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Biology help w/study materials specifically Hippocampus
Does anyone recommend Hippocampus? I am half way through the Biology I AP videos. I study better by watching videos when possible. They seem to be helpful, but based on everything I have seen on this forum, some material is not covered. Has anyone read/watched all of the Hippocampus stuff? There are 3 sections to Biology in Hippocampus and I don't have time to view/read all 3 sections (tons of info and alot overlaps).
Any recommendations on what to skip? I am also using Cliffnotes Biology for reference and will begin IC flashcards next week. I plan to take the test towards the end of the month (4 weeks of study).
Any help would be appreciated.....

Moved from Specific Feedback Section. ShotoJuku
The Biology InstaCert flashcards are really good for the Biology CLEP!
I'm pretty partial to the Khan academy. Might check out some of their videos.
dblhelx Wrote:The Biology InstaCert flashcards are really good for the Biology CLEP!

Have you taken the Biology test? Did you use anything besides IC flashcards? I have found tons of avenues to study, but it is hard to wrap my head around all of it.
picklejuice Wrote:Have you taken the Biology test? Did you use anything besides IC flashcards? I have found tons of avenues to study, but it is hard to wrap my head around all of it.

I too have been studying for the Biology CLEP with InstantCert and I'm hoping its enough. I started studying 6-8 hours/day four days ago, and will be taking the test on January 11 - just two weeks away. If anyone can tell me what they scored on the biology CLEP using InstantCert only, this would really encourage me to keep cramming.


English Composition w/Essay - 52
Humanities - 61
Spanish - 78
Biology - 50
Sociology - 51
Psychology - 61
Human Growth & Development: 52
Educational Psychology: 60
Information Systems & Computer Applications: 53


Major: Nursing (RN)

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all - the Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything through prayer and supplication present your requests to God. And the peace of God which trespasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Phillipians 4 NIV)

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