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American Government Friday
I was actually going to take US History I this coming Tuesday, but I found that the American Gov't material fit with my existing knowledge better. Rather than having to memorize and differentiate 4 different Spanish settlers and the various dates, I can focus on more modern information.
ShotoJuku Wrote:Try this link:

That link no longer works.
This is the link I use:

You need to create an account, but it is free.

Good luck!

[SIZE="2"]Kim Clark
Student at TESC
BA in Art

Hoping to obtain most of my credits from testing:[/SIZE]

Humanities 4/06
A & I Lit 5/06
Intro to Sociology 5/06
American Government 6/06
Psychology of Women 7/06 (TESC)


Human Growth & Dev., 9/06
Intro to Psych 9/06
Ed. Psych. 9/06[/SIZE][/SIZE]
Took American Government today. Passed with a 59 --- didn't rock it out like I have on other CLEPs, but passing is passing.

I can say that the InstantCert material alone is not sufficient for this test --- at least not anymore though it might have been at one time. You might pass with IC alone, but by a small margin unless you are familiar with American Government.

I thought this test was trickier than others that I have taken. There seemed to be more cases where two answers could have potentially fit the question.

There seemed to be more questions involving charts and graphs. Those were easy, but they require time to evaluate each answer.

Overall, not to scare you, but don't underestimate this test in my opinion. Get an updated external resource to supplant IC.
bluetooth Wrote:Took American Government today. Passed with a 59 --- didn't rock it out like I have on other CLEPs, but passing is passing.

I can say that the InstantCert material alone is not sufficient for this test --- at least not anymore though it might have been at one time. You might pass with IC alone, but by a small margin unless you are familiar with American Government.

I thought this test was trickier than others that I have taken. There seemed to be more cases where two answers could have potentially fit the question.

There seemed to be more questions involving charts and graphs. Those were easy, but they require time to evaluate each answer.

Overall, not to scare you, but don't underestimate this test in my opinion. Get an updated external resource to supplant IC.
Thanks for the insights. Congrats on passing. A pass is a pass!
I am taking this on Tuesday along with US History II.

I am watching the Standard Deviants video on American Government, as well as taking Peterson's practice tests. Other ideas for additonal sources?


80 Traditional credits
45 testing

Freshmen Comp- 71
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit -72
Human Growth & Development -73
Ed Psych -67

CLEP Humanties- 7/11/06 -74
CLEP American Lit- 7/18/06 - 65
CLEP US History I I 7/18/06- 63
CLEP American Government 8/8-57
CLEP US History II 8/8 -68

2 DSSTs- 8/11
Here's to your Health 69
Fundamentals of Counseling 64

Indiana University School of Continuing Studies
125 credits 10/20/06 -
bluetooth Wrote:Took American Government today. Passed with a 59 ---
Overall, not to scare you, but don't underestimate this test in my opinion. Get an updated external resource to supplant IC.

Congratulations bluetooth! The score may not be what you would have liked but it is still a good solid score. The feedback is good also. I will look at this again when it comes time to prepare for this one. Thanks!

BS Psychology
bluetooth Wrote:Took American Government today. Passed with a 59 --- didn't rock it out like I have on other CLEPs, but passing is passing.


[SIZE="2"]Congrats and well done!! Remember: our goal is TO PASS and you did just that, congrats again![/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Any good books for this one? REA? I am also wondering what study material to use for this one besides IC, if it is as difficult as you say. How long did you spend studying? Thanks for the feedback!
spazz Wrote:Any good books for this one? REA? I am also wondering what study material to use for this one besides IC, if it is as difficult as you say. How long did you spend studying? Thanks for the feedback!

[SIZE="3"]Cliffs quick review on AG -or- the idiots guide to AG are both very good; I used the idiots guide. GOOD LUCK!![/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
spazz Wrote:Any good books for this one? REA? I am also wondering what study material to use for this one besides IC, if it is as difficult as you say. How long did you spend studying? Thanks for the feedback!

In addition to Instantcert, I used Cliff's Quick Review (little yellow and black book) and PinkMonkey's online notes:

They are all great resources for this subject.

Good luck,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0

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