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Andrew Jackson University-Sponsored Tuition Termination-Update!
Here is another email I received today...

Thank you to all of the students who have called or emailed me this week regarding elimination of sponsored tuition as of January 1, 2010.

A question I've been asked repeatedly is "Will I receive sponsored tuition for my entire degree or just one semester?" The answer is "if you maintain continuous enrollment at AJU, you will receive sponsored tuition for your entire degree!"

So what are you waiting for?! Please call me today and I will help you enroll by the December 31 deadline. I can be reached at 800/429-9300 ext. 107 or


Tammy Kassner
Director of Admissions
Andrew Jackson University
800/429-9300 Ext. 107
205/503-5347 Direct
877/737-6217 Fax
I think if you just enroll in one class, you're in... just give them a call. I actually been thinking the same thing, though.
I was just thinking that taking 1 class and making payments on it would probably not be too bad. However, I really can't talk about what anyone should do with their money. Who am I to say...
cookderosa Wrote:I'm going to do it!?!???!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was (literally) sitting here with my finger on the "register" button for the Harvard Extension spring courses. I am dying to take another grad class (I think having a bachelor's degree makes you feel like you have to take grad classes lol) but instead, I have decided to go for it with AJU. The price is just too nice.

Call me crazy- I totally am, but I am applying for the MBA w/ the concentration in Healthcare.
My husband is applying for the MBA, concentration undecided. We can take the first 5-6 classes together, saving $$ on books and studying together.
We are filling out the applications today!

I still have questions about the latest start date we can use for the sponsored tuition, do you know? I see the catalog only has spring 09 start dates in it. :confused: We will take 1 class at a time for now just to get locked in!

CRAZY........but good crazy...three cheers.
Started 5/09
[SIZE="1"]Hist I & II, American Gov, Intro to Comp, Prin of Markt, Intro to Bus,
Civil War and Recon, HTYH, A&I Lit, SS & His, Intro Soc, Subs Abuse,
Human G & D , Fund of Coun, Western Civ I, II, Freshman Comp, Vietnam War, Europe Since 1945, Ethics, Technical Writing, Intro to Modern Middle East[SIZE="1"][/SIZE]

FEMA: PD Series
“I think therefore I am” Rene Descartes
"Grant me the strength to change the things I can; the serenity to accept the things I can’t... and the wisdom to know the difference".Smile Smile
[SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"][COLOR="Navy"]For those who believe, no proof is necessary; for those who don't believe, no proof is possible. [I][I][I][I][SIZE="1"]Stuart Chase[/SIZE][/I][/I][/I][/I]
One thing I have been pondering is for the associates and bachelors degree level, is this a better deal then Penn Foster ? Considering PF supplies you with textbooks and other material. Between the AJU fee's and textbook costs, would an undergrad degree from PF be better, since both are DETC accredited ?

I can totally see how it is a great deal for the Masters level but unfortunately my employer (NYS) does not recognize NA degrees for advancement. Civil Service in our state requires RA degrees only, for civil service testing for advancement.

The only way the AJU MBA might work for me is if I enrolled took courses and transferred them to APUS. That is if APUs would accept them towards an RA degree. I believe APUs is both NA& RA approved. Thinking about this option, but I have already committed to one grad course at TUI starting in Jan. I really need to ponder this option more. I need to run the numbers, since AJU would not be covered under my employer Tuition Reimb , as they do not cover fees or books.

Still pondering this ......
jacanyardie Wrote:CRAZY........but good crazy...three cheers.

I second your cheers!!! Cook, picking up the MBA makes a lot of sense for you and I am sure it will be helpful to you in your health care career.
If I'm reading the site correctly you have to pay the $75 admission fee before you find out if you qualify for sponsored tuition. Is there any way to know what the final tuition would be if you were sponsored?

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin
Ok. Do let me know what you find out. I graduated officially on Friday and should be thanking my lucky stars to get out of college alive....but this really does intrigue me. I would be looking at the Master of Science in Public Administration.

Anyone else around who is already enrolled and working on this? Good experience so far?

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by 360 for the whole degree. Are you saying that those covered by the sponsored tuition only pay the flat rate and for the books? If That is an incredible deal.

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin
cookderosa Wrote:It appears as if the undergrad requirements are more than Micro and College Math. It appears as if they also require macro, financial accounting, and managerial accounting. These 3 are listed as prereqs for 2 core courses in the MBA program. If that's true, I'll be ticked off lol.

Hate to say it but those prereqs are normal for just about any MBA program. You might be able to take them through AJ prior to taking the courses that list them as the prereqs though, and keep it all in the package.

I've just been discussing the AJ program with my wife. I'm a test-oholic. I test well, I absorb info quick, that's just the way I am, and the way I've always been, so my track for my degree through Excelsior works really well for me. My wife, on the other hand, wants a more structured experience (Class & Textbook style) towards her learning and degree, and I'm thinking that this may be a good way of doing it... Too bad I only found out about this in the 11th hour, which makes getting things going more of a rush in the next 3 weeks than if the program was continuing.

The MBA option makes me wish I had gotten a bachelors already... Even though I'm still planning on going the MEd or MPsych route, you never know when having a MBA would be beneficial. Such is life.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wile E. Coyote, genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college, so let's get down to basics: you are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away, I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are, and I am a genius, while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten, so I'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers.

Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully
Ok, so I downloaded the catalog and a lot of my questions were answered. My "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" alarm keeps going off. I just can't figure out why they would want us to save that much money....

But man, I'm getting reeeeeaaaallllly tempted here. Cool :eek:

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin

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