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Biology & Microeconomics: Passed! :)
Took my first two clep exams yesterday and passed!

Biology and micro were my last two general education requirements for my degree. Smile

Im really not the best test taker, and get a lot of testing anxiety, so a lot of prayers to the man upstairs took place (serenity now!).


I did go through some flashcards here, watched khan academy videos and hippocampus videos, and went through some actual flashcards by princeton review. Alot of people say not to waste your time with flashcards, but they proved really helpful for me. I studied realllllly loosely for about a month, then just a couple hours a day this week. Huge intense study sessions only make me stressed, and I retain almost everything in short sessions.


A few flashcards here, tried reading the princeton review crack the micro ap test book (nearly everything went right over my head......the way they wrote their sentences was too awkward for me. However, i did love the cheer and acronyms taught in the book...) Then i watched the mjmfoodie videos on youtube. Best best best videos out there. I started studying for the micro exam on Saturday. I put a little more intensity into the micro study, since the graphs made zero sense to me in the beginning.

My scores: bio- 54, micro- 55. Exactly what I needed!! Smile
Strong work, Congratulations!!!
Nice jobs, certainly not 2 of the easiest tests out there! And in one day! Great job!
Thanks!! I just kept thinking of the alternative: sitting through multiple classes filled with assignments, quizzes, tests AND a final!!! <-- waaaay more nerve wracking and torturesome than two difficult exams. Smile
Congrats - that must be a great feeling! I am writing the Biology CLEP on Thursday. I have not had a great deal of time to study other than the flashcards. Am I wasting my time if that is all I have studied to this point?
Yes, great job Ready2Sing... I could not have imagined studying for both of those tests at the same time. My brain likes to get confused when focusing on more than one subject at a time and Biology and Microeconomics are on pretty different ends of the spectrum.

Quote:Am I wasting my time if that is all I have studied to this point?
Well, no... but I'd check out the Hippocampus or Khan Academy videos before you take the test. And don't forget about practice exams!

Graduated 2/17/11: BS in Business, Concentration: General Business from Excelsior College

EXAMS/COURSES TAKEN: UB - Principles of Comm - C | UB - US History II - C | AS - Freshman Comp - C | CLEP Humanities - 70 | CLEP College Math - 66 | CLEP Bio - 70 | CLEP Psych - 74 | CLEP American Gov - 68 | CLEP Social Sciences - 73 | CLEP Microeconomics - 72 | CLEP Macroeconomics - 74 | CLEP Management - 72 | DSST Supervision - 457 | DSST HRM - 70 | DSST OB - 75 | ALEKS College Algebra - 78% | ALEKS Intro to Statistics - 71% | CSU Pueblo 311 MGMT - A | SL Accounting I - A | SL Accounting II - A | DSST Finance - 458 | DSST M&B - 63 | CLEP Intro Business Law - 71 | DSST Business Law II - 79 | CLEP Info Systems - 73 | DSST MIS - 481 | DSST Business Ethics - 458 | DSST Intro to Business - 461 | DSST Environment - 70 | CLEP Marketing - 71 | CLEP A&I - 73 | SL Sociology - 98% | SL Intro to Criminal Justice - 96% | SL Western Civ I - 92% | Excelsior BUS 495 - A

Degree plan.
Great job! Not very easy tests to say the least. Congrats!
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."~ Henry David

BA Humanities - TESC
AAS Construction and Facilities Support - TESC
AA Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Management - MCC
Awesome! Yes those two tests are not easy. I learned a lot while studying for micro.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
Thanks guys! I just considered them my last two finals (scheduled them during my finals week) so I already had testing on the brain. Haha.

TwinMama, I agree with the other poster about watching the khan academy and hippocampus videos, and taking a couple practice tests. The test questions arent necessarily difficult, it's just that youre studying studying such a large amount of material for only 115 questions. Make sure you have a handle on the most important concepts of all or most of the subjects... Dont get bogged down trying to memorize every detail. I memorized details that I thought were really important, then just skimmed the rest. Remember, this is one test where a "c" is just as good as an "a".

Good luck!!!! Smile
Wow congrats...those are hard! :hurray:
- [SIZE="2"]STG[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]

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