Business Ethics
SL intro to Business
SL Business Law
SL intro to world religion
SL Accounting 1
PF Strategic management
SL organizational behavior
SL Principles of management
SL macroeconomics
SL microeconomics
SL accounting 2
SL intro bus statistics
PF Corporate Finance
PF International Business
PF Marketing
Alek's College Algebra
SL English comp 2
PF market research
PF retail management
PF HR management
SL Business Communication
S.C Principles of Finance
That is all of my requirements completed.!!

BSBA Thomas Edison State University 2016
SuzanneD Wrote:What is csu? and are those UL credits ?

CSU Global is Colorado State University's online/distance learning campus. They have a lot of exam options that aren't available anywhere else. You can read more in sanantone's original thread here
Pursuing TESC BSBA CIS: ~100/120

CCAF Air & Space Operations Technology: April 2014

CLEP: Humanities, A&I Lit, SocSci & History, Intro Sociology, English Comp, Freshman College Comp, Principles of Management, History of the US I/II, Intro to Computing

DSST: InfoSys & Comp Apps, Intro to the Modern Middle East, Management Information Systems, Fundamentals of Cybersecurity, Human Resource Management, Principles of Supervision, Western Europe since 1945

AMU: Public Speaking, History of Explosive Ordnance Disposal, College Algebra

ALS (CCAF): Leadership/Management I, Managerial Communication I, Military Studies I

Sophia: Microeconomics

Straighterline: Accounting I/II

TECEP: English Comp I/II, Computer Concepts & Applications, Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics, Strategic Management (March 2017 Semester)

TESU OL: Python Programming (March 2017 Semester), Systems Analysis & Design I (March 2017 Semester)

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