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CJ AS to BA or BS with minimal class time?
The Law Enforcement DSST is still listed on, so I assume it is still around.  Am I wrong to assume that?  I thought that was the "official" website.  

Here is the copy and pasted BA CJ
Program Summary: (In Progress)
Semester Hours (SH) Required:    120.00
SH Applied to Degree:    77.00
SH Remaining:    43.00
SH To Be Planned:    43.00
Thomas Edison State University GPA Needed:    2.000
Thomas Edison State University GPA Earned:    
Overall Degree GPA Needed:    2.000
Overall Degree GPA Requirement Met:    Yes
Community College SH (90 SH Maximum):    77.00
These institutions/organizations are those from which credit has been applied toward your degree requirements. Use the number next to the institution in this list to identify the original source of a transfer course on your Academic Evaluation.
1 Moorpark College
2 Ventura College
Program Requirements:
1: BA General Education (45SH) (In progress)
SH Earned: 30    Complete all 4 subrequirements:

A: INTEL & PRACT SKILLS (In progress)
For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Intellectual and Practical Skills Courses

MATH ADVISORY-Please follow the guide below when choosing a course to fullfill the Quantitative Literacy requirement of your BA degree. We recommend:

MAT-105 (Zero Textbook Cost): Anthropology, Art, Communications, Criminal Justice, English, Foreign Language, History, International Studies, Labor Studies, Music, Philosophy, Photography, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, Theater Arts

MAT-115 (Zero Textbook Cost): Environmental Studies

MAT-121 (Zero Textbook Cost): Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Psychology

SH Earned: 10

Written Communication 3SH (Complete)
ENC-101 Writing for Success (formerly English Composition I) (Zero Textbook Cost) *must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    ENGLM01A    English Composition    05/01/06    A    4.00    ENC-101    
*CC    *TE
Written Communication 3SH (Not started)
ENC-102 English Composition II (Zero Textbook Cost) *must earn a grade of C/CR or better
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
Oral Communication 3SH (Complete)
Featured Course(s): COM-209 Public Speaking (Zero Textbook Cost)
1    SPCHM01    Introduction to Speech    12/01/05    B    3.00    COM-108    
*CC    *TE
Quantitative Literacy 3SH (Complete)
1    MATHM05    College Algebra    05/01/06    B    3.00    MAT-121    
*CC    *TE
Information Literacy 3SH (INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT) (Not started)
To meet this requirement, students MUST take SOS-110 Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today (formerly Critical Information Literacy) at Thomas Edison State University.
______    SOS-110    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
B: CIV & GLOBAL LDRSHP (Not started)
For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Civic and Global Leadership Courses

SH Earned: 0

Diversity Intercultural Literacy 3SH (Not started)
Featured Course(s): SOC-101 Our Changing World: An Introduction to Sociology* (Zero Textbook Cost); SOC-322 Cultural Diversity in the US; GOG-230 World Geography (Zero Textbook Cost) *Students pursuing a BA in Sociology should select a course other than SOC-101 to satisfy the Diversity requirement.
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
Ethical Leadership 3SH (Not started)
Featured Course(s) ETH-220 Leading the Way: A Path Towards Ethical Leadership (Zero Textbook Cost)
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
Civic Engagement and Awareness 3SH (Not started)
Featured Course(s) POS-110 American Government* (Zero Textbook Cost); GLB-301 Global Issues in Society; *Students pursuing the BA in Political Science should select a course other than POS-110 to satisfy the Civic Engagement requirement.
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Knowledge of Human Cultures Courses

SH Earned: 14

Social Sciences 3SH (Not started)
Featured Course(s): SOC-210 Marriage and Family; SOC-291 Criminology (Zero Textbook Cost)
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
History 3SH (Complete)
Featured Course(s): HIS-114 American History II; HIS-113 American History I; HIS-210 Civil Rights Movement
1    HISTM01A    Intro West Civilization    12/01/05    C    3.00    HIS-101    
*CC    *TE
Humanities 3SH (Complete)
Featured Course(s): FIL-110 American Cinema; PHI-130 Critical Reasoning (Zero Textbook Cost)
1    ARTM30    Drawing and Composition I    12/01/05    C    3.00    ART-101    
*CC    *TE
Social Sciences, History and/or Humanities 6SH (Complete)
Featured Course(s): see Featured Course options above; For additional courses that will satisfy this requirement, see Knowledge of Human Cultures Courses link above
SH Earned: 8
1    PHILM01    Intro to Philosophy    05/01/07    B    3.00    PHI-101    
*CC    *TE
1    SPANM01    Elementary Spanish I    12/01/08    B    5.00    SPA-101    
*CC    *TE
Natural Sciences and Computer Science 6SH

For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Scientific Knowledge Courses
Featured Course(s): EAS-101 Earth Science; BIO-208 Nutrition
SH Earned: 6
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    BOTM06    Plants and Society    12/01/07    C    3.00    BIO-106    
*CC    *TE
1    GEOLM02    Physical Geology    12/01/06    A    3.00    GEO-151    
*CC    *TE

