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Aleks Help
Hi All,

I know there is a lot of information on here about Aleks but I think I need a little support. I just signed up for a free trial and took the assessment for College algebra, which I found after I finished wasn't even a real assessment but I digress, I can't believe how badly I did and how many of the questions I had absolutely no clue as to how to even begin to solve them. I need a precalculus or above for my EC business requirement, do I have any other options? Do I just need to start with beginning algebra and complete the 3?? Do I just throw in the towel and forget this whole ridiculous degree idea??

Any feedback or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!
There's a precalculus and algebra clep. I haven't taken either of them myself so I don't know how hard they are. Look at specific exam feedback or search. Alot of people start out low with ALEKS, but with hard work and determination, you can make it. You could always take a class, but personally I would choose between ALEKS and CLEP.

Also, beginner and intermediate algebra qualify for 3 credits each at TESC (don't know about others), but I guess they would not be above precal.
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]B.A. in Psychology from TESC in 9 months
My degree plan:
rmroberts Wrote:There's a precalculus and algebra clep. I haven't taken either of them myself so I don't know how hard they are. Look at specific exam feedback or search. Alot of people start out low with ALEKS, but with hard work and determination, you can make it. You could always take a class, but personally I would choose between ALEKS and CLEP.

Also, beginner and intermediate algebra qualify for 3 credits each at TESC (don't know about others), but I guess they would not be above precal.
In the various rankings I've seen by people who've taken the CLEPs, on a scale of 1-5, College Alg has been a 3-4 and precalc has been a 4-5. If one is doing that poorly on an ALEKs assessment for the material level, I'm not sure if I'd go running to the CLEPs.

To the OP, if you have the will to learn the content, ALEKs can be the way to go. After the inital assessment, it will give you a pie chart to start filling in by doing modules for the various areas that the course covers. The module questions have an 'Explain' button which will show you how they arrive at the solution to the problem.

By itself, ALEKs can be a bit harrowing, because it doesn't always give you the full picture. But suplement it with a book, or some of the application programs that other people have talked about, and it can really help the learning experience. I believe someone mentioned Algebrator and a few others, you'd have to look around for them.

And unless you need it done quick and dirty, the ALEKs route is more cost effective and you'll actually learn the material.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wile E. Coyote, genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college, so let's get down to basics: you are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away, I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are, and I am a genius, while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten, so I'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers.

Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully
busymom Wrote:Hi All,

I know there is a lot of information on here about Aleks but I think I need a little support. I just signed up for a free trial and took the assessment for College algebra, which I found after I finished wasn't even a real assessment but I digress, I can't believe how badly I did and how many of the questions I had absolutely no clue as to how to even begin to solve them. I need a precalculus or above for my EC business requirement, do I have any other options? Do I just need to start with beginning algebra and complete the 3?? Do I just throw in the towel and forget this whole ridiculous degree idea??

Any feedback or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!

Ok, listen. First off- of course you don't know how to do college algebra if you have never TAKEN college algebra Smile Using the ALEKS criteria, if you get less than 13% then you should start at the level under (Intermediate) but if you feel like you really need to start at beginning then you start at beginning.

Next, you need precal, if you are willing to die on that brick wall- then so be it, but think long and hard about how many other times in your life you felt like giving up and didn't. Are you going to let a little math stop you from earning a degree? Really? That can't be true. You want this more than that.

Lastly, how long are you giving yourself to earn your degree? If you were to go down the street to your local college and start today, you are looking at 4 years +/-. So, anything less than 4 is FAST. Before you came here, had you EVER heard of someone completing a bachelor's degree in 2 years?? I didn't think so, so keep in mind your expectations are skewed a little. Let me help you with a plan:

Beginning algebra, 1 semester (16 weeks)
Intermediate algebra, 1 semester (16 weeks)
College algebra, 1 semester (16 weeks)
Precal, 1 semester (16 weeks)

So- you are looking at 4 semesters of math. If you start with Beginning, and your initial assessment is 15%, then you must gain an average of 3-4% per week to finish in one semester. You'll have some weeks with much faster gains, and others not so much. When you start Intermediate, you'll likely assess at at least 15% or higher due to the overlap. Again, needing a gain of 3-4% each week will keep you on pace to finish in this time frame.

Why not plan your other clepping around THIS schedule since this will be the toughie? Try not to jam the math into your speedy time frame, use the program to help YOU, to work FOR you. Consider how lucky you are to have an option like ALEKS. *It could be much worse- think of the poor guys in desks taking closed book exams and suffering for a "C" when they earn 70% Smile
I understand the frustration but don't be disheartened! I started out with just the beginning algebra at the beginning of March and by assessment was a 32%. I think I hit "I don't know" on almost everything. It was like a punch in the gut but I realized that if I just tried to figure it out and go through the steps i would get through it. Math is not something that I could just memorize but I had to get myself to try to understand and the way that ALEKS explains that problem was good enough. It took me a few times on most problems and I printed out the explainations so that I could really try to wrap my head around it. After going through several sections I would do new assessments to see where I was but also to see exactly what I didn't know and I would then go learn those sections. I worked about an hour a night for about 2 weeks but it paid off. You don't have to do that much at a time if your demands don't allow it but just keep progressing. My assessment stayed on 69% for a few tests and that was very bothersome but when it finally went past the 70% I was so excited and I actually learned something that I didn't think was possible. I immediately when to Intermediate Algebra and it is so similar that I got a 69% right away but it took me about a week of cramming to learn enough about the stuff from the assessment I had no clue about.

I am currently doing the College Algebra and my first assessment after learning the other 2 was a 34%! I was very irratated but I know that if I just keep working at it I will be done soon enough.

So, the point of all of this is to just keep at it and even if you have to end up doing what I am having to do and take 3 maths like this remember you are learning and gaining credit. If you finished one class a month to build up to the College Algebra you are still taking a whole lot less time completing the 3 than one regular semester for just one class.

Never give up on your goals! You can do this! :hurray:

Clep's Passed :p
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][SIZE="2"]Sociology (57)
Human Growth & Development (60)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
Thanks everyone for your feedback and encouragement! I do really appreciate it. I am struggling so much trying to figure out the answers on the assessment, maybe I just need to use that I don't know button and actually learn the material Wink.

Thanks Again!
Don't give up. There is always light at the end of the tunnelWink
Set yourself goals, not limitations

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