Hi everyone,
I barely passed with a 49 in MIS today.I am happy i passed because i found this subject very very difficult to study.
What i remember from the exam:
89 Questions.
Specific and general questions were:
Difference between asynchonous and synchronous systems.
How many bytes are there in one kilobyte (1000 is the right answer i think)
A question that asked about RISC another one about CISC
Components of CPU
1 question about optical fibre.
Who is responsible for making a data flow diagram (options were analyst,database administrator,programmer and one more)
Who was responsible for inventing storage program (i don't recall the names except for Bill Gates,I had no idea what this question was about)
Which system became popular in 80's and 90's (options were TPS,MIS,Strategic and Expert Systems)
Which system depends on other systems for information
A question about how entropy can be minimized
what is a database (the definition)
What is a record
Which is the smallest unit in databases (answer is Bit)
There were about half a dozen questions about Prototyping.
One question about RAD
One question about JAD
Many questions about the different Information Systems..like DSS,ESS and many about MIS.
One question about transmission protocol
One question about Fair Information Policies
One question about Intellectual Property Rights (about copyright,trademarketc )
Know all of Instantcert really well and that should be sufficient to pass.I found this subject too boring and difficult so i did not work as hard as i should have.
The last 6 sections of IC are particularly important.
Also read the flashcards on Informations Systems and Computer Applications as there were several questions that required basic knowledge.I did not read those and i think that hurt.
I hope i have been of some help.This is all that i could recall after trying really hard:o (did'nt have a pen..so made my hubby remember half the stuff on the drive back home hilarious )
I will post more if i recall anything else.
I barely passed with a 49 in MIS today.I am happy i passed because i found this subject very very difficult to study.
What i remember from the exam:
89 Questions.
Specific and general questions were:
Difference between asynchonous and synchronous systems.
How many bytes are there in one kilobyte (1000 is the right answer i think)
A question that asked about RISC another one about CISC
Components of CPU
1 question about optical fibre.
Who is responsible for making a data flow diagram (options were analyst,database administrator,programmer and one more)
Who was responsible for inventing storage program (i don't recall the names except for Bill Gates,I had no idea what this question was about)
Which system became popular in 80's and 90's (options were TPS,MIS,Strategic and Expert Systems)
Which system depends on other systems for information
A question about how entropy can be minimized
what is a database (the definition)
What is a record
Which is the smallest unit in databases (answer is Bit)
There were about half a dozen questions about Prototyping.
One question about RAD
One question about JAD
Many questions about the different Information Systems..like DSS,ESS and many about MIS.
One question about transmission protocol
One question about Fair Information Policies
One question about Intellectual Property Rights (about copyright,trademarketc )
Know all of Instantcert really well and that should be sufficient to pass.I found this subject too boring and difficult so i did not work as hard as i should have.
The last 6 sections of IC are particularly important.
Also read the flashcards on Informations Systems and Computer Applications as there were several questions that required basic knowledge.I did not read those and i think that hurt.
I hope i have been of some help.This is all that i could recall after trying really hard:o (did'nt have a pen..so made my hubby remember half the stuff on the drive back home hilarious )
I will post more if i recall anything else.