2: Additional General Education (if needed) (Complete)

Additional General Education

(if needed)
You must complete all of the required courses in each of the general education categories above, in addition to completing the required number of total credits required within the General Education area of the degree (as indicated at the top of the General Education section). This Additional General Education section is used ONLY IF the total credit for General Education is not met, even after all of the General Education course requirements are satisfied. If you have any questions regarding how this section might impact to your degree program, please contact an Advisor.
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    GEOLM02L    Physical Geology Lab    12/01/06    A    1.00    GEO-199    
*CC    *TE

3: Criminal Justice (42SH: 15SH must be upper level) (In progress)
SH Earned: 27    GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.333 / 2.000    Complete all 10 subrequirements:

A: Criminal Justice 3SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to AOJ-102 Introduction to Criminal Justice

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    CJM01    Intro Criminal Justice    12/01/05    B    3.00    AOJ-102    
*CC    *TE
B: Criminology 3SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to SOC-291 Criminology

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
C: Law Enforcement 3SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to AOJ-101 Introduction to Law Enforcement

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
D: Procedures 3SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to AOJ-358 Courts and Criminal Procedures

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    CJM02    Concepts Criminal Law    05/01/06    B    3.00    AOJ-251    
*CC    *TE
E: Corrections 3SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to AOJ-111 Introduction to Corrections

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    CJM41    Intro Prob Parole Corr    12/01/06    A    3.00    AOJ-111    
*CC    *TE
F: Juvenile Justice 3SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to AOJ-363 American Juvenile Justice System

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    CJM14    Juvenile Procedure    08/01/07    A    3.00    AOJ-263    
*CC    *TE
G: Research Methods 3SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to SOS-492 Research Methods in Social Sciences

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
H: Ethics 3SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to PHI-383 Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
1 course needed
I: AOS Electives 9SH (Complete)
For TESU course options that will fulfill the Area of Study Electives requirement, please contact an Advisor

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better

**At least 18 semester hours (SH) within the entire Area of Study (including the Capstone)
must be at the upper (300/400) level.**
To be Continued...

Continued of above (it hit the character limit)
SH Earned: 9
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    CJM18    Narcotics Investigation    12/01/07    A    3.00    AOJ-244    
*CC    *TE
2    CJV04    Legal Aspects of Evidence    05/01/07    A    3.00    AOJ-225    
*CC    *TE
1    CJM05    Prin Proc Justice Systm    12/01/07    B    3.00    AOJ-105    
*CC    *TE
J: Add'l AOS Elect 9SH (In progress)
*must earn a grade of C/CR or better

Complete an additional 9SH of Area of Study Electives in the Social Sciences. (scroll down under the Knowledge of Human Cultures heading to find Social Sciences courses)

**At least 18 semester hours (SH) within the entire Area of Study (including the Capstone)
must be at the upper (300/400) level.**

SH Earned: 6
Required: 9
Remaining: 3
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    SOCM02    Social Problems    05/01/07    C    3.00    SOC-173    
*CC    *TE
1    POLSM05    Contemporary Urban Issues    05/01/07    B    3.00    POS-171    
*CC    *TE
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
3 credits needed

4: Liberal Arts Capstone (3SH) (Not started)

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
This Capstone course must be taken with Thomas Edison State University or via an approved Thomas Edison State University Prior Learning Review. Baccalaureate students will not be permitted to register for a capstone course unless they have 100 credits applied toward the requirements for the declared degree and a GPA of 2.0 or higher.

For TESU course options, go to LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone Course
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
______    _______________    _________________________    __________    _______    _______    __________    
3 credits needed

5: Electives (30SH) (In progress)

For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses
SH Earned: 19
Required: 30
Remaining: 11
Source    Course    Title    Term    Grade    SH    TESU #    Notes
1    CJM06    Crim Just Reprt Writing    12/01/07    A    3.00    AOJ-115    
*CC    *TE
1    CJM03    Community Relations    12/01/06    A    3.00    AOJ-109    
*CC    *TE
1    HEDM05    Safety and First Aid    12/01/06    B    3.00    HEA-201    
*CC    *TE
1    GRM10    Intro to Graphics    12/01/05    B    3.00    GRA-199    
*CC    *TE
1    WEXPM20    Occupational Work Experience    12/01/06    A    4.00    COP-299    
*CC    *TE
1    PEM37A    Beg Martial Arts    08/01/07    A    1.00    PEA-199    
*CC    *TE
1    PEM02A    Body Cond Fitness Lab    05/01/07    A    0.50    PEA-199    
*CC    *TE
1    GRM60A    Airbrush Practice    05/01/05    A    1.00    GRA-199    
*CC    *TE
2    CJV86    Firearms    05/01/07    CR    0.50    AOJ-180    
*CC    *TE
______    _______________
In my transfer credit history, my MATHM05 from the community college transferred as MAT-121, but for a CJ degree TESU applies it as MAT-105. I have also completed "Introduction to College Mathematics". Is this a purely duplicate course since I only need MAT-105, or can my transfer credit be used elsewhere, possibly as an elective?
In the time since I started this thread, I have completed Intro to College Mathematics, Intro to Ethics, and Microeconomics.  I am going to start Intro to Statistics and US Government next.

