08-29-2010, 01:09 AM
MomOfMany Wrote:Makes more sense than you probably know. Between 40 and 70% of high school graduates (our local CC reported 60% last year) have to take remedial courses in basic maths and language arts in college. Obviously, if a student is behind in maths and language arts, they are going to have serious difficulty in all other subjects. This is a fact that college instructors/professors have to take into consideration when developing courses.
The way they split remedial courses is absurd also. I got a 63 on the algebra portion of my CC's placement test (not a score to be proud of, I know, but I couldn't care less about the placement test since it didn't apply to my courses anyway), and was placed in the same class level (remedial, but not DEV) as a friend who got a 35. There is a vast difference in a 35 & a 63!!
I also just have to put in that the professors should not adjust course material to help out the remedial students. What is the point of a remedial course if not to put you at the other students' level? It should be the remedial instructor's responsibility to make sure that you really have gained those basic skills.
TESC Criminal Justice BA '12
B&M Civil Engineering BS (In Progress)
B&M Civil Engineering BS (In Progress)