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BSBA TESU - Help Please :)

I have an associates in accounting from UOP. I transferred that degree to TESU along with some other classes from community college, TEEX, etc.

I sent over 5 classes completed from Sophia to TESU this week (this has not been updated on my evaluation yet) and I am wrapping up Bus 120 on SDC this weekend (almost done with all the quizzes and will do the final exam this weekend).

I have been in Accounting for almost 15 years (6 of these years is in a supervisor role with direct reports). Most of my work experience is in the Accounting field. I switched my degree this week to BSBA Gen Management as it was 3 classes less to finish (not all my classes from UOP was applicable for the Accounting degree) and I can finish faster with easier classes (I haven't done my capstone yet). I need to complete my degree ASAP and get in a MBA program.

I would like to go for a MBA as its needed for me to continue to move up in my career. I was looking at WGU but I am open to all suggestions. I am paying out of pocket so I am looking for cheap and fast. I do work full time and have small children but I want to get my MBA ASAP.

Questions for you amazing people:
1. Are the classes I have planned out to finish my degree the fastest way possible? Any other classes that would be faster/easier (I understand easier is relative). I just started my SDC $200 month this week. So I still have three weeks left to finish those other 3 classes on SDC.

2. Should I switch back to my Accounting degree and take longer to complete my BSBA? I feel if I am going for my MBA, I can just complete my BSBA in Gen Management and move forward with the MBA. Anyone else in a similar situation? I don't want to hurt my chances for other jobs by not getting my Accounting degree. I feel with my years of experience and a MBA I should be competitive in the workforce.

3. Recommendations for MBA programs? I am looking at WGU but I want to make sure I wont have to take any other prereqs and can hopefully speed through it. Please advise if I would need to take any other classes to get in the MBA program.

Sophia classes completed sent via Credly this week (not applied yet but completed)
Environmental Science
College Algebra

Classes Left to Take:
Capstone (TESU)
Business 324, 302 and 309 ( Would BUS 308 be better and switch out one of the others?
English Composition Modular (CLEP)
Business 120 : International Business ( and will finish this class in two days)

Thank you so much!

Attached Files
.pdf   Academic Eval.pdf (Size: 224.26 KB / Downloads: 26)
Have you considered a BABA from UMPI instead of a BSBA from TESU? You might have more classes to take (and you might have to "redo" a couple, due to transfer limits), but you would get your degree conferred more quickly. I am pretty sure that you won't make it for TESU's September graduation, which puts you at graduating in December of this year or March of next.

On the other hand, depending on how fast you are able to work through courses at UMPI, you could graduate as soon as 2-4 months from now. Since you mention that time is of the essence for you, UMPI might be a better fit.
In progress:
TESU - BA Computer Science; BSBA CIS; ASNSM Math & CS; ASBA

Pierpont - AAS BOG
Sophia (so many), The Institutes (old), (5 courses)
ASU: Human Origins, Astronomy, Intro Health & Wellness, Western Civilization, Computer Appls & Info Technology, Intro Programming
Strayer: CIS175, CIS111, WRK100, MAT210
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(04-09-2022, 01:33 AM)rachel83az Wrote: Have you considered a BABA from UMPI instead of a BSBA from TESU? You might have more classes to take (and you might have to "redo" a couple, due to transfer limits), but you would get your degree conferred more quickly. I am pretty sure that you won't make it for TESU's September graduation, which puts you at graduating in December of this year or March of next.

On the other hand, depending on how fast you are able to work through courses at UMPI, you could graduate as soon as 2-4 months from now. Since you mention that time is of the essence for you, UMPI might be a better fit.

Thank you for your response! I am hoping to have all my SDC classes and CLEP done within 4 weeks. I was going to enroll for the May 1st for my capstone. I was hoping to be done with TESU by July. If I could make that timeline, I would be ok right?

I will also look into UMPI as well. Thank you for the suggestion!

Also, can you start a MBA if you are not quite finished with your bachelors? If all I have left is my capstone, could I start my MBA somewhere else?

My job partners with TESU so they waive the residency fee and I get 100% tuition reimbursement for my bachelors.
That does make it a little tricky to switch to UMPI.

If you are, indeed, able to finish everything and enroll by May 1st, that would indeed get you the September graduation. You only need to have 100+ credits and the majority of your ULs completed to enroll in the capstone. So, if you're able to finish all but 1 or 2 classes, you can start your capstone and work on the missing courses at SDC while doing the capstone.