I started a Google Doc with my plan so far, though I am welcome to input still on how to accomplish this.  Mainly, I would love some direction on part 5. Electives and the listed Sophia courses that I put as "Ideas for Electives".


I am also interested in knowing if there is a certain way to fill my elective requirements on or that can later be used as AOS credits for a second Bachelor's degree. In all practicality a second BA/BS will not gain me much as a government employee, however a Master's would net an automatic pay increase.  Maybe I should just focus on the first BA for now. Rolleyes
If you fill your electives with (mainly) business credits, you can get a BSBA relatively easily. Or you could fill them with Psych credits and get a dual CJ/Psych degree. It's really up to you.
In progress:
TESU - BA Computer Science; BSBA CIS; ASNSM Math & CS; ASBA

Pierpont - AAS BOG
Sophia (so many), The Institutes (old), (5 courses)
ASU: Human Origins, Astronomy, Intro Health & Wellness, Western Civilization, Computer Appls & Info Technology, Intro Programming
Strayer: CIS175, CIS111, WRK100, MAT210
@AnalysisParalysis, I would just go for the BACJ and leave it at that... you don't want to go for another degree until this one is completed. You can always add another degree after. Having said that, you need to indicate your desired second degree if you really want it OR focus on the Masters as it will give you a pay bump you mentioned... there are just too many things to think about all at once, you'll lose focus. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
It looks like you need 15 credits of UL via SDC. Once you get them, your other credits will bounce down to the electives filling them up.

If you take Criminal Justice 306: Research Methods in Criminal Justice instead of Stats, then this reduces the number of UL courses you need. (That is if comes in as UL as stated in the SDC guide)
Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. 4.0 GPA 2022.
Course Experience:  CLEP, Instantcert,,,,,,, and TEL Learning.
Certifications: W3Schools PHP, Google IT Support, Google Digital Marketing, Google Project Management
(05-16-2023, 06:51 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: @AnalysisParalysis, I would just go for the BACJ and leave it at that... you don't want to go for another degree until this one is completed.  You can always add another degree after.  Having said that, you need to indicate your desired second degree if you really want it OR focus on the Masters as it will give you a pay bump you mentioned... there are just too many things to think about all at once, you'll lose focus.
Now you see where my screen name comes from. If I ever pursued a Masters, it would likely be in Criminal Justice, Public Administration, or Media Forensics(very niche and not aligned with my current credits, but very applicable to my current assignment).

However, I agree about focusing on one thing right now.
Here is my latest assessment after transferring in Sophia credits that I completed since starting this thread.  It looks like my challenge is going to be getting the 18 UL credits.  I'll get 3 from the Capstone, so that leaves 15.  This is what I am thinking, but I need to confirm that some of these will transfer in:
Criminal Justice 381: Victimology
Criminal Justice 305: The Juvenile Justice System
Criminal Justice 301: White Collar Crime

LIT-302: Evidence
GOV-301: Administrative Law

My goal is to only have to complete the Cornerstone and Capstone through TESU.
I finally found the Lawshelf transfer equivalency list for TESU, and it turns our what I had planned on taking will not work. LIT-302 Evidences transfers as AOJ-245 and GOV-301 transfers as LAW-225, both LL.

If TESU will take LAW credits as AOS Electives for a CJ major (will they??), then there are plenty of options of upper level LAW credits through Lawshelf.

My updated list for UL credits assuming Lawshelf LAW credits will not work: Criminal Justice 381: Victimology / TESU AOJ-381 Criminal Justice 305: The Juvenile Justice System / AOJ-363 Criminal Justice 301: White Collar Crime / AOJ-303 Criminal Justice 306: Research Methods in Criminal Justice / SOS-492

That leaves me looking for 3 more UL credits. Any ideas?
(06-02-2023, 09:50 AM)AnalysisParalysis Wrote: I finally found the Lawshelf transfer equivalency list for TESU, and it turns our what I had planned on taking will not work.  LIT-302 Evidences transfers as AOJ-245 and GOV-301 transfers as LAW-225, both LL.

If TESU will take LAW credits as AOS Electives for a CJ major (will they??), then there are plenty of options of upper level LAW credits through Lawshelf.  

My updated list for UL credits assuming Lawshelf LAW credits will not work: Criminal Justice 381: Victimology / TESU AOJ-381 Criminal Justice 305: The Juvenile Justice System / AOJ-363 Criminal Justice 301: White Collar Crime / AOJ-303 Criminal Justice 306: Research Methods in Criminal Justice / SOS-492

That leaves me looking for 3 more UL credits.  Any ideas?

I think they'll take an UL Sociology elective: SDC's Sociology of Work should do the trick.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
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