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Algebra/Trig, Trig, or Precalc
Any thoughts on which of these CLEPs would be easier? Has anyone taken any of these?
bluetooth Wrote:Any thoughts on which of these CLEPs would be easier? Has anyone taken any of these?

I think everyone is too afraid to!!! LOL! (sorry, I couldn't resist) hilarious hilarious

BS - General Business - June 2007
Excelsior College
bluetooth Wrote:Any thoughts on which of these CLEPs would be easier? Has anyone taken any of these?

Hi bluetooth,

The CLEP Algebra & Trigonometry exam is no longer available. It has been replaced by CLEP Precalculus.

If you need to fulfill a "precalculus or above" requirement you have the following options:

1) CLEP College Algebra
(Excelsior accepts this exam to fulfill precalc but TESC requires Trigonometry as well.)
2) CLEP College Algebra AND CLEP Trigonometry
3) Precalculus

- If you are going to Excelsior, you should probably go with option 1 (easier of the three options).
- If you are going to TESC, you will need to go with option 2, or option 3.
- It seems to me, that it would be easier to pass ONE exam (Precalculus), than to try and pass TWO exams (College Algebra AND Trigonometry).

Personally, I haven't taken any. I would rather put my hand in a meatgrinder than to take any of these exams. But given no such alternative, I would go with College Algebra.

Hope that helps,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
Thanks for the information. I am indeed at TESC and require Algebra/Trig or above. I would agree that taking two tests, CLEP Algebra and CLEP Trigonometry, would be more work than just punishing myself with Precalc.

It appears as if I will be taking Precalculus in a couple of weeks. Or maybe Microeconomics. Which do you think is easier?
bluetooth Wrote:Thanks for the information. I am indeed at TESC and require Algebra/Trig or above. I would agree that taking two tests, CLEP Algebra and CLEP Trigonometry, would be more work than just punishing myself with Precalc.

It appears as if I will be taking Precalculus in a couple of weeks. Or maybe Microeconomics. Which do you think is easier?

I haven't taken Microeconomics yet either. However, the consensus seems to be that, while it is not easy, it is still very doable.

You should be able to find a thread or two dedicated to this exam. Just hit "search" at the top of this page and see what you can find.

Best of luck bluetooth,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
I don't think college algebra is too hard. If you understand all the questions and concepts from the college board guide, its pretty easy. The only tough thing for me anyway, was I took too much time and ran out. I left 12-15 unanswered. Lucky for me I got a 50 considering I suck at math. Unfortunatley, Excelsior said I didn't need it because I already Cleped College Math. I had already finished another clep that day and figured what the heck. Hope this helps. (by the way, College Math is much easier then Algebra)hilarious
I took CLEP College Math last year and didn't have too much of a problem. But that was when I was a BA Liberal Studies major. I switched to BS Business Adminstration since I could graduate quicker at the expense of taking higher level math.
My personal feeling is micro is easy on condition that you have taken macro. I first took macro and I felt the concepts were hard. I studied for 4-5 days and got a 58. Then I went to look at IC for micro and like 80% of the material is all based on macro. So I studied like 2 days and that was enought for me. Basically if you studies and did well on macro, then micro should be a breeze. If you are only taking micro I think you will find it dificult, but like snazzle said-doable.
Business law-59 Accounting-53
US history 1 - 53 Computer applications-54
Biology-58 analyzing literature 64
English comp 53
business law II, statistics, intro to business, principles of finance, money and banking, HRM, organizational behavior, business math and MIS - Pending
bluetooth Wrote:Thanks for the information. I am indeed at TESC and require Algebra/Trig or above. I would agree that taking two tests, CLEP Algebra and CLEP Trigonometry, would be more work than just punishing myself with Precalc.

It appears as if I will be taking Precalculus in a couple of weeks. Or maybe Microeconomics. Which do you think is easier?

Unfortunately, I believe that the CLEP TRIGONOMETRY was also phased out. It was my understanding that the CLEP Algebra/Trig and CLEP Trig were both replaced by the CLEP PreCalculus exam. So, your only option is to take the PreCalculus.

Principles of Microeconomics was a fairly easy test, IMO. I studied for 2 days using IC and CliffsQuickReview Economics.

Good luck,
BS in Accounting(General) from Excelsior College
Enrolled in MBA program at Upper Iowa University.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
SimonTam Wrote:Unfortunately, I believe that the CLEP TRIGONOMETRY was also phased out. It was my understanding that the CLEP Algebra/Trig and CLEP Trig were both replaced by the CLEP PreCalculus exam. So, your only option is to take the PreCalculus.

Yes, you are right SimonTam,

That simplifies the decision even further.
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0

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