I'm not able to take a good look at your plan right now to make sure it works for TESU, but I should be able to do so later today.
In progress:
TESU - BA Computer Science; BSBA CIS; ASNSM Math & CS; ASBA

Pierpont - AAS BOG
Sophia (so many), The Institutes (old), (5 courses)
ASU: Human Origins, Astronomy, Intro Health & Wellness, Western Civilization, Computer Appls & Info Technology, Intro Programming
Strayer: CIS175, CIS111, WRK100, MAT210
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(04-09-2022, 02:00 AM)rachel83az Wrote: That does make it a little tricky to switch to UMPI.

If you are, indeed, able to finish everything and enroll by May 1st, that would indeed get you the September graduation. You only need to have 100+ credits and the majority of your ULs completed to enroll in the capstone. So, if you're able to finish all but 1 or 2 classes, you can start your capstone and work on the missing courses at SDC while doing the capstone.

I'm not able to take a good look at your plan right now to make sure it works for TESU, but I should be able to do so later today.

Thank you so much! I appreciate any and all feedback.
Hey StuStu! You have three threads, since I answered your other two threads, why not answer this one as well?! I suggest staying with TESU you've taken a course with them before so you know the ropes... Instead of going back to your BSBA Accounting route, stay the course of BSBA GM, at the end of the day, it's a BS Business Admin degree any AOS you select. If you really want to supplement Accounting, you can get a Cert in Accounting.

First off, Finish your Business 120 : International Business. If you have another course to use up for this month tell us, if not, take the remainder with Davar Academy instead, they are NCCRS but you just need to review pdf/slides, it's a shorter presentation you have to review and pass their exam, it's cheaper, easier, faster than as you can get 2 for $99, each proctor exam is $15, so $129 for 6 credits.

Davar courses will come in as the following:
The two courses with *, the content doesn't really match the exams, skip these two.

CIS-301 Management Information Systems
ACC-301 Managerial Accounting
FIN-301 Principles of finance
*FIN-311 Corporate Finance
FIN-334 International Finance
MAN-372 International Management
MAN-273 Managerial Communications
*MAN-210 Principles of Management
MAR-310 Principle of Sales

My suggestion is to complete these 3 UL courses for your GM AOS as you have 2 LL Accounting
This allows you to hit all 4 required subject fields, you really just need 3 of the 4 though...
CIS-301 Management Information Systems
FIN-334 International Finance
MAR-310 Principle of Sales

Last but not least, for the MBA - does it have to be an MBA, how about an MAOL, MSML? Which institutions does your company work with besides TESU, can it be any institution? BTW, mind me asking which company you work for? I want in! haha... If you want a quick MBA or MSML, I would go WGU, if an MAOL works, UMPI. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
I did a deeper dive into and I think the below classes should fulfill my AOS electives (I need two more classes in this area). - Business 311 Project Management - Business 321 Small Business Management

They each have one assignment and I can work on both of these assignments over the next few days and have them submitted by end of week.

I need one more class for my GMS REQUIRED AOS and it has to be either Finance or Marketing. I will take a look at SDC and see which marketing class that has one assignment or less that I can take to fulfill the upper level.

Any suggestions? I will have 2 days off work tomorrow and Sunday and can spend around 6 hours each day working on assignments.

(04-09-2022, 02:44 AM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Hey StuStu!  You have three threads, since I answered your other two threads, why not answer this one as well?!  I suggest staying with TESU you've taken a course with them before so you know the ropes...  Instead of going back to your BSBA Accounting route, stay the course of BSBA GM, at the end of the day, it's a BS Business Admin degree any AOS you select.  If you really want to supplement Accounting, you can get a Cert in Accounting.

First off, Finish your Business 120 : International Business.  If you have another course to use up for this month tell us, if not, take the remainder with Davar Academy instead, they are NCCRS but you just need to review pdf/slides, it's a shorter presentation you have to review and pass their exam, it's cheaper, easier, faster than as you can get 2 for $99, each proctor exam is $15, so $129 for 6 credits.

Davar courses will come in as the following:
The two courses with *, the content doesn't really match the exams, skip these two.

CIS-301 Management Information Systems
ACC-301 Managerial Accounting
FIN-301 Principles of finance
*FIN-311 Corporate Finance
FIN-334 International Finance
MAN-372 International Management
MAN-273 Managerial Communications
*MAN-210 Principles of Management
MAR-310 Principle of Sales

My suggestion is to complete these 3 UL courses for your GM AOS as you have 2 LL Accounting
This allows you to hit all 4 required subject fields, you really just need 3 of the 4 though...
CIS-301 Management Information Systems
FIN-334 International Finance
MAR-310 Principle of Sales

Last but not least, for the MBA - does it have to be an MBA, how about an MAOL, MSML?  Which institutions does your company work with besides TESU, can it be any institution?  BTW, mind me asking which company you work for?  I want in! haha...  If you want a quick MBA or MSML, I would go WGU, if an MAOL works, UMPI.

I didn't see this before my previous post. My apologies. I am not familiar with Davar. Whats the pass rate? I will do some research.

The only classes I have left is Eng 101, and my three UL AOS classes. One has to be finance or marketing and the other three can be any mix. I finished all the quizzes for Bus 120 this evening and will be taking the final tomorrow morning. Its late where I am LOL. So wanted to take the final when I am fresh.

I could take my English class at and do the rest at Davar.

I will PM you who I work for LOL. My HR contact wasn't sure if my job helped at all with Master degree tuition reimbursement so I am waiting to hear back on that. I am not banking on it.

I would prefer a MBA as that is what I see the most requested. I am not super familiar with the MAOL and MSML. I just want to get this masters and be a good candidate for positions. I will look into them as well.

May I please ask what is the benefit of getting a MSML or MAOL instead of a MBA?

Thank you for your time!
What is the process if you fail a Davar exam? Can you retest? Is there a limit? You need 70% to pass, right? Thanks!
I would stick with TESU since you only have to do one course there and you said was free to go there. 

Graduation deadlines (Need 100 credits to enroll in capstone)

You will finish the 3-month TESU term by Aug 1st and that's the deadline all your courses should be transferred in as well.

Questions for you amazing people:
1. Are the classes I have planned out to finish my degree the fastest way possible? Any other classes that would be faster/easier (I understand easier is relative). I just started my SDC $200 month this week. So I still have three weeks left to finish those other 3 classes on SDC. Speed doesn't matter, you got plenty of time so pick the courses you like. You could pay for 1 more month of SDC and it would only cost you $60 more which is nothing. 

2. Should I switch back to my Accounting degree and take longer to complete my BSBA? I feel if I am going for my MBA, I can just complete my BSBA in Gen Management and move forward with the MBA. Anyone else in a similar situation? I don't want to hurt my chances for other jobs by not getting my Accounting degree. I feel with my years of experience and a MBA I should be competitive in the workforce. For accounting, I'm thinking more in terms of being a CPA which requires a 150 credit degree to be licensed. You said you have 15yrs experience in accounting, that is what will get you hired over the degree. [b]Certainly, with an MBA, you'll be competitive. I would also look to see if there are any certifications that fit well with your career. [/b]

3. Recommendations for MBA programs? I am looking at WGU but I want to make sure I wont have to take any other prereqs and can hopefully speed through it. Please advise if I would need to take any other classes to get in the MBA program. I'm looking at WGU for speed and Purdue Global if I want a brand name degree. I'm looking at an MBA since that's my area of expertise and the other master's MSML or MAOL aren't as well known. 
Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. 4.0 GPA 2022.
Course Experience:  CLEP, Instantcert,,,,,,, and TEL Learning.
Certifications: W3Schools PHP, Google IT Support, Google Digital Marketing, Google Project Management
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Do NOT look at UMPI, as you've already taken the Cornerstone and are almost finished.

1) I would not worry about the concentration, as I don't think it's super important. Also, you would lose ALL of the credits currently in the AoS, since 2 of the Accounting courses are LL, and Int Accounting I & II are LL and required - so you'd have to take 6 AoS courses for the ACC concentration. Not worth it I don't think.

2) Have TESU move FIN200: Intro to Finance Harves (FIN-301) to the AoS, then take a LL finance course for the core (either SDC's FIN 104: Financial Management or Sophia's Principles of Finance).

3) This leaves only 2 UL courses in the AoS. You already have 3 of 4 areas covered, so I would take 2 UL accounting courses since that's what you're good at. SDC has 3 to choose from, ICC has 1.

Then, go get your Masters in Accounting instead of an MBA. It will be more bang for your buck with your current career, and no downside to it if you move up as you go (you will not get "dinged" for having a MA in Accounting rather than an MBA). I'd do WGU.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